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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Tony, I would suggest getting a copy of Martin Middlebrook's "The Berlin Raids", which details all the raids on Berlin and lists the lost crews. I have a copy but it is at home in the UK Regards Glenn
    2. He had already retired when he received the charakter or brevet rank of Major. Bezirksoffiziere were uniformed retired officers who conducted the business of recruiting, mustering and mobilization etc within a Bezirkskommando. Major Gaupp actually received a Patent as a Major on 22.3.15 as the commanding officer of Landsturm-Bataillon I Bochum. Regards Glenn
    3. Major z.D. Eduard Ernst Gaupp, born 9 September 1851 at Bretten in Baden. originally commissioned into the 5. Baden Infanzerie-Regiment as a Sekonde-Lieutenant on 28.7.70. Entered into Prussian service on 15.7.71 and received a new Patent of seniority of 23.7.70. Promoted Premier-Lieutenant on 15.8.78. Transfered to Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 23 on 14.8.84 with promotion to Hauptmann and a company commanders appointment on 11.2.86. Zur Disposition on 16.2.92 and appointed a Bezirksoffizier in Kattowitz. Transfered to Landwehr Bezirk I Bochum (Meldeamt Witten) on 25.3.93 and charakter as Major on 12.9.94. Still there twenty years later! Regards Glenn
    4. Rick, SG, Fritz Oswald. He transfered to Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 81 on 19 June 1914 with an improved seniority of 30.7.07. Regards Glenn
    5. And wartime and after. Rick, He received his Patent as an Oberst as of 1.12.25 and retired on 31.7.26. Finally promoted to char. Generalleutnant on 27.08.39. Regards Glenn
    6. Herr v. Rettberg's pre-war career Regards Glenn
    7. Paul, if you check your 1897 carefully and look at page 689 at the small print, you will find Stabsarzt Dr. Wolff under the Abschied bewilligt (granted permission to retire) section meaning he left Landwehr service sometime between May 96 and May 97. Regards Glenn
    8. Rick, I wish you had said that before I typed that lot Regards Glenn
    9. Paul, the majority of the Bavarian officers served in two formations: II./4. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment and II./6. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment. Below are the Bavarian officers as initially gazetted for the first deployment. As gazetted in the Milit?r-Wochenblatt with effect 9 July 1900: 4. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment: Staff: Oberstleutnant Wallmenich (1. Inf.-Regt.) II./4. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment: Kdr. - Maj. Graf von Montgelas (Gen. Stab 1. Div.) Hptm. Frhr. v. Feilitzsch (3. Inf.-Regt.) Hptm. Schr?der (1. J?g.-Bat.) Hptm. Steinbauer (1. Inf.-Regt.) Hptm. Passavant (4. Inf.-Regt.) Oblt. Pl?tz (16. Inf.-Regt.) Oblt. Frhr. v. Reitzenstein (Inf.-Leib-Regt.) Oblt. Epp (19. Inf.-Regt.) Oblt. K?bel (2. Fu?art.-Regt.) Lt. Mieg (9. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Pitrof (15. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Leisner (4. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Westermayer (19. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. M?ller (7. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Reu? (1. J?g.-Bat.) Lt. Giehrl (Rudolf) (2. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Lutz (16. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. v. Griesheim (11. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Heinzmann (10. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Rohe (18. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Metzner (5. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Frhr. v. Stengel (22. Inf.-Regt.) Stabsarzt Dr. Wolffh?gel (Inf.-Leib-Regt.) Oberarzt Dr. Ruidisch (11. Inf.-Regt.) Plus Adjutant of 2. Ostasiatische Infanterie-Brigade: Oblt. v. Lossow (Inf.-Leib-Regt.) Ostasiatisches-Reiter-Regiment: Lt. Frhr. Schenk v. Stauffenberg (1. Schw. Reiter-Regt.) Ostasiatisches-Feldartillerie-Regiment: Hptm. T?ubler (1. Feldart.-Regt.) Leichte Munitionskolonne: Lt. v. Allweyer (1. Feldart.-Regt.) And As gazetted in the Milit?r-Wochenblatt with effect 18 August 1900: 6. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment: Kdr. - Oberst Gr?ber (2. J?g.-Bat.) II./6. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment: Kdr. - Maj. Lidl (8. Inf.-Regt.) Hptm. Kast (23. Inf.-Regt.) Hptm. v. L?neschlo? (16. Inf.-Regt.) Hptm. Graf v. Verri della Bosia gen. v. K?lberg auf Gansheim u. Berg (Inf.-Leib-Regt.) Oblt. Danner (17. Inf.-Regt.) Oblt. F?rber (11. Inf.-Regt.) Oblt. Vogel (Georg) (11. Inf.-Regt.) Oblt. Graf v. Freyen-Seyboltstorff Herr zu Seyboltstorff (2. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Hiemer (9. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Inderwies (8. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Funk (5. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Raila (2. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Staubwasser (21. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Gemmingen Frhr. v. Massenbach (Inf.-Leib-Regt.) Lt. Correck (3. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Meyer (Hans) (19. Inf.-Regt.) Lt. Neumaier (10. Inf.-Regt.) Stabsarzt Dr. Weindel (4. Inf.-Regt.) 4. Eskadron Ostasiatisches-Reiter-Regiment: Lt. Ritter v. Poschinger (1. Ulan. regt.) 2. Batterie Schwerer Feldhaubitzen: Hptm. Fehl (2. Fu?art. Regt.) Lt. M?ller (Otto) (1. Fu?art. Regt.) Ostasiatisches Eisenbahn-Bataillon: Hptm. H?rnle (Eisenbahn-Bat.) Assist. Arzt Dr. Heim (5. Inf.-Regt.) 3. Eisenbahn-Bau-Kompagnie: Oblt. Hatzler (1. Pion. Bat.) Infanterie-Munitionskolonne Nr. 2: Lt. Pfannenstiel (3. Chev. Regt.) Artillerie-Munitionskolonne Nr. 2: Hptm. Graf v. Zech auf Neuhofen (5. Feldart. Regt.) Feldlazareth Nr. 5: Oberarzt Dr. Mayer (2. Train-Bat.) Assist. Arzt Dr. M?ller (4. Inf.-Regt.) Feldlazareth Nr. 6: Assist. Arzt Handl (2. J?g.-Bat.) Regards Glenn
    10. it is indeed General Theodor Frederik Jan Muller-Massis. Another photograph of the General appears in an interesting article in the January/February 1968 issue of the Zeitschrift f?r Heereskunde titled "The award of the Prussian Iron Cross to foreigners". It states that General Muller-Massis was awarded the EK not as a volunteer in the German Army but as the Dutch Military attach? (!) It goes on to state that the award was first listed in the 1922 Dutch Army list and speculates that the EK2 was then only awarded in 1921. (Ridder 2. Klasse Ijzeren Kruis (Pruisen)). The other gentleman pictured is the Swedish Colonel Nils August Domingo Adlercreutz awarded the EK2 as the Swedish Military attach?. It is reported he received his EK2 in 1919. Regards Glenn
    11. Dave, more Treusch von Buttlars: Oberstleutnant z.D. Horst Freiherr Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenfels, KIA as Kdr. of I./Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 118. And two of your Leutnants: Burkhard Freiherr Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenfels of 1.GRzF, Leutnant (ohne Patent - 16.10.17) Horst Freiherr Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenfels of Hr. 10 - later Generalmajor (1.1.44) Incidentally the "Helden-Gedenkmappe des Deutschen Adels" listes 14 assorted von Buttlars as dying in WW1! Regards Glenn
    12. Dave, that was Hans Freiherr Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenfels, born 21.08.73 in Berlin. Transfered from FAR. 11 to FAR 70 on the day of his promotion to Hauptmann (supernumery) on 1.10.12, he took over 4./FAR. 70 on 25.5.13. Regards Glenn
    13. Chip, Normann Viktor Treusch v. Buttlar-Brandenfels was the pre war Regimental Adjutant of Feldartillerie-Regiment von Peucker (1. Schlesisches) Nr. 6. Leutnant: 14.2.04 Oberleutnant: 18.2.13 L6l Hauptmann: 24.12.14 U71u Herr Treusch's early career was quite complicated to research! Born on the 23.04.81 in Berlin-Sch?neberg, he graduated from the Hauptkadetten-Anstalt at Berlin-Lichterfelde as a char. F?hnrich on the 22.3.00 and was assigned to the 2. Ober-Els?ssisches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 51. Commissioned with a Patent of 18.8.01 L7l he attended the Field Artillery School of Gunnery from 10.2.04 - 31.5.04. He transfered into Feldartillerie-Regiment Prinz August von Preu?en (1. Litthauisches) Nr. 1 on 16.3.05 and retired on account of a service related injury on 24.10.05. He returned to service on the 1.10.08 as a Leutnant der Reserve in Feldartillerie-Regiment von Peucker (1. Schlesisches) Nr. 6 with a new Patent of seniority of 16.11.02 and was attached on full time service with this regiment initially for one year. On 17.9.09 his Patent as a Leutnant was adjusted again to reflect his new active seniority of 14.2.04. On the 1.10.11 he was appointed Adjutant of II./FAR. 6 and Regimental Adjutant in 1913/14. Regards Glenn
    14. Rod, don't have his first name but here are some further career details: 15.01.94: Entered Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 30 18.08.94: Portepee-F?hnrich 18.08.95: Sek. Lieutenant 01.10.98-31.01.99: Attached to the Field Artillery School of Gunnery 01.10.99: Transfered to Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 66 01.10.00-28.02.01: Attached to the School of Physical Training 01.12.02-31.01.03: Attached to the Technical Institute 01.10.07-30.09.09: Course at the Military Riding Institute 22.03.12: Hauptmann (supernumery) 01.10.12: Appointed Battery Commander of 1./FAR. 66 Regards Glenn
    15. Hi westfale, Generalmajor Max Vietze: 4.1.1860 - 20.6.32 14.10.80: Sek. Lieut. 17.04.90: Prem. Lieut. 14.09.93: Hauptmann 15.09.05: Major 22.04.12: Oberstleutnant 22.04.14: Oberst 18.10.17: Generalmajor 16.07.99: 3. Ingen. Inspektion 1900: Haupt-Kadetten-Anstalt (? la suite Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 9) 16.02.04: zum Stabe des 1. Lothringischen Pionier-Bataillons Nr. 16 19.10.05: 3. Ingen. Inspektion 29.05.06: Ingen. Komittee 17.05.10: Kdr. 1. Rheinisches Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 8 01.10.13: Kdr. der Pioniere des VIII. Armeekorps 02.08.14-10.09.16: Kdr. Pionier-Pegiment Nr. 30 F?hrer 77. Infanterie-Brigade Regards Glenn
    16. James, Hermann Starke achieved the rank of Generalmajor on 1.3.32. Regards Glenn
    17. Hi Seeheld, Dr. Werner v. Raven studied medicine at the Kaiser Wilhelms Akademie. Here is his entry from the register published in 1910. Regards Glenn
    18. Here is Berends' entry from the 1928 edition of Wer Ists. The only mention of military service is his "one year" in 1889-90. Realistically speaking if he achieved the rank of Hauptmann, active or reserve he would not have done so unitl at least the early 1900s. I cannot find any Oberleutnants or Hauptm?nner in any contingent in this period who matches this name. I think perhaps a mistake in DOA regarding his former military service. Regards Glenn
    19. You might be interested to know that there is a biography in German of Steiner: Kommandeur Ritter von Steiner. Der Bauernbub im Weltkrieg by Anton Kie?ling. Regards Glenn
    20. Rick, That would be Major a.D. Oscar Hederer formerly a battery commander in 2. Feldartillerie-Regiment Horn. He won the EK2 for the sortie before Paris on the 29th of November 1870 as the battery commander of 3. Schwere Batterie of 2. Artillerie-Regiment Brodesser. Major Hederer, born in Landau died on the 23rd of October 1897. Note the "a.D." Tresse on the epaulette holder. Regards Glenn
    21. Hi Marcin, here he is. Regards Glenn
    22. Marcin, General der Kavallerie Ludwig Freiherr v. Gebsattel. Regards Glenn
    23. Hi David, Only four grades are listed: CWH1: Gro?kreutz CHW2: Commandeur 1. Classe CWH3: Commandeur 2. Classe CWH4: Ritter Regards Glenn
    24. Terry, it is the career insignia of a Torpedo Mechanic above the three chevrons of a Hauptgefreiter. Regards Glenn
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