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    Everything posted by ixhs

    1. I like the piece. The Eiserne Halbmond is in my opinion a piece made by AWS.
    2. Did i understand it correctly? You replaced the GMMM ? If yes - hm... the GMMM was only in a few pieces given to non-wuerttemberg units. I would it replace it on an typical wuerttemberg medal bar with for example: EK2 - GMMM - FEK - DA How much weight does it have?
    3. von Watter, Haas and Pfeil are the correct persons. I agree. A nice photo, perfect to stay in Germany . hehe... I have a bigger Nachlass of a member of the IR 124. Rommels first regiment. They fought in the Argonnen.
    4. The white ribbon with blue stripes could be a peacetime MVK (bavaria) - i dont think he got a MVO. The user Hündchen (i dont know if he is active in this forum) knows a lot of about the FAM. There are some lists with it.
    5. In my opinion an official`s bar (Unterbeamter) may be a paymaster (Unterzahlmeister or something in that way) Unusual combination. IMO the FAM is a piece made by Scharffenberg in silver.
    6. A original, good conditioned standard Württemberg bar. Made in the early 1920s
    7. I think may be possible to ID that guy. A reactivated higher veteran with RAO4Kr. and i think KO3 I think may be the 1st and the last one could be ID-ed. Last position on the 1st one looks like a Schaumburg jubilee medal. On pos. 3 ottoman red crescent medal and on pos. 4 finnish? The last one shows some Saxon Herzogtümer stuff and on the last pos. a bulgarian MMO. I think only the bavarian one with MMO on Friedensband could be ID-ed. May be a higher medic rank who also served in both colonial wars. What the hell is that?
    8. OK, i would have a few names to check. I´d like to know if they were reactivated in 1935 (36).
    9. Does anybody have the RL of 1936? I need some help for trying to ID some medalbars of Zahlmeister/Intendanturbeamte. I have a few names to look. Are there decorations listed? Thanks for help.
    10. Here one of mines. Silesian eagles on non combatant bars are not often to find. The piece is a probemässige Anfertigung made of blackend iron.
    11. https://www.google.de/search?q=könig+wilhelm+von+württemberg&client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwid-7b4t7LXAhUDzaQKHQ_iC5UQ_AUICigB&biw=1536&bih=734#imgrc=zhFICQBWxFVDGM: They hated the prussians - here the two bavarians. The photo was taken in bavaria. May be after the war, because of he is wearing his MVK3X after the IC.
    12. Das Alpenkorps war eine legendäre Truppe, die seines gleichen suchte. Schau Dir mal an, was die an höchster Front gegen Italien und auf dem Balkan geleistet hatten. Das waren Spezialisten und ich bin stolz, das auch das württembergische Gebirgsbataillon darunter war. Hieraus sind hervorragende Kommandeure entstanden wie Rommel. Schörner war auch am Isonzo. Da konnten sich andere Armeen nur die Augen reiben.... Eine super Urkunde, ich hatte mal eine und habe diese dämlicherweise verkauft. Würde ich nicht wieder. Es gibt davon aber auch Kopien. Sorry my english isn`t good enough.
    13. A nice pic. Sometimes you can find those saxon styled decorations. He wears the FAM bevor the IC - because of the saxon regulations. I have a pic with bavarians and one with a württemberger - the also are wearing trifold ribbons.
    14. Thank you again, Master. I did not know that in the war of 70/71 teh GHMSK could be awarded to officials. On the last pos. he wears the KDM for NC. His bar looks like the shown one on the pic. I think the blue stripes on pos.1 were bleached out.
    15. ok, now he has a nice place in a frame on my wall
    16. Cool Danke. Hab mal kurz recherchiert. Scheint dem Schultergeflecht nach ein Unterwachtmeister zu sein. T steht für ? die Ziffer ist die Gruppenzugehörigkeit.
    17. Hi again, I got some new pics - and i have a question about those following two: -photo dated 1920 in Munich with unreadable signature I would like to know, what kind of uniform is he wearing. He looks like an EM oder NCO. But he has geflochtene Schulterklappen on his shoulders. What means T1 on his Kragenspiegel? Is that Freikorps? The 2nd shown pic seems to be a hessian doctor. He is wearing a Phillipsorder knight, Miltärsanitätskreuz 1870 and a prussian Kriegsdenkmünze Can we ID that guy? Some kind of Stabsarzt? The pic was taken in Darmstadt.
    18. I think on Pos.2 there would be a HOH Ritter X more plausibel.?
    19. Nice bars, but i don`t think that we can ID those guys.
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