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Everything posted by ixhs
I think may be possible to ID that guy. A reactivated higher veteran with RAO4Kr. and i think KO3 I think may be the 1st and the last one could be ID-ed. Last position on the 1st one looks like a Schaumburg jubilee medal. On pos. 3 ottoman red crescent medal and on pos. 4 finnish? The last one shows some Saxon Herzogtümer stuff and on the last pos. a bulgarian MMO. I think only the bavarian one with MMO on Friedensband could be ID-ed. May be a higher medic rank who also served in both colonial wars. What the hell is that?
Schlesischer Adler / Silesian Eagles
ixhs replied to dond's topic in Germany: Weimar Republic & Deutsche Freikorps
Here one of mines. Silesian eagles on non combatant bars are not often to find. The piece is a probemässige Anfertigung made of blackend iron. -
IC / EK II Saxon way of wearing it triangular ribbon
ixhs replied to GreyC's topic in Germany: All Eras: The Iron Cross
https://www.google.de/search?q=könig+wilhelm+von+württemberg&client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwid-7b4t7LXAhUDzaQKHQ_iC5UQ_AUICigB&biw=1536&bih=734#imgrc=zhFICQBWxFVDGM: They hated the prussians - here the two bavarians. The photo was taken in bavaria. May be after the war, because of he is wearing his MVK3X after the IC. -
Das Alpenkorps war eine legendäre Truppe, die seines gleichen suchte. Schau Dir mal an, was die an höchster Front gegen Italien und auf dem Balkan geleistet hatten. Das waren Spezialisten und ich bin stolz, das auch das württembergische Gebirgsbataillon darunter war. Hieraus sind hervorragende Kommandeure entstanden wie Rommel. Schörner war auch am Isonzo. Da konnten sich andere Armeen nur die Augen reiben.... Eine super Urkunde, ich hatte mal eine und habe diese dämlicherweise verkauft. Würde ich nicht wieder. Es gibt davon aber auch Kopien. Sorry my english isn`t good enough.
IC / EK II Saxon way of wearing it triangular ribbon
ixhs replied to GreyC's topic in Germany: All Eras: The Iron Cross
A nice pic. Sometimes you can find those saxon styled decorations. He wears the FAM bevor the IC - because of the saxon regulations. I have a pic with bavarians and one with a württemberger - the also are wearing trifold ribbons. -
Hi again, I got some new pics - and i have a question about those following two: -photo dated 1920 in Munich with unreadable signature I would like to know, what kind of uniform is he wearing. He looks like an EM oder NCO. But he has geflochtene Schulterklappen on his shoulders. What means T1 on his Kragenspiegel? Is that Freikorps? The 2nd shown pic seems to be a hessian doctor. He is wearing a Phillipsorder knight, Miltärsanitätskreuz 1870 and a prussian Kriegsdenkmünze Can we ID that guy? Some kind of Stabsarzt? The pic was taken in Darmstadt.