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    Bob Hunter

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    Everything posted by Bob Hunter

    1. Good work, Jan Arne! Thanks for posting those. We have some new members who will benefit from these pictures.
    2. Fine collection, Greg. May I see a close-up of the EK with the what looks to be an AW monogram in the center on a non-combatant ribbon?
    3. From what's showing I would guess late Vietnam era. 4 ARCOMS and an Army Achievement Medal to go with his MSM on retirement. Vietnam Service Medal with three campaign stars could equate to one tour of duty possibly two. No Bronze Star or Air Medal or Purple Heart so he was probably a staffer some place. I really haven't kept up with the Army's post-Vietnam atta boy awards. One other thought is the presence of the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal may indicate a tour in Korea.
    4. Good lord, Richard! We do not house our recalcitrant service members in stockades! They are called disciplinary barracks.
    5. Did any of our members have an opportunity to speak with or interview him?
    6. Nice authentic uniform. Congratulations and enjoy owning it.
    7. Great eye, Andreas. How were you able to tell from the photo that the flames are separately attached?
    8. That would have to be this Saxon monster to a gallant young jager officer. Happy New Year to everyone!
    9. Tip o' the hat to Stogie! That is the kind of knowledge that comes from a lot of hard earned experience.
    10. Heiko, that is a colloquial or slang expression that means ugly, sickening, awful, nasty, and in this case particularly bad tasting and is intended as a humorous reference to RR licking the bars. All intended in fun.
    11. Being a gunner on that rig is not on my short list of dream jobs.
    12. I look forward to RR's scans. That will be a fun start to the new year. I do have a question about the stippled background on these bars. Is that type of background common to all bars or only certain makers? That question may answer itself as more known authentic examples are posted. Stogie, in your experience have you ever known a bad guy to do test marketing?
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