HORRORS!! and EGADS!! Hangin' around the twins has stained my immortal soul! Sponge Bob is now an evil one! What to do? What to do? What to do? Dos Rickies suggest the answer lies on the reverse setup of the bar and they should know...
#3 and #4 are the same Baden civil merit medal in silver with the likeness of Grand Duke Friedrich II, one on a wartime ribbon the other on a peactime ribbon.
Because of your mentoring I believe I know why the Reuss decoration is present...we're looking at a member to the ole' JB 13! Very spiffy bars, Rick! Very spiffy!
Very nice bars, George! Gordon, your pair are magnificent! A mounted Danzig Cross 2nd Class is a rare bird. I'm just a sucker for enamel anywhere on a medal bar.
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