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    W McSwiggan

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      Imperial German, US Army, anything that flies & catering for travelling museum.

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    1. While mindlessly surfing the web not long ago, this old submission of mine came up. Thought some might find additional information of interest. I arrived in Vietnam (on the day the first documented case of a Cobra being shot down by a SA-7 shoulder fired heat seeking missile) – needless to say I was enthralled. Not knowing much about the situation I requested a unit flying out of Bien Hoa – a very large Air Force base where I figured I’d have hot and cold running water. Most veterans know that if your wish is granted – something must be wrong. Upon reporting to my unit I learned that the area around Bien Hoa was a hot bed of SA-7 activity. Upon arrival I was assigned to the 3rd Brigade (Separate) of the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). I was passed down the chain of command to the 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion and ultimately to F Troop, 9th Cavalry (Air). What I did not know until years later was that this troop was the direct descendant from the very first air cavalry troop which was organized at Fort Rucker, Alabama. The unit was initially designated D Troop, 17th Cavalry. With the formation of the test division to prove the viability of the airmobile division and concept, D-17 was transferred and assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 17th cavalry, the Army’s first air cavalry squadron. D Troop thus was redesignated B troop, 3-17 Cavalry and again redesignated B/1-9 Cavalry when, on the eve of deployment to Vietnam, the division and squadron were redesignated 1st Cavalry Division and 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry respectively. The squadron and subordinate troops were the first squadron and air cavalry troops in Vietnam (1965). When the division left Vietnam in 1970, the 3rd Brigade remained in country to serve until June of 1772. During brigade service, B/1-9 was redesignated F-9th Cavalry – a designation it retained until the end of hostilities and disbandment in March of 1973. The troop was passed on to Task Force Gary Owen and finally to the 12th Aviation Group of the 1st Aviation Brigade. At the end of the US direct involvement in hostilities there were only 7 air cavalry troops remaining in country down from 33 at the peak. When the troop was disbanded it held the honor of being the oldest air cavalry troop and the longest serving troop in Vietnam (air or ground). Very proud to have been a member of this noteworthy, remarkable and heroic organization.
    2. Neal O’Connor Anecdote I have always had a deep interest in military aviation and one of my favorite books as a boy was the “Falcons of France”. As I was window shopping through a catalog of publications decades (yikes) ago – I spotted “The Aviation Awards of Imperial Germany and the Men who Earned Them – volume I, The Kingdom of Bavaria”. Knowing nothing more about Imperial Awards than the Iron Cross and the Blue Max (Thank You Ursala) I remember thinking – “What kind of nut would write such a book and who would buy it?” When volume 2 (Prussia) hit the market, I reacted with – “That sounds like a worthy tome” and bought it. I was astounded and totally intrigued by all the arcane stuff I learned – 4 Kingdoms, 6 Grand Duchies, 5 Duchies yada - yada - yada. On my limited recreational budget anticipating the kid’s future, every time I felt I could afford a frivolous treat, Neal would publish another volume which in turn I immediately bought. Yup – by the time I got around to volume 1 – it was gone! I wrote to Neal and could almost hear his laughter. As these were self-published – he filled his storage space for years with volume 1. Couldn’t sell ‘em. No sooner were they no longer available and folks like me were coming out from under rocks seeking it! I expressed my gratitude for both his consideration and for giving me a new interest – Imperial Orders and Decorations. This lead finding Rick Research, Wild Card and others known to you as the “travelling museum” for whom I catered because that was all I could ever offer such distinguished company. Neal used to travel each summer to Nantucket Island passing within a quarter mile of my house in route. I suggested that he stop for a rest on his long drive from Princeton and enjoy a glass of wine with us hoping he would autograph the books in repayment. Sadly, he never got to do so as his time was coming to a close and his health was failing. As one of the Big Three of Imperial experts, we all lost a wonderful gentleman as all who knew him will attest.
    3. Many officers procure uniforms from other than official sources. If the uniforms meet specification there is absolutely nothing to be said. Buying oversees can be a significant cost advantage to the buyer especially if currently assigned to that area. Uniforms that do not meet specification are often purchased as well and worn at other than "formations". The higher the rank the greater the impunity - not many around who can call out a major general. Finally - in the Army at least - generals are authorized to design their own uniforms (in their spare time....) hence negating almost all objections that could be made.I've seen many examples or embroidered insignia applied directly to uniforms so that does not ring any alarms for me. The direct answer to your question - looks a bit cheesy and the fading suggests "custom" made. Doesn't mean it's a fake - just suggests a source other than the PX.
    4. Tried before - trying again. 2 stories - one answering earlier question. Brand new pilot to our unit at Bien Hoa flying front seat of a Cobra. Easy mission - last light visual recce intended to assure no bad guys sneaking into wire. At end of mission - while calling in for landing over check point - single 51 cal round entered the cockpit area passing through armor plate - slamming into his butt and exiting other side - all without breaking skin. Purple Heart apparently for mental anguish... took several months to calm him down - just in time to be shot down by SA7. He was fine after a harrowing landing but promptly turned in his wings!!! Other - cook in mess hall got egg shell in eye. (Where'd he find fresh eggs?) After breakfast - went on sick call where medic wrote up treatment tag as "removed shell fragment from eye" - yup - Purple Heart!
    5. I can attest to the scrupulous conduct of those involved in this sad activity. A tremendous amount of work has gone into this with no personal gain to the workers. Distributions are per Rick's intentions, his mother's instructions and where not specifically directed - to maximize financial benefit to Mrs. Lundstrom. To those who have done the work goes thanks not criticism.
    6. Hi - the aircraft is a Martin B26 Marauder not a B24 Liberator. As to specific information beyond aircraft type - I have none.
    7. That is not a US Army jacket. It is US Marine Corps and I can not testify to vintage.
    8. I too would buy a reprint. If the quality is comparable to the original - binding, etc. 60- 80 USD seems fair - if improved with either new information, color or binding other than paper more would seem appropriate.
    9. One correction (I think) - he was not awarded the PlM. None of my references indicate he had that award including http://www.pourlemerite.org/ - the pictures suggest the Johanniter at the throat.
    10. I rather doubt that the worthiness of the war will impact on receipt or retention of any awards. These awards as are all (intended at least) a function of verifiable heroic action of the highest nature. If there are insufficient witnesses or dishonorable service on the part of a soldier, the award will not be made. I feel that belated recognition is better than no recognition. Racial prejudice was and to a degree remains a social issue that has also infected our military - that said - the US military has been historically in the vanguard of correcting these issues to include desegregation. My personal experience suggests that there will always be discrepancies in the awards and decorations system - often a matter where the injustice is more a function of rank than race or creed. Name a human "system" that is perfect if you can. We try and we correct where we fail. I see no dishonor in that.
    11. Can't answer your "how many" question but I'm pretty sure Gabreski had one.
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