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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. This just in from Iran-wow, did the postman give me a long,long look. The bar is enormous.
    2. Ulsterman

      SC Gold "900"

      wow!!! Great collection.
    3. Here is a man who lived a full life: General Bela Kiraly PhD, Head of the Hungarian Defense College, hero of 1956, ex-Professor and New York socialite, fought in WW2 under Horthy, lead a Brigade until arrested in 1951 by Rakosi and sentenced to death, released in 1956-joined the revolution, fought the Russians again, escaped with the help of the CIA and now has a really interesting ribbon bar. What is he wearing? Note the badge above his left breast. He lives not far from you members there in Budapest. Any chance for an interview?
    4. Good photos-the colour bearer has perfected that NCOs glare I knew so well once.
    5. hmmm...something crashed while I was posting that-not good on this end...I'll try again...there is more to this set. i always wondered if he was a WW1 vet-and figured he was probably political (KPD). He was only in the KZ 2-3 years in the late 1930s, but you never know.
    6. I have an almost complete set of these, 1946-56. I have one of these along with some other docs. Here's the Hamburg version.
    7. very cool! Hopefully you'll find the rest next month! reuniting groups is great!
    8. Interesting missing #4-that's the key.Odd that there are no other "foreign awards".
    9. Lt. peters: "Our observationpost (Klinuki) in in the front lines in Tarbok: June 25, 1915 Uttroffcr. Garlius left Uttroffcr. Bossert right Lt. Peters (without hat)
    10. CD-How big is that pin? there's a Czech one that looks almost exactly the same. I'll pick it up next month.
    11. Well I'll be! It's all in the accent huh? Not an easy language this Hungarian-interesting though.
    12. I got this from our favorite DDR veteran in Liverpool last week. I had a notion it was Hessian by the ribbon, but now having perused Ohm-Hieronymussens' "Landevaerns....etc" Oh never mind, I should've looked in Hessenthal to begin with- #1390, 3rd class-it's merely the classic long service bar. Thanks anyways- Ulster
    13. Interesting that he had the Old fighters chevron with that NSDAP number.
    14. You can always do a follow up "Further Notes On ....". It happens all the time.
    15. Nice, nice album. I'd also use acid free, but scan and replace in the origianl album for repalcement later on. the sequence might be important. Any writing underneath the pictures?
    16. with oaks-?! hmmmm...if possible, I'd think Diplomat or minor Royal-or maybe even 2nd bar (which would be really most unlikely). I'll bet he's in the 1908 Ordensbuch though. good hunting.
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