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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. I am guessing by the patina. Also, later badges, like the socialist competition ones-which had real status, were made of that cheap plastic alloy stuff-but who knows?
    2. Now THAT should be put on a CD or reprinted! Really great reference!!!! I'd love to see the next volumes-Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary etc.-maybe even Ethiopia and Cuba? (Not part of the Pact, but allied-one can hope....)
    3. No, I am sorry. There is a screw pin 8mm long at the top that would place the badge too far away from the scanner. But the reverse is blank-no #s, just patinaed bronze.
    4. got these on Sunday-beautifully made and dirt cheap. I presume miners' service badges of years underground and a really big "Distinguished company " Brigade badge. I love Hungarian stuff.
    5. The perfect badge for me-obscure, well made, unusual. At first Rick thought it might be a master baker's badge-but lo, it turns out this little bauble, well enameled, is for the Grain Ministry and for a "Distinguished Foreman" or some such title. Tis a neat little piece and cheap too. Any one know how and when it was awarded? I like these old labour awards. Perhaps whomever got it also got a bonus, like a t.v. set or something.
    6. Gentlemen and Lady (ies): Rick showed me the work so far. I am awed. It is stunning. This is historical scholarship the way it used to be practiced in the highest order: clear, concise, informative, cross-referenced and accurate to the letter. When these rolls are published it will dramatically change the way scholars have viewed many things about Wilhelmenian Germany's officer corps- and it will also change the way collectors view these historical remnants of men, some of whom were truly great men, are viewed. I know enough about this subject, obscure as it is, to understand some of the implications that can and will be drawn from this work. You can also expect prices to jump upwards. Eleven years from now things will be much, much, much more expensive. Rick, Daniel, Glenn, Dave and Chris- I take my hat off to you. I am glad I get to play about on the periphery of the scholarship you are completing. I suspect that at the end of my life it may count as one of the credits in the account columns of my life. It is an honor and I truly mean that. You are great scholars and are doing a great service to the most beautiful of greek muses, History.
    7. Beautiful!! I must confess though, I am still very,very confused about who got what and where and how many times and when. there seem to be about 40 different service medals all told.
    8. I disagree. Red Cross medalswere certainly awarded for pre war donations, but war time awards seem to have involved merit in a hospital somewhere, ESP. for the 2nd class award-and note the Johanniter. I will bet 50 Euros this is a Major ranked (+) Bavarian LazarettInspektor of some sort.
    9. The DDR was the Derg's strongest Communist ally. I am convinced that their medals were made not in the Ethiopian mint (although imperial Ethiopian medals are of high quality) but in the DDR. Certainly the artwork and the metallic content, as well as the die struck nature of their medals, hints at foreign, DDR manufacture. Given that there are cites out there as to how many tractors and KGs of fertilizer were shipped from the DDR to Ethiopia, I suspect that somewhere in germany right now there are records and complete documentation of Derg wards made and criteria. Derg awards were given to DDR soldiers in Ethiopia up until 1990.
    10. Ahem- Stogiedude....the "supplier" has indicated that he will have more cuban items at the next show. As you said, it's been too long... Dera God, what happened to that cat?
    11. Just to add my tuppence here. twenty-fve odd years ago I interviewed a very old member of the OIRA on the Falls Road in Belfast. He said the same things as Prosper-that many "1916 IRA vets" were posers and not actually here. He'd been an 8 year old message runner and "biscuit-getter" (his words) around Trinity college and was the first person to really tell me about how bitter the Civil War had actually been. It knocked me over. Still, $700 US for a "Tan War' Medal is just silly. Off to eBay with mine.
    12. I really like that helmet. these are getting harder to find and it has that "been there" feel. But the EK1 and EK2 were sweet-and so was the price! Congratulations!! It was great to meet you guys. Now, if we can get Paul R. to come down and actually leave the comforts of western Cumberland County, we'd have a nice little mini convention. His 'neighbor' sets up at this show and also had some nice, but totally unknown luftwaffe stuff. Anybody know what orange luftwaffe tabs are? How about that Luftwaffe Lt Obersts engineers tunic?
    13. wow! Nice collection. there is actually an Ethiopian Philastics society. There is quite a bit known about imperial Ethiopia and the recent regime has published their medal laws and some regulations on-line. A friend of mine down in D.C. is working on obtining photos from the military attache' at the embassy . The Derg regime is the mystery ( a nasty, brutal government), but there may well be total information available in the german archives, as the DDR was the Derg's strongest ally and produced some of its medals. This is the wound medal:
    14. I've been thinking about this bar a lot and looked through a lot of DRK books last night. there is a photo of a mid 1940s DRK man with this sort of double DRK medal on his bar (wearing an M43 cap no less) in the same " penultimate one at the end placement . I wonder if it is because one was a replacement for a war time award or another was for cultural merit. Odd, but nice.
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