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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. Yeah. I spoke at length with a number of vets. My Grandfather was in the AEF and my Grandmother was in the ARC and had lots of stories, especially about the flu. She also had a Marine Corps friend who was wounded at Belleau Wood. The old man across the road was in the Suffolks at the age of 14 and took part in the Christmas Truce of 1914.
    2. Cool group. Would he also be now entitled to the Korean Defense medal?
    3. ah ha! I wondered who was bidding me up on these lowly EK1 shots...... ....glad it went to a good home. did you see the one of the Gefreiter who looks all of 16 a few weeks ago? Luerror?
    4. at the hardware store...after the great rabbit chewing debacle of 2008 , where the Only printed Offizierverein Stammrollliste of IR 71/72/73 was chewed up and eaten...causing Rick to scream so loud that I could hear him across the parking lot...I put it all in hard plastic.
    5. Wow...that brings back memories of school holidays . Max Hastings first job was as a researcher on this series.
    6. ack! doh! The notation at the bottom regarding his EK1 is very cool. I think I have a photo of this chap as I have the regimental handwritten history of IR 467 with a photo album somewhere in a rabbit proof box.
    7. Yeah, I agree with Chris, mostly. but commentary upon NATO and its short comings, financial, logistical and moral dependence upon the USA is well within the ambit of contemporary politics. Bottom line, large wars are almost unthinkable today, except maybe in Asia (including the Ukraine) and that's the legacy of the World Wars....so maybe a price worth paying......and the legacy of the Brito-American elites who created the modern international political, technological and economic system, that's created a more peaceful world.
    8. I bet that this was awarded to a German NCO seconded to the A- H army to stiffen their units in Russia and Italy. Ive never seen one awarded to anyone on thevWestern Front or in the navy.
    9. Pretty cool. I'd love to see a contemporary CDV of one of these being worn. Maybe this year......
    10. Good to hear. I for one consider this a club of Gentlemen. So far the discussion has been enjoyably heated and (somewhat) fact filled, but no one has broken a bottle over a table and screamed "Die you YankeeF&:ck"! As they lunged at me. also, I don't have a sister. maybe Chris is feeling a bit sensitive post holiday season?
    11. ...and I would disagree. The German high command knew they had to take Paris for the rail junctions. take Paris and cripple France's supply chains. also, defensive ties were NOT victories. the Germans were at a loss as to how to defeat Russia...just too much land to occupy, no occupation plans. Etc.. armies they could destroy, cities they could capture, but then what? revolution and conquest ... even with a replacement government like Kerensky was. NOT what the Junkers wanted. they too still basically had debt serfdom and a similar socio-economic system and they knew it. they were terror died of the SPD and the universal franchise and the chance that the Reichstag might limit the Kaisers' almost absolute powers. fritz Fischers details the internal debates and confusion within Berlin..." What to do about Russia? german Princes in the Baltic? Finland with a German monarch? separate the Ukraine? absorb Poland? no one had any idea what to do.....hence drift...and defeat.
    12. true...BUT, the German proposal was at best half hearted and indeed, designed not to succeed. I believe Buelow wrote about this. France was adamant at that point in no negotiated peace, as was Russia (stupidly).
    13. Perhaps you could arrange for Megan Foxs' Red Breast instead of yours? Bushmills is the water of God after all.
    14. I agree...so Eisenhower, Churchill and Roosevelt won. The world has never been so pacific and so interconnected.
    15. except the French didn't have a monarch and the British Monarch is innocent because he had limited power.
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