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    Everything posted by Deruelle

    1. Hi everybody I would like to start a new topic about Saxon belts. I have a Saxon Feldbinde with Gold buckle and green underlay and a wartime Saxon officer belt. Don't hesitate to show yours Christophe
    2. Hi Graham Nice cross. If my memory is ok, there is only 22 crosses awarded during WW1. A super rare knight cross. Congrats One question, is your cross in gold ? It seems that the swords were added during the war (bronze ?). the color of the swords is different from the cross itself. Is there an hallmark ? I remember that Doudlee is the maker of this cross and a D was written in the bottom of the cross. Christophe
    3. Hi blackcowboys Here is the rule of Saxony how to wear medals before 1933 Christophe
    4. Hi to illustrate the Crown Order with X device, here is a small ribbon bar I used to have in the past. Christophe
    5. Hi Very nice group. Have you got the first name of the Major Jordan. He received the SE3X from Schwarzburg Rudolstadt on 9 december 1914 as Hauptmann. It is interesting to see that Jordan has never worn the Hindenburg cross on his medal bar, even if he died in 1945. Simius has right about the Hohenzollern device. Christophe
    6. Hi Graham, The first cross you have is similar to mine. For me it's a textbook medal In the Nimmergut's Deutsche Orden und Ehrenzeichen, the second medal you show is a variant Christophe
    7. Hi Graham There is something which disturb me with the 5 in the back of the cross. It seems that the hook has been repaired and the inscription disappeared and someone rewrite the number. You can see it is a bit different than the other numbers. Otherwise it's a beautiful piece. Christophe PS : this photo is not mine, it come from ebay
    8. It's not easy to have all of the crosses. Reuss, Saxe Altenburg and Saxe Coburg Gotha are the rarest. I need the Wilhelm Ernst cross. Not easy to find one in good condition to reasonnable price ?
    9. Hi Little update Mecklenburg-Schwerin: Military Merit Cross 1st class: 3570 Mecklenburg-Strelitz: Cross for Distinction in War 1st class : 428 Oldenburg: Friedrich-August Cross 1st class : 2339 Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach: Wilhelm Ernst War Cross, the number is 368 Saxe-Altenburg: Duke Ernst Medal 1st Class with Swords : 85 Württemberg: Wilhelm Cross with Swords & Crown : 119 Württemberg: Wilhelm Cross with Swords : 5318 Source : Volle (Henning), Stiftungen und Erneuerungen von deutschen Orden und Ehrenzeichen im Ersten Weltkrieg,, Offenbach, Phaleristischer Verlag Autengruber, 2014, 150 p.
    10. @Graham : you have another nice medal, congrats. @Komtur : You are lucky to have the Kielmansegg medal bar. It is strange that the SA3a he received on 24 May 1909 is not on his medal bar. I don't know why he never received the SH3 or SA2BX. I like the old SV3aX Christophe
    11. Hi Graham, thanks for your kind word. You have got two very nice crosses. Congrats. The most difficult will be to find boxes to go with them. Christophe
    12. Hi on the picture there is a small defect that suggests a line, Adolf Frhr von Seckendorff received the Reuß Ehrenkreuz 3rd class with X and crown as Dave said above. Christophe
    13. Hi everybody Looking for information about one Saxon officer, I have found that he had received the HOH3X after his death. Is it possible ?If my memory is OK, I remember that the Prussians did not award decorations posthumously. The officer : Lt Christoph Frhr von Welck from GR 101(1894-1918). His exact date of death is 28.9.1918. In the Geile's book about Hohenzollern, the author gave the date of award on 19.10.1918. I know that in the Militär Wochenblatt, the delay between date of award and date of publication is one month. He will probably received the knight cross on the beginning of September. If someone has more informations about von Welck, it will be much appreciate. Thanks for your help Christophe
    14. I dig in German sources but nothing till now. May be this mystery will stay mystery
    15. Hi everybody Here is a new owner of the knight cross with X of House Order of Hohenzollern : Generalleutnant FRANCKE Franz who received it on 24 September 1916. Christophe
    16. Hi Bayern, Thanks a lot. I know that website. As you can see, there is no other "3" like the one I show in this list. this is quite unique in the German Army. I would like to know when it was adopted and find the text. It's not easy at all Christophe
    17. Hi everybody I have a pair on officer shoulder board from Jäger Bataillon 13. The number is unique in the German Army (as you can see on the photos). A friend give me the authorization to publish his pair of Epaulette from JB 13. I'm interesting to know when this particularity was adopted. I can't find this information. Thanks for your help. Don't hesitate to show yours Christophe
    18. Chuck, This kind of SH was from the 1807-1815 area. If it is a commander cross, only 11 were awarded at this aera. Congrats. And again, what a beauty Christophe
    19. Hi Peter, Very nice medals. It is possible to have close up of the SH please .Thanks @Charles. Your collection is amazing. Many thanks for sharing it with us
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