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    1. As far as I know a book is in the making by someone from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ordenskunde. GreyC
    2. Not that unusual. Compare 1943. In this year alone quite a few of them or of comparable rank were awarded the DKiG. http://www.ww2historycollection.com/Awards-Decorations/Awards_German(NationalSocialist)Empire-GermanCross-Gold-Recipients-1943.html GreyC
    3. It could have well been painted from a photograph as the original image. GreyC
    4. Hi, I found this from the Stammliste of the Kurhessisches Jäger Bataillon 11: GreyC
    5. Well, then you might have missed some. The regimental history of RIR 52 seems to be part of the series Erinnerungsblätter deutscher Regimenter / Ehemals preußische Truppenteile ; it is Bd. 112. GreyC
    6. The photo presented in this thread is the photo featured in the regimental history of IR 129. The reg. his. has a few pages outlining his biography, too. https://dfg-viewer.de/show?tx_dlf[double]=0&tx_dlf[id]=https%3A%2F%2Fdigital.wlb-stuttgart.de%2Fmets%2Furn%3Anbn%3Ade%3Absz%3A24-digibib-bsz4769063774.xml&tx_dlf[page]=11&cHash=9368d737cb1b7b073de332ec0b5a98fe GreyC
    7. Sometimes the regimental histories have photographs of the Brigade-Kommandeure to which their regiment belonged. It is a far shot, but who knows? RIR 52: only photos of regimental officers RIR 227: photos of Divisionskommandeure and photos of regimental officers, but not Brigade. Leaves us with RIR 232 unfortunately not online. Erich v. Bartenwerffer, Alfred Hermann, Das Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 232 in Ost und West [3]; Erinnerungsblätter deutscher Regimenter, Preußen, Band 211; Oldenburg 1927, Verlag Stalling Teil I mit 120 Seiten Teil II mit 275 Seiten, Teil 3 mit 25 Kartenskizzen.
    8. Hi, when he was wounded in May 1918 he was Leutnant der Reserve, according to the Army loss lists. The Wikipedia article on him claims he was wounded in 1915 as an infantrist. This may be the case, but this incident was not registered in the loss list. GreyC
    9. Nice photo! Matching his status as head of fire department, he had his portrait taken by the most prestigious photographer in Weimar during the times of the monarchy and after. As he signed the photo himself it was taken 1925 at the latest, as his daughter took over the studio that year. GreyC
    10. He seems to have been an academic. See his gash on the cheek. GreyC
    11. Hi, he seems to have started as a Hauptmann in the Adjutantur of the General- Inspektion des Militär-Verkehrswesens and ended as Oberstleutnant, Armee-Nachrichtenkommandeur 1, according to the Ehrenrangliste. GreyC
    12. Nice pics, however they wouild be more helpful, if they were dated ss to determine whern they were in use. Best, GreyC
    13. Great, thank you! So photo was taken probably between March 1943 to the end of February 1944. GreyC
    14. Hi, I got this photo recently. It is a private photo an d has a release stamp on the back of the 19. Vorpostenflottile or its successor the 5th Sicherungsflottille (release stamp only gives fiedpost-number). Both units were active in Denmark from 1940 on. Can anybody identify the Admiral with Ritterkreuz talking to members of the flottille? Thank you very much! GreyC
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