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    Everything posted by GreyC

    1. Hi, here one of mine, in a not sooo often combination of Minensucher- and Beobachterabzeichen. The Feldwebel seems to have been a soldier for some time (Dienstauszeichnung) and must have seen some action as he was also awarded the EKI. GreyC
    2. Hi, a high resolution scan of the writing on hte wall might be helpful. GreyC
    3. Hi Farkas, thanks for the scan of the reverse of he card. It was indeed mailed, but in an envelope. This is a rough translation of what was written: Save this card for me and keep it, it shows the grave of our NCO-medic (Sanitäts-Unteroffizier), a soul of a man who died in hospital of his illness on the 30th of March this year. Soldier Rub seems not to be listed either. There are two Emil Rub listed, but not with corresponding dates. He must have been from the XIII. AK, Landsturm Bataillon Gießen. GreyC
    4. Hi Farkas, quite a collection. Some are more readiliy available than others. I find the grave of Hermann Lebmann interesting. He is not listed as KIA or having died of an illness in the official German Verlustlisten. To the right in the background is another grave. Does it say Emil Rub on it? Can you give more details to what is written on the marker? An Emil Rub is liosted as missing in the VL, no Emil Rub as dead. GreyC
    5. Hi, a) confirmed gestorben= gest. gesehen= ges. b) read #6 please. GreyC
    6. Hi Chris, that´s what I think, too. Thank you both for your comments! GreyC
    7. Hi, this weekend I was able to obtain a plain looking document, that the seller wasn´t able to decipher for little money. As I hadn´t seen this before and as it might interest fellow collectors of Iron Cross documents I post this here. It shows one reason, why some people got their IC /EK after the war. I didn´t know that there was something like a Kriegsgefangenen Liste for IC´s for soldiers later to be awarded the IC/EK. Comments welcome. GreyC Bielefeld, 2. April 1920 Unteroffizier Traugott Rahn gehörte im Felde der 1. Komp. des Res. Inf. Rgt 39 an. Während der harten Steinbruchkämpfe in Nähe der Haudromont Ferme vor Verdun im Mai des Jahres 1916 geriet er auf weit vorgeschobenem Unteroffizierposten mit dem überlebenden Teile seiner Gruppe nach tapferer Gegenwehr in französische Gefangenschaft. Wegen seiner Tapferkeit vor dem Feind wurde er auf die vom Korpskommandeur bestätigte Gefangenen EKII Liste gesetzt. Dieckmann, Lt. d. R. ehemaliger Regimentsadjutant des Res. Inf. Rgt 39 Bielefeld, 2nd April 1920 NCO Traugott (trustGod) Rahn belonged to 1/RIR39 during the war. While engaged in fierce fighting at the quarry near Haudromont Ferme close to Verdun in May 1916 he became a POW of the French after valiant resistance while on far advanced NCO post with the surviving men of his group. Because of valiant action in the face of the enemy he was put on the POW Iron Cross List for the ICII as approved by the Corps Commander. Dieckmann Lt. d.R. former regimental adjutant RIR 39
    8. Hi, I am afraid still difficult to read because some of it is obscured by blot and printed letters. Seems that he wrote to Mr Stein that it was the fault of the train (if I read it correctly, can´t decipher what was wrong with it, though.) GreyC
    9. Hi, the writer of the card had gotten a "care parcel" from the Vereinigte Schlauch- und Gummiwaren Fabrik for wich he says thank you. Why the address is made illegible (well, almost ) I don´t know. I guess they were producing firefighting equipment (hoses) and maybe baloon equipment. With regards to "ges." I tend to agree with my esteemed colleague from Germany. GreyC
    10. GreyC

      Good morning Nick,

      just a quick question. Noticed that the numbers of the individual posts (postnumbers) have  disappeared. Is this temporary and due to work in progress? Hope so, as it tremenduously with referencing within a thread.


      Klaas /GreyC

    11. Hi, it´s an excuse for not having fullfiled a promise the night before. What that promise was I can´t make out as it would need a decent scan to be able to decipher more (at least for me). GreyC
    12. Actually it´s KönigsBERG GreyC
    13. Hi, cuff and collar match, shoulder board unidentifyable from this perspective. Helmet should ideally look like this: However, the bush was only worn on top of the helmet during parades and other official or festive occassions. So, from my view could well be the unit you specufied. GreyC
    14. Thank you Chip, as I don´t have many Bavarian uniform photos in my collection I wasn´t aware of that. Good to know. GreyC
    15. Impressive, didn´t know there were that many variations. Why is there a difference between those with a blue middle ring and those with the blue center? Different formations? GreyC
    16. Good mornig, very interesting thread. The last picture was taken in front of a salesroom of the Adlerwerke, who at that time (1940s) were best known for their automobiles. From 1909 to 1935 they were also involved in manufacturing airplane engines and later planes. Their HQ was in Frankfurt/Main GreyC
    17. Hi jf42, thank you for your suggestion. They already confer with each other about the photo. Will let you know what they come up with. GreyC
    18. Hi Larry, best of luck! Find attached an aerial view of Heligoland with the two 30,5cm batteries at the end of WW1. (on which I focus more). GreyC
    19. Good morning, "Meinem sehr verehrten und geschätzten Chefarzt des Mar[ine] Lazaretts Helgoland Herrn Mar[ine] Oberstabsarzt Dr. v. Hase zum freundlichen Gedenken gewidmet. Helgoland 15.06.1943 von Lewinski Mar[ine] Verw[altungs] Oberinspektor und Leiter der Laz[arett] Verw[altung]" It´s a dedication from the Mar[ine] Verw[altungs] Oberinspektor and chief of administration of the Heligoland Naval Hospital von Lewinski to its chief surgeon Naval Oberstabsarzt Dr. v. Hase. Hope that helps, now you know who he is and where he was active. The 3rd medal could be a long service medal? Now that you have his name you can look him up in the Naval Ranglisten. GreyC
    20. Hi Chris, or if he had gotten killed. So maybe good for him he wasn´t mentioned.. GreyC
    21. Hi Chris, very nice! Do you know whether Fw Gonschoreck ´s deeds were mentioned in the regimental history? He seems to have survived the war. GreyC
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