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    Everything posted by GreyC

    1. The scars are no signs of a sport but of being member of a "Schlagende Verbindung", of which there were many in Germany during that time, and there are still some today. They are student associations. The duells were not part of a sporting activity, but a matter of honor and a ritual of "belonging" to a certain circle of academia. These duells were called Mensur (singular) and were highly ritualised and often bloody as can be seen on a photo from my collection taken in 1927 after such an event with all involved. GreyC
    2. Yes he did. The thing is, that the TV piece was on a new biography on Gropius (by Bernd Polster) which comes to the conclusion that Gropius was as good at selling himself as he was an architect and that he (at times) was interpreting the facts to his advantage, if you like. GreYC
    3. Hi, by coincidence saw an old interview on the telly with Gropius during which he mentioned having been with the Wilhelmina Husars, but that he served with the Zieten-Husars (3rd HR) during the war claiming to have gotten the first IC in his regiment. Well, that´s what he said, anyway. GreyC
    4. Hi, I would still go with special ammo-pouches. The bags for disk-grenades were larger and were carried on the waistbelt. https://www.feldgrau-forum.com/threads/was-ist-das-fuer-ein-ausruestungsgegenstand.31583/#post-127900 GreyC
    5. Hi Chris, a specialist from a German WW1 forum (Feldgrau-Forum) identified it as a rare bandolier for Schneeschuhtruppen from Bavaria later also worn by colleagues from Wurttemberg. GreyC
    6. Hi Glenn, I was told by an expert on German colonial questions that it is not the EKII but the KO4x for his stint in Samoa in 1888. GreyC
    7. Hi, this is an old post, but I´d like to present a photo of Hugo Emsmann as Kommandeur of Helgoland around 1908. GreyC
    8. Hi Gary, it is always better to post a photo of the original in question. s/l= seinem lieben= his beloved z.Erg. is probably an unusually abbriviaton Erg =zur Erinnerung= in memory of/to remind you of GreyC
    9. Could it be one of those badges distributed for the paticipants of the early NSDAP get-togethers that were allowed to be worn on the uniforms during early Wehrmacht/Kriegsmarine times? GreyC
    10. Hi, I am actually sceptical that it is either. On second thoughts.... Here is a black one. GreyC
    11. Hi Komtur, as someone collecting photographs and documents of members of the Freiwillige Kriegskrankenpflege this is a wonderful post. Thank´s for sharing! GreyC
    12. Hi, now that you are mentioning it.... Unteroffizier der Reichswehr Schießauszeichnung 2nd grade plus sharpshooter grade, at Andy: Thanks for the nice illustration. GreyC
    13. Yes, but to my knowledge most of them were worn on the other side, were they not? GreyC
    14. Yes, single cockade becausee the photo was made well prior to 1897, when the national cockade was introduced. Thanks, GreyC
    15. Ah, ok. Did firefighters of that period have long service stripes? The stripes on the sleeves remind me of the long service stripes of the Red Cross. GreyC
    16. Hi, for my 500th post I thought I treat you to this Bavarian soldier with marksman stripes prior to the introduction of the cord in 1894. Not too often found, but not superspecial, so appropriate for the occassion. Have enjoyed being part of this forum so far! GreyC
    17. Maybe an Admin or Mod of this forum can help you out? Why don´t you send them a personal message and explain...? GreyC
    18. Hi, an interesting bar. When did they have to stop wearing these unofficial medals, if at all. I guess from at least 1935 this was all over with? Best, GreyC
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