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    Ferg1 last won the day on June 8 2020

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    1. Here is an accepted Juncker example. Ferg For some reason the MM has been ground away leaving only the crescent and 800. I’ve seen this quite a few times on these commemorative Junckers and not sure why . Several of my examples are like this . Ferg
    2. Happy Christmas one and all . Let’s hope 2021 is better ! Ferg
    3. Mess room trophy or presentation piece of the No.1 luftschiffer battalion 1902 . The only one at the time ! And in background ,presentation plaque to the 100 flight of the L30 ,first of the super zeppelins 1917. A little corner to the Baron !
    4. There’s quite a lot of it so look at the pics and give me a heads up on what you’d like to see in more detail ! Ferg More. And more . Some more Let me know when you’ve had enough ! Gunners .
    5. To quote Jarvis Cocker , ‘ I’ll see what I can do ‘ . Ferg
    6. Hi Vince, pretty sure that’s not a Juncker badge on the right . To my knowledge they never struck a pilot badge in iron/ steel. Ferg.
    7. Hi Guys, been a very long time since I posted here and I apologise for not replying to several private messages I have been sent over the years of being absent here . But I am back now ! just wanted to revive this old thread regarding this pin back cross . I am at present looking for such a piece ,namely the 1922 version which I believe is from the same die as the ribbon hung pieces but with pin and catch. Seem to be a lot of these around at present , a casual look around the dealer sites and eBay sites reveals at least seven or eight for sale . Anyone got any wind of these being faked or anyone happen to know how many of these converted pin backs were produced ? I have a 1927 issue piece that is vaulted and has a plain reverse ,also its in lighter non oxidised bronze ,only ever seen one of these so far. thanks Ferg My 1927 example
    8. My friend Luftmensch is kindly posting my Godet for all to see, can't quite get the photo uploading to behave ! Ferg.
    9. yes ,it's a pretty thing, turns out to be solid gold. Ferg
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