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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. Actually last time I was in the north of Scotland all signs were bi-lingual even though nobody in the North East speaks a word of Gaelic. Paul
    2. Start that and the Scottish Police in the western Isles will want it in Gaelic, the Cornish Constabulary in Cornish and the Isle of Man Police in Manx. Paul
    3. AH 1332 November 30th 1913 to November 19 1914 (and 1332 is the date on the clasp) AH 1337 October 7 1918 to September 30 1918 by which time Turkey was kaput Paul
    4. Silver content should be 84 (zolotniki) Paul
    5. It's the Tercentenary Cross 1913 or badge for the Priest of the Secular and Regular Clergy and was awarded to those who were in service on the 21 February (OS) 1913. They turn up quite frequently and there are several variations. Interestingly yours is hallmarked on the reverse, I cannot however make out what the marks are from the photo provided. Paul
    6. There is quite a lot factually wrong in the description but also the Beddington mentioned is near Croydon and especially noted for its sewage works, it looks like some of the effluent from there has pervaded the write-up. Paul
    7. Absolutely, he is still a Policeman whether on or off duty. Paul
    8. Doesn't look Soviet to me, could it be Afghan? Paul
    9. Antti Ruokonen. My last post before going on holiday, look forward to seeing further posts Monday week Paul
    10. Pierce, Are you talking of the Period 1921-39? If so Wesolowski gives a figure of 95 awards (this does not include awards made by the government in exile). Paul
    11. Very nice examples, the gold often turn up with most of the gilding worn away. Paul
    12. Igor, Never seen one as a pin-back, I wonder if it is a privately made adaptation. Paul
    13. First is the National Party Commemorative Decoration Paul
    14. Medal commemorating the visit of Wang Jingwei to Tokyo 1942. Paul
    15. Second is Reorganised National Government of China Wang Dept of the Naval Branch of the National Government. Paul
    16. British Legion Volunteer Police Force (Didn't get the Royal Charter till 1971) This site gives plenty of useful info. http://www.legion-memorabilia.org.uk/cap_badges/police.htm Paul
    17. They are Italian and presumably one is Kingdom probably 30's or early 40's while the other will be post 45 republic. Paul
    18. The badge I have illustrated is the Grand Cross or First class. Paul
    19. It is indeed the Commander's Cross It is most likely that there were German Recipients as 570 bestowals were made in all classes to non Romanians 70 Grand Cross, 99 Grand Officer's, 243 Commander's, 106 Officer's and 52 Knights, it is most likely that the vast majority of these were bestowed prior to 1941, possibly some of our Third Reich aficionados may have evidence, either documentary or photographic. Paul
    20. Indian Army list April 1934 has him on the miscellaneous list as a Conductor A. H. Qrs (G.S. Beh.), gives his date of birth as 5/12/92. He will presumably be in the 1941 War services list but whether that will give anything relating to his pre IA service is unlikely. Paul
    21. Illustration of First Class with Swords. The Ordinul Pentru Merit was founded by King Carol II in June 1931, the first bestowals taking place a month later. It was awarded in Military and Civil divisions, the Military Division being awarded with swords. The statutes formalised the Orders regulations in December 1938, the Swords were abolished in June 1941, the Order was seldom awarded during Mihai's reign. The award came in four classes, Grand Cross, Commander Officer and Knight. It ceased existence following the end of the Monarchy in 1947
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