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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. Many members of the Corps of Commissionaires still where their medals, we have Korean veteran on our door and when VIPS are coming to some of the other firms he wears his full set. Paul
    2. Mind you there is some communist medals, E. Germany for example that even children could afford to collect on their pocket money Paul
    3. Radmilo very nice and quite rare, I have encountered it once in once in over thirty years. I now have Piletic on my desk, I bought it on the way home from work from a dealer who was unloading a deceased collectors library and certainly is useful as complement to Car as it includes several items not listed in the book. Paul
    4. Clinton, thank you so much for this most useful reference. Paul
    5. Geoff, it is one of the canonical orders of the Polish Catholic church, Wesolowski illustrates a number of them on pages 13 and 14. Paul
    6. I know where there is one for sale, I will have it by tomorrow, many thanks Radmilo. Paul
    7. Radmilo, Cheers, If it's the one that has a red cover I think I can lay my hands on a copy. Paul
    8. Chris, Sorry if I am being thick but are the blanks genuine remainders or are they fakes as well. Paul
    9. Very nice Kevin, I suspect the H Ham may well be the name of the person who acquired it during the Boer War as a souvenir. Very interesting and quite rare. Paul
    10. Radmilo most interesting. Most interesting, Even in bronze and zinc (or white metal) they are highly elusive. I notice they are not listed in Car and Muhic. Is it worth additionally having Piletic. Many thanks Paul
    11. Pilot (well variations on the theme). Paul
    12. Radmilo that really takes the biscuit, presumably presented to either a royal or senior general I would imagine, interesting to see the test mark beneath the date suggesting it had a visit to the pawnbrokers at some time. Paul
    13. Have you thought of publishing an article on the occupation medals of the Philippines? It appears that you have quite a lot of info not available in current published sources. Paul
    14. The guy in the bar reminds me of the BS stories I told in my younger days for exactly the same purpose, it occasionally worked. Paul
    15. No Amadeo of Savoy 1870-73 had enough trouble with the Spanish that there was no need for Carlist intervention, he abdicated in February 1873 claiming the Spanish were ungovernable. His successor Alfonso XII was involved in the last major Carlist campaigns in the north of the country between July 1873 and 1875. Paul
    16. Maybe this ruling, in a perverse way, could be a nail in the coffin of the Stolen Valor Act. Paul
    17. Radmilo The table medal for the 50th Anniversary of the Second Uprising is gorgeous, first I have ever seen must be really rare. Thanks for showing. Paul
    18. Thanks so much for the information, certainly unlike some other former royals, he has not been bestowing orders liberally. Paul
    19. I am not aware of King Simeon awarding Orders of St. Alexander and SS Cyril and Methodius while in Spain outside of family members. He was a very successful businessman in his own right and a charming an very unassuming person who I had the privilege to meet in the late 1980's. Paul
    20. Here is an example of the 3rd class and various 4th and 5th classes + a picture showing the Military Merit in a communist group. I hope this helps. Paul
    21. Even rarer to the 3/5th Mahratta Light Infantry. Which I am fortunate to own. Paul Here is his MIC
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