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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. Is that David Kalakaua's GCMG I see in the case. Paul
    2. It's a sweethearts brooch by the jewellers JR Gaunt, who are still active and based in London and Birmingham, it appears that the retaining pin is lacking but as far as I can see no problem with it. Paul
    3. Information of where the 3rd was billeted will be in the 1888 army list, I'm not sure whether it is one of those on line. Paul
    4. I believe it was used in India somewhat later as some Indian troops had deep religious problems about travelling overseas. Pal
    5. Gordon Suakin 1885 is all I can find all though there may be some extra campaign for some under attachment. Paul
    6. I am researching a Star of the Order of the 25th February 1948, IE the first class, I can't seem to find any appearing in Czech auctions/dealers lists, does anyone know roughly how many were issued and has anyone ever seen one come up for sale. All the best, Paul
    7. I am researching a Star of the Order of the 25th February 1948, IE the first class, I can't seem to find any appearing in Czech auctions/dealers lists, does anyone know roughly how many were issued and has anyone ever seen one come up for sale. All the best, Paul
    8. One can only hope that they were all bought by the same buyer and therefore kept together. Paul
    9. South African Service Corps Mounted Brigade Train, Nice find Lambert. Paul SAHA South African Horse Artillery. PAul
    10. So all I have to find is a Godet or Wagner cutlery box add a couple of Iron crosses and a Hindenburg cross then put it on E-bay and bingo I can make good money, why am I still working? Paul
    11. There was some royal related Jordanian material turned up a few years ago, including a Malaysian collar set and a Taiwanese high ranking order amongst other things which were being touted around by some somewhat disreputable Jordanian jewellers. How they go their hands on them I know not. Paul
    12. Nice, a similar piece sold in a North German Auction in 2012 for 85 euros. Paul
    13. My late friend John Dibble who was commissionaire at Jack Barclays Rolls Royce joined as a boy soldier in 1938 at the age of 14, he later served at D.Day with the Guards Division. Boys could Join the Army as boy soldiers with parent's or Guardian's consent although they did not take part in active service until they were 18. Paul
    14. E-bay I am sure was invented to part fools from their money. Paul
    15. Love the collar never seen one before. I have always felt sorry for Dom Pedro II he seems to have been a thoroughly decent chap who cared for his people but his final reward from them was the order of the boot with oak leaves and diamonds. Nice Paraguay war photo. Thanks lambert, Paul
    16. Marvellous Radmilo, thank you so much for the download, most interesting. Paul
    17. Thanks Saad, yes I have encountered these fakes on certain on-line sites. Paul
    18. Thanks Lambert, I did see an Austrian made Knight's badge which was 34mm wide, probably made to fit in with the recipient's other orders. But yes you are correct that Brazilian made pieces appear to be made to the same size specification. Paul
    19. I heard a while ago that somebody had found a hoard of Bahawalpur medals as well as well a some dies, as a result some weird and wonderful things have appeared on the market which always makes me a bit scared especially as I collect Indian Princely States amongst other things. Paul
    20. I have encountered this badge before but have never been able to find out what it is, I would be delighted if someone out there can come up with the answer. Paul
    21. Yes they don't make hats like that any more, lovely photo. Paul
    22. Boxes and certificates are the most important part , especially certificates to prove these medals are the most direct evidence of their loved ones .is a cloud colors earlier versions Interestingly, cloud colors and Baoding in Baoding is granted only exploits , higher grade than the cloud colors , hope Can a good save , and strive to find original box come Holds google translate of JCs post
    23. Given what happened in China in the 30's and 40's I would doubt if many records survive, it is possible that JC may have some more information about what has and hasn't survived. Paul
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