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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. Sasa, thanks for sharing. The Yugoslav air force photo is amazing. When does it date from and what is the plane. Paul
    2. Guelph looks as if it might have been mounted on a stick pin. Paul
    3. I suspect that the J is due to the fact that Rozario had a double-barreled surname such as Rosario-Jaime and the second part was abbreviated for ease or speed of naming. Any other thoughts welcome Paul
    4. I know the answer but I was hoping some one else would get it. It was taken in 1916, many years before he became famous, I believe he was also a Hero of the Soviet Union. I will give it till next Friday, if no one come up with the answer I will give it and set another question. Paul
    5. Absolutely Frank hence the confusion. However if you get a Leopold I without a ribbon it will be a devil of a job to find one. Paul
    6. The source explains a lot, it may be the second hand car syndrome. You have two or three wrecked cars, you put the good bits together and low and behold you have a nice looking car. Paul
    7. The only difference is the suspension, the Leopold I suspension is plain at the top, the civic is more ornate. Paul
    8. Jeff, This is a common misconception. The medals were issued following the partition of 1947, those forces which went to Pakistan received their medals unnamed. Those forces that went to India received their medals named and yours are named in pukkah Indian style. Will revert back to the unit details soon. All the best, Paul
    9. Thanks Radmilo, it's almost as if its some sort of hybrid, I agree re the centres, after coming in from a tube strike my brain is fairly useless. Paul
    10. As another rank unresearchable, were he a VCO or an officer good chance of getting something. Any chance of a scanning of the naming. Paul
    11. Thanks for your clarification Paul, With best wishes, Paul
    12. Jeff are you sure the unit is not IAF rather than JAF, Private Rozario would have been of Goan origin. Paul
    13. Thailand was occupied by Japan in 1941, in 1943 serious resistance took place which lasted until the final defeat of Japan. The medal looks as if it might be OK to me. Paul
    14. My first thoughts are Scheid based on the crown. You are of course aware that the mottos have been transposed. Paul
    15. Thank you for showing, these are often misidentified as civic decorations. Paul
    16. I also like the second but I am very much taken by the first. Paul
    17. Stuka and GM1, thank you so much for showing these wonderful images. I hope eventually the painting can be identified. Have you tried the Belgian national Gallery ( or whatever is the national paintings repository) and see if the can be of help in identifying the sitter. Paul
    18. Dear Mark, It is a completely unofficial award, in my opinion it is probably related to a WWI veterans group. Paul
    19. Well done Sergio, you are correct, nice pictures. Your turn, lets get some more people answering. Paul
    20. Thanks Bison, however if post 1964 someone had met the requirements which would have previously granted The Ordre de l'Economie Nationale presumably they would have received the Ordre National du Merite. The same is true with British decorations which were abolished, you are still entitled to wear that decoration and certainly with the MM, DCM, CGM, AFM, DFM and DSM you are still entitled to use the post nominal letters. Paul
    21. Is there a maker's name on the inside lid of the eagle medal, this could give a clue as to it's purpose. Paul
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