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    Paul R

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    Everything posted by Paul R

    1. His final rank was Obergrefeiter? Also were his only two awards the East Medal and the KVK2? I am surprised that he does not have a Flak or GAB for all of that action.
    2. Do you think that the cross on the buttonhole award indicated an EK1?
    3. Despite the questions, I like the set. I can definitely see a Korean-American fight with the US 442nd in Europe, then answer the call back "home" once the Communists threatened his family back home. There is nothing that really stands out as wrong... after all, there is not much of a following for Korean militaria. And, someone who went through all of the effort to put all of this together would have gotten the ribbons in order, as that is an obvious ?. Regardless, I would love to have it, but not for the price being asked.
    4. I have never seen a 1939 device on the the 1939 ribbon before.
    5. They are illegal to own or collect within the US, but from my limited experience, yours looks OK to me.
    6. Cool item. That design is as basic as they come. They look like they came from a general messing somewhere. Definitely not for the finest china! LOL
    7. That is beyond cool. I love these ceramic signs. It is the first I have seen of this organization. I have one from a medical aid station.
    8. Hi John, As stated above, it sounds like you have a very interesting assortment of awards. Can you please post a picture? I hope that they can help you in creating a ribbon bar.
    9. I have seven or eight sets of black slides and this is the first one that I have seen with the silver border around the stars as well.
    10. Have you noticed that the more beautiful land formations and fertile fields follow massive eruptions? Joking aside, point taken with agreement.
    11. LOL. I thought you were referring to actually picking out stitching from the slides. I love the Merchant Mariner slides. Very nice lot you have there. Where did you find the merchant slides? Which base?
    12. Holy schmokes! What an impressive display. If you need help with any of the other missing Coast Guard medals, please let me know. We need to get for you our marksmanship medals and Gold/Silver Lifesaving Medals.
    13. Hi Jock, I hope that you are able to find them. I would love to see a comparison. What do you mean by picked out?
    14. What actions did he perform to be awarded the medal? Any mention of other awards in his record or awards card?
    15. Since there is no swastika on these medals, are they banned for sale/display in Europe? Are they as regulated as the more common stuff.
    16. Great photos!! On that last one, a shame that all he will be left with in 1934 is the HK...
    17. I cant wait to see what you come back with. I would kill for that one! Nice find.
    18. It is a nice looking medal and pretty reasonably priced based upon the rarity. I bet that not many exist these days, especially in the higher grades.
    19. That medal bar you created on the three star general would cost freaking 1000s.... Maybe greater than 10G today. Amazing.
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