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    Paul R

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    Everything posted by Paul R

    1. That is a pretty big discovery. Did they post images of the coins?
    2. That group is really something. I cannot believe how pristine it is for being 200 years old. Is there a way that you can post a clearer image of the set?
    3. That is really something. Is it possible that he was LW FD, based upon the badges and his attachment to the Army?
    4. They are in the wrong order too, right? The NATO medals should be on the other side.
    5. It looks like a great helmet(both of them) to me. I dont see anything wrong with the decal.
    6. Thanks Mike. I am going to set him up with some field gear for the next photo. I am alarmed at how fragile the medal ribbons are.
    7. I notice that orange is a part of every ribbon. What is the significance of that color. If it were orange and black(St George colors), I would understand, but orange and blue...?
    8. People will always find a reason to make something controversial and raise a stink about just anything. I do not see anything disrespectful about this production. I also read that it is being investigated... investigated for what?
    9. LOL. The Soviets loved to put many flowery words into their citations, didnt they? Thank you for translating this for me! There were not too many veterinarians, even then. I wonder what that early Red Star was for? Thank you Nick! :-)
    10. Nice! Thank you Sir. What does the citation say? Anything really juicy? The seller said that it was for a veterinarian who aided 15 horses. There has to be more than that based on the volume of text, right?
    11. Thank you all!! We will post the finished image here. :-)
    12. Good day, I have this ORS to a veterinarian. He seems to have some other awards as well. Can someone please translate?
    13. As we all know, many folks like to call Naval slides Fayadeen. I am sure that they were used by both branches... but what about these? Look at the stars. They are surrounded with a silver piping. I do not see a Naval officer with such tailor made slides... or could I be wrong? Anyway, I really like these. Opinions?
    14. Yep- not worth it. Again, I would only take one if "liberated" by a friendly combatant. Buying one would contribute to their economy.
    15. The article would not open up. What were the penalties for coin collectors?
    16. Were the pins always that fragile or did they get that way over time? I would not think that metal would degrade like that just because of time.
    17. Wow. Thanks Bob. I just need to get an enameled red stripe for it then.
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