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    joe campbell

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    joe campbell last won the day on October 24 2021

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    1. no discomfort with this one except condition and the ring not being original to the piece. it is a legitimate 1914 EK 2. joe
    2. no, you would not be a bad person... the bad person is the IDIOT who propagated this atrocity. joe
    3. DUDE.... that's BEYOND sexy.... and in the phaleristic version of satin sheets no less joe
    4. ummmm... i can be very good too.... if she's thinking about adoption, i really like EK's and could be persuaded to wait for february Christmas presents..... seriously, what a NICE gift! joe
    5. i have no idea who the well known dealer is, but what incredibly bad taste to split up a convolut such as this..... joe
    6. you must have a most impressive collection of PH's! love this one with the doc. how many of them do you have, and has your wife kicked you out yet??? joe
    7. thanks,pete! with the topic being GD, i thought it might be, but it was hard to make that out!! joe
    8. i don't recognize the cuff title on the right sleeve - help? sorry willi couldn't remember that 4th name.... joe
    9. the daughter looks to be a bit of a hard-ass.... don't know if that's a comfort, but that's my take. joe
    10. my understanding is that there were at least a dozen different manufacturers of this piece, and lots of variations to the 25 year oaks. don't have any opinion other than there are so many of them that if you are not comfy with it, i'd leave it alone... joe
    11. mistakes in IT1 are corected. numerous new pieces in IT2, with text essentially the same. i have, and enjoy, both editions. joe
    12. is this a recent find for you?? what an absolute treasure!! joe
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