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    Dave Danner

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    Everything posted by Dave Danner

    1. Hi Do you mean the regiment as a whole? Such as U.S. unit citations, French fourragères, or Russian/Soviet naming units as "Guards" units?
    2. Sometimes the Kriegsranglisten mix up official award dates with bestowal dates. He is only listed with the Flugzeugführerabzeichen in the various Kriegsranglisten and Kriegsstammrollen. No Beobachter.
    3. He was a student of chemistry in Munich when the war started and was a Kriegsfreiwilliger in the 1. Bayerische Feld-Artillerie-Regiment on 15.8.1914. His parents are listed as living in Munich as well. They were Wilhelm Hanstein and Anna, geb. Happe. 26.9.1914 zur 4. Gebirgs-Batterie des 1.FAR 3.3.1915 zur Sturm-Kanonen-Abteilung 15.4.1915 Gefreiter 23.4.1915 Unteroffizier 10.10.1915 zur 3. Ersatz-Batterie des 1.FAR 1.1.1916 zur Flieger-Ersatz-Abteilung 1 Schließheim 13.5.1916 zum Armeeflugpark der Armee-Abteilung Gaede 19.5.1916 zur bayer. Flieger-Abteilung 8 kommandiert 2.6.1916 zur bayer. Flieger-Abteilung 9 versetzt 37.7.1916 Vizefeldwebel 31.10.1916 zur Jagdstaffel 16 versetzt 14.11.1916 Leutnant der Reserve 25.9.1917 Führer der Jagdstaffel 35 21.3.1918 16:30 gef. im Luftkampt zwischen Vaulx und Noreuil. Auszeichnungen: 14.7.1916 EK2 18.10.1916 EK1 17.12.1916 Ehrenbecher "Dem Sieger im Luftkampfe" 19.12.1916 Flugzeugführer-Abzeichen 24.1.1917 Ghzgl. Bad. Silberne Verdienstmedaille am Bande der Militär-Karl-Friedrich-Verdienstmedaille 17.10.1917 Kgl. Bayer. Militär-Verdienstorden, 4. Klasse mit Schwertern 14.2.1918 Kgl. Bayer. Militär-Verdienstorden, 4. Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern 20.1.1918 Kgl. Preuß. Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern Luftsiege: 10.12.1916 Sopwith 1.4.1917 Nieuport 1.5.1917 Nieuport 18.6.1917 Fesselballon 20.8.1917 SPAD 26.8.1917 Fesselballon 12.7.1917 Paul Schmitt [French bomber] 14.7.1917 Paul Schmitt [French bomber] 4.9.1917 SPAD 5.9.1917 Fesselballon 25.9.1917 Parasol-Eindecker * 20.10.1917 Sopwith 12.11.1917 Sopwith 3.1.1918 S.E.5 12.1.1918 Armstrong [-Whitworth] 21.3.1918 Sopwith * It doesn't say what type of parasol monoplane, but since he wouldn't have been credited for shooting down a German aircraft like a Fokker D.VIII, it was likely a Morane-Saulnier.
    4. Lakenberg was promoted to Lt.d.L.-Inf. I (Recklinghausen) in RIR 69 on 10.12.1915. He is not in the BBF database, so I don't know what kind of Lehrer he was. The only "H" Kuhrt in the BBF database was still a Vizefeldwebel in late 1918, so not our Kuhrt. The database has files for Lehrers in higher Schuldienst (Gymnasium, etc.) and index cards for Volksschullehrers, but doesn't include other categories like Gewerbelehrers. It also only covers Prussians. Walter Vater, *30.3.1893 in Jastrzembnik, Neutomischel, †19.8.1971 in Essen, who was wounded in 1917 as a Lt.d.R., has a Luftwaffe personnel file in the Bundesarchiv. That would seem to fit with your first initial and his status as an aviator, but I cannot say for certain. Maybe Söderbaum or someone else has seen his file. "Flender" is correct. Emil Flender was born on 13.8.1885 in Siegen and was a konzessionierter Markscheider in Hervest-Dorsten. A family tree gives his year of death as 1972 but provides no checkable sources. Flender's bio: 7.8.1914 Kriegsfreiwilliger im Ers.Pion.Btl. 25 11.9.1914 Unteroffizier 8.6.1915 Vizefeldwebel 17.6.1915 zum Pionier-Regt. Nr. 25 30.6.1915 Offizier-Stellvertreter 18.8.1915 Leutnant der Reserve 24.6.1916 kommandiert zum Stabe des Kdrs. der Pioniere 45 29.6.1916 Führer der Pionier-Kompanie Nr. 318 14.6.1917 Adjutant des Stopis 62 4.8.1918 Führer der Pionier-Kompanie Nr. 103 8.12.1918 entlassen 2.6.1919 endgültig aus dem Heeresdienst entlassen 6.10.1922 Charakter als OLt.d.R.a.D. 17.1.1939 Übung beim WBK Herne 15.5.1940 OLt.d.R.z.V. beim stellv. Gkdo. VI.AK 22.10.1915 Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 10.3.1917 Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 24.4.1918 Kgl. Preußischer Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern 18.10.1918 Verwundetenabzeichen in mattweiß
    5. Hptm.d.R. Bahr from Saxon Flieger-Abteilung (Artillerie) 244 is: Bahr, Paul Johann Theodor *30.6.1880 in Berlin, †25.8.1952 22.3.1899 aus der Hauptkadettenanstalt als Fähnrich dem IR 61 überwiesen 1.10.1900 Leutnant 28.5.1903 wegen Dienstbeschädigung verabschiedet u. zum Landwehr übergeführt 1906-14 Beamter der Eisenbahn-Direktion Halle a.S. 1912 zu den Reserve-Offizieren des FR 36 übergeführt 8.6.1913 Oberleutnant der Reserve 15.8.1914 Kompanie-Führer FR 36 1.9.1914 Kompanie-Führer RIR 232 22.12.1914 zur FEA 3 zur Ausbildung als Beobachter 22.2.1915 zum Et.Flugpark 2 1.3.1915 Hauptmann der Reserve 1.5.1915 FEA 5 3.5.1915 AFP 8 11.5.1915 FFA 15 20.12.1915 AFA 215 10.10.1916 Kommandeur der sächs. AFA bzw. FA A 244 31.12.1918 entlassen 5.1919-7.1919 Kompanie-Führer der Militärpolizei Kowno 1.11.19 zur Sipo Marienwerder 20.6.21 Polizei-Major 20.7.21-5.7.24 Kommandeur der Luftfahrtüberwachestelle Ostpreußen u. Luftpolizeidezernent des Oberpräsidium in Königsberg 7.1924-xx.1925 Verkehrs-Dezernent bei der Polizeigruppe Königsberg 27.10.30 Polizei-Oberstleutnant 31.3.1934 aus der Polizei verabschiedet 15.2.1938 E-Offizier-Anwärter der Luftwaffe 1.11.1938 Major (E) (RDA 1.1.33) 1.4.1939 Sachbearbeiter Ib bei der Flieger-Division 6 1.11.41 Oberstleutnant 31.8.43 entlassen He had several staff assignments in World War II but Luftwaffe files are a joke when it comes to finding accurate information. From 1.11.1942 he was Sachbearbeiter Ic in the 2.Jäger-Division and his last assignment was with the Arbeitsstab Stalingrad. xx.xx.191x Landwehr-Dienstauszeichnung 2. Klasse 6.12.1914 Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 30.6.1915 Beobachterabzeichen 15.4.1916 Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 17.5.1918 Kgl. Sächsischer Albrechts-Orden, Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwertern 11.7.1918 Kgl. Preußischer Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern 15.11.1934 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer 01.09.1939 Wehrmacht (Luftwaffe) Dienstauszeichnung 4. bis 1. Klasse xx.xx.1939 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 1.9.1941 Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
    6. Vater: Ludwig Euler, Major a.D., †18.12.1886 Mutter: Aline, geb. von Stadler, †6.5.1903 Ehefrau: Adelheid, geb. Grotjan 1 Tochter 26.01.1902 Hauptmann, vorläufig ohne Patent 03.03.1902 Patent Nr. 10 erhalten 23.02.1910 Adjutant der 1. Division 07.03.1912 zum Bataillons-Kommandeur ernannt Not the Prinzregent-Luitpold-Medaille, but rather the Jubiläumsmedaille für die Armee (12.3.1905). The BDA2 was awarded on 21.7.1909 and the BMV4a on 30.12.1913. He was originally buried just outside Badonviller. Around 1924, his and a number of other German bodies in small cemeteries around the region were reinterred in a a mass grave (Kameradengrab) in the cemetery in Reillon (https://kriegsgraeberstaetten.volksbund.de/friedhof/reillon).
    7. The class he was most likely awarded was no class, since he did not receive the award. The class he appears to have claimed to receive was, of course, the third class, since as I noted above, that was the class awarded to junior officers.
    8. As I said, Junker is not in the rolls. I wasn't counting Seebohm among native Schwarzburgers because senior officers in positions like his were not held to the same nationality requirements as recipients of lower classes, who had to be natives of the principalities or commanders of troops in their contingents. Eleven naval officers received the SEK3X from Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Besides Seebohm's SEK1X, Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt awarded 9 SEK3X to junior naval officers and 3 SEK4X to Oberdeckoffiziere.
    9. He is not in the rolls from either Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt or Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. With one exception, the only naval officers with the Fürstlich Schwarzburgisches Ehrenkreuz were born in one of the principalities. The exception was Karl Freiherr von der Recke, whose father was Staatsminister in Rudolstadt.
    10. I can't really tell.
    11. Not Max, but Hans. I think I posted the bio on AHF, but I can't find a link. Golden, Hans Ernst *02.11.1895 in Düsseldorf †17.01.1946 in [?] [bestattet in Dürrheim] Vater: Ernst Carl Philipp Adam Thomas Golden, Generalmajor a.D., *05.01.1858 Mutter: Elisabeth (Else) Ottilie, geb. Bender, *01.02.1874, †09.11.1925 Ehefrau: Käthe, geb. Reerink, *12.02.1902, verheiratet den 10.08.1923 2 Töchter (*1925 / *1930) Beförderungen: 07.02.1915 Fähnrich 02.06.1915 Leutnant (Patent vom 19.12.1915 später erhalten) 30.03.1920 Charakter als Oberleutnant a.D. 01.05.1924 Leutnant mit RDA vom 01.04.1918 (5a) 31.07.1925 Oberleutnant mit RDA vom 01.04.1925 (674) 02.03.1929 anderw. RDA vom 01.04.1925 (319a) erhalten 01.02.1932 Hauptmann (13) 01.03.1936 Major (77) 01.06.1939 Oberstleutnant (13) 01.02.1942 Oberst (197) Dienstlaufbahn: 15.08.1914 als Fahnenjunker in das Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 77 eingetreten 30.04.1916 in das Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 73 versetzt 15.01.1917 in das Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 232 versetzt 11.02.1917 mit der Führung der 12. Kompanie des Reserve-Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 232 beliehen 28.09.1917 in das Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 89 versetzt 12.10.1917 Führer der 12. Kompanie des Grenadier-Regiments Nr. 89 (bis 21.03.1918) 10.01.1919 in das Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 77 zurückversetzt 25.03.1919 als Adjutant zum Landwehrbezirk Celle kommandiert (bis 23.09.1919) 30.03.1920 verabschiedet 01.05.1924 in die 6. (Preußische) Kraftfahr-Abteilung wieder angestellt 17.12.1924 in die 6. (Preußische) Sanitäts-Abteilung versetzt 01.10.1925 zu einem Waffenschullehrgang in Dresden kommandiert (bis 15.02.1926) 07.10.1930 zum kraftfahrtechnischen Offizierlehrgang in Berlin kommandiert (bis 13.02.1931) 10.01.1933 zu einem taktisch-technischen Offizierlehrgang beim Kraftfahr-Lehrstabe kommandiert (bis 31.03.1933) 01.03.1933 mit dem 01.04.1933 in die 1. (Preußische) Kraftfahr-Abteilung versetzt 01.10.1934 Chef der 2. Kompanie der Kraftfahr-Abteilung Allenstein (laut Stellenbesetzung) 15.10.1935 in der Panzerabwehr-Abteilung 11 (laut Stellenbesetzung) 20.04.1936 mit dem 01.05.1936 in die Kriegsschule Dresden versetzt 06.10.1936 Lehrer und Aufsichtsoffizier an der Kriegsschule Dresden (laut Stellenbesetzung) 12.10.1937 Lehrer und Aufsichtsoffizier an der Kriegsschule Dresden (laut Stellenbesetzung) 10.11.1938 Kommandeur der Panzerabwehr-Abteilung 5 (laut Stellenbesetzung) 01.10.1940 Kommandeur der Panzerjäger-Abteilung 125 12.06.1941 m.W.v. 29.05.1941 Führerreserve Wehrkreis V 17.01.1942 m.W.v. 05.01.1942 zur Heeres-Kontroll-Inspektion der Deutschen Waffenstillstands-Kommission vers. (Kommandeur der Kontroll-Delegation Mittelmeerküste Wastika) 27.08.1942 m.W.v. 27.07.1942 Führerreserve WKr. V (im Lazarett) 24.08.1943 m.W.v. 07.06.1943 Führerreserve OKH unter gleichzeitiger Kommandierung zum Militär-Befehlshaber in Frankreich 12.11.1943 Führerreserve Wehrkreis V unter Aufhebung seines Kommandos zum Militär-Befehlshaber in Frankreich (im Lazarett) 01.05.1944 Führerreserve OKH unter gleichzeitiger Kommandierung zum Bevollmächtigten Generale der Deutschen Wehrmacht in Italien 01.05.1944 zur Militär-Kommandantur 1006 kommandiert 28.05.1944 zur Leitkommandantur Florenz kommandiert 01.08.1944 Kommandant der Militär-Kommandantur 1003 25.08.1944 Führerreserve OKH (V)
    12. LIR 118 had three mobile battalions and one Ersatz battalion. In October 1918, due to losses, a company from each battalion was dissolved, and the regiment as a whole was dissolved in December 1918. The Ersatz battalion was also dissolved in December 1918, shortly before the regiment as a whole. The Abwicklungsstelle of the active IR 118 supervised the demobilization. It's especially annoying to me when a group of officers from one place are commissioned and sent to a regiment with which they had no prior connection, since it messes with whatever logic we hope to apply when doing our research. I was just going through a group of officers commissioned into IR 75, almost all with a Bremen Kontrollbezirk, who all ended up in Silesian regiments (GR 10, IR 23, FR 38 and IR 62).
    13. Generalmajor Wolfgang Ziegler https://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Personenregister/Z/ZieglerWolfgang-R.htm
    14. Two images of Eugen Voelter, along with a close-up of the ribbon bars. The former shows a Feldspange with Württemberg precedence, the latter from 1938 shows "Reich" precedence. I suppose it's possible he would have changed the bar yet again after the Anschluß to move the ÖM3K ahead of the Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer, since it would no longer be a foreign award.
    15. Here's another picture of Gutscher, albeit without the HOH3X. Link to full-size image: http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=1-326697
    16. It appears to be Emil Otto Friedrich Koehler, *21.7.1884 in Alsleben, †15.5.1966 in Kaiserslautern. He was a Hauptmann (15.8.15) in FußAR 10 and commander of Fußartillerie-Bataillon Nr. 92 from May 1917 to war's end. A char. Major a.D., he was a civilian official in the Reichswehrministerium from 1926-33, an L-Offizier from 1933 to 1935, and then an E-Offizier. He was promoted to Oberst and transferred to the active officer corps on 1.8.1941. He was supposed to retire on age grounds in 1944, but he was considered essential. His last assignment was on 1.1.1945 as Stabsoffizier der Artillerie in the staff of the Festungs-Pionier-Kommandeur XXI.
    17. The Major Bauer who received the HOH3X in mid-1917 would appear to be the IR 98 officer. He was promoted to Oberstleutnant on 18.4.1918. His last assignment was command of RIR 236, and his picture in the RIR 236 regimental history appears to show him with the HOH3X buttonhole ribbon. I have no idea what unit he was with in 1917, as he did not come to RIR 236 until some time in 1918. He commanded I./LIR 30 on mobilization and was wounded on 8.12.1914. Bauer, Max Karl Ferdinand Hermann *27.11.1868 in Fraustadt †08.06.1945 in ? (bestattet in Baden Baden)
    18. Meyer, Georg Karl Paul *18.6.1888 in Münchenbernsdorf, Neustadt an der Orla, Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach He is not in the 1928 Mitglieder-Verzeichnis of the Offizier-Vereinigung des ehemaligen Magdeburgischen Pionier-Bataillons Nr. 4.
    19. Here is a Militär-Dienstzeitbescheinigung for Bavarian HOH3X recipient Lt.d.L. Karl Bader, later a Luftwaffe Oberstleutnant. No dates, but since he's Bavarian maybe there's a Kriegsrangliste on Ancestry. Luftwaffe files being the mostly worthless messes they are, there's nothing on any World War II service or other decorations, though he would have had at least the WLDA4.
    20. Maj.d.R.a.D. Karl Schönberg, who was awarded the HOH3X on 11.7.1917, is another example of annoying and inconsistent German spelling. He spelled his own name as Schönberg, and his brothers - Oberstleutnant Otto Schönberg and Maj.d.R.a.D. Franz Schönberg - also used that spelling, but Karl's name is "Schoenberg" in Prussian Army sources (Ranglisten, Militärwochenblatt). Schoenberg, Karl Friedrich Otto *7.3.1862 in Langgoslin, Obornik Gutsbesitzer in Wasmerslage, Osterburg 17.10.1883 Sekondelieutenant d.R. des IR 46 15.07.1893 Premierlieutenant d.R. 15.06.1899 Hauptmann d.R. 18.08.1913 der Abschied bewilligt 28.08.1914 Kommandeur des III./RIR 227 (bis 26.12.1915) 24.10.1914 verwundet 27.01.1915 Charakter als Major d.R.a.D. 26.12.1915 zum II. Ersatz-Bataillon des FR 36 11.02.1916 Kommandeur des III./IR 153 04.10.1917 verwundet Known decorations: HOH3X, EK1&2, LD1, EH2bX, VAs A brief description from the RIR 227 Regimentsgeschichte: Photo from the IR 153 Regimentsgeschichte: Photo from the RIR 227 Regimentsgeschichte:
    21. The Napoleonic wars had exposed how weak the numerous small and divided Thuringian states were. There was a desire for greater unity among the Ernestine duchies after 1815, though the rivalries among the actual ruling dukes worked against this goal. Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, formed from two other Ernestine duchies, had been raised to a Grand Duchy in 1815 and established its own Hausorden der Wachsamkeit that year. The other duchies formed a commission a few years later to establish their own common order. Money was probably a factor, but the desire to make a statement of unity was also a stated goal. Not much progress was made until the extinction of the House of Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg in 1825, which led to a reorganization of the duchies, brokered by the King of Saxony. It still took a few more years, but the new Duke of Sachsen-Altenburg, who had been Duke of Sachsen-Hildburghausen until 1826, started a renewed pushed for the combined order as a symbol of this goal of unity. It still took a few more years to negotiate the statutes and design the order.
    22. Paul Dietz (1827-1898) married Berta Bayer in 1849. He was ennobled as "Dietz von Bayer" on 17.12.1884. Paul and Berta had three children: Elisabeth (1850-), Konrad (1854-) and Erich (1859-). Elisabeth married Otto Freiherr von Hodenberg (1844-1902) and had 3 children. Erich was childless. Konrad had one son, Friedrich, born in 1887. None of the names I can associate directly with the family - Dietz v. Bayer, Frhr. v. Hodenberg, Iffland (Elisabeth's son-in-law), v. Collas (Friedrich's wife), Boßdorf (Friedrich's son-in-law), and Hartmann (Friedrich's daughter-in-law) - match my LDH and SLH lists. So my best guess is your heir inherited it from someone related through a later maternal line. Erich Dietz von Bayer (*1921) was killed in action in 1945; I have no idea if he had children and whom they would have married. Same for Erika Boßdorf geb. Dietz v. Bayer (1920-1951). It's possible Friedrich had other children after Erika and Erich, but I haven't found them.
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