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    • Location
      Leicestershire UK
    • Interests
      Imperial German medals, Iron Crosses , WW1 French awards and Tunnelling medals of the Royal Engineers in WW1

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    1. It`s not a healthy bug to get bitten by, believe me
    2. Great collection Jerry. I love these medals. I got bitten by the bug years ago. Jim
    3. I picked this one up recently. beautifully framed. I have no idea of the year of the medal and won`t be taking the back off to find out.
    4. Very nice Mark Jim
    5. Jerry, I think it is worth getting one for completion of a collection purposes. Jim
    6. These medals are called "uniface". I once collected all CdG and had one of these in my collection. i was informed by a very knowledgeable French collector that these medals were purely for displaying in frames and were thought not to be official. Jim
    7. Congratulations, great piece Jim
    8. A beautiful medal indeed. I bought a Waterloo and MGS medal earlier in the year. The history behind these medals and the men is fascinating. Congratulations on a great acquisition
    9. Odulf, Those are beautiful citations. I just picked up this group of citations with a 1915 medal.
    10. Someone can always say something that may be "offensive" to someone else. That`s how it is.The world has gone mad. I am not much for Christmas. After 30 years of watching people beat each other senseless over the "season of goodwill" it means little anymore. It has just added to my current status of being a recluse But here goes to those who wish not to be offended, "Merry Christmas" And for those it might offend, please go and telephone someone who might care because after all it is a western tradition and I seem to have everyone else's traditions and customs jabbed down my throat at every opportunity without thought for the offense it might cause me. Best wishes to all for 2017
    11. It used to be a Long Service Good Conduct Medal when I got mine. It always confused me because i was always in the mire for something over my 30 years and was surprised to receive mine. I did ask for it to be delivered through the internal post I hasten to add Jim
    12. Thanks to all for opinions and information Jim
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