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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. Yes, it is one of the aimag badges. More than one can (or would care to) count.
    2. The Muslim League passed the "Pakistan Resolution", outlining the creation of this state as a political goal.
    3. Very interesting -- and very historic. Thanks.
    4. Yes, on the surface it looks good (though entirely unnamed). Not clear how many are officvial medals and how many are tailors' copies. The label is "Pakistan Army Stores" (all transliterated English). Still working on the harder-to-read bottom lines.
    5. For the "masses", a nasty auto-translation: SOCIETY of FRIENDS of AIR FLEET (ЧОДВФ), voluntary mass org-tsija, created within the limits of developed патриотич. Movements of wide plank beds. Weights under the slogan: ?the Working people, build Air Fleet!?. ЧОДВФ has arisen on May, 5th 1923 and has existed till March, 13th 1925. About-in has played means. A role in expansion of campaign for fund raising on construction of planes, a construction of aviation enterprises, propagation of aviation business, development of aviamodelling and glider sports. ЧОДВФ it has been created after общесоюз. About-vom ? ОДВФ the USSR, organised on March, 8th 1923 and become in a short space of time one of the most mass org-tsy workers. In Charter ОДВФ the USSR it was noticed that its purpose ?is assistance of party and to the government in creation in the USSR powerful aircraft?. Only for the first year of work числ. ОДВФ the USSR has made 1 million people? We can tell safely, ? wrote M.V.Frunze in March 1924, ? that questions of aircraft of a steel in the centre of attention of broad masses ?. The big role has played ОДВФ the USSR the organisations of gathering of the donations, release of marks, vignettes, the badges extending among the population was one of forms k-ryh. For 1,5 years on donations 111 planes have been constructed or ordered, a number of airdromes is built, the help aviation prom-sti is rendered. At sources ЧОДВФ stood? тов. Анучин (предс. Губэкосо), тов. Евладов (the deputy нач. Губземуправления), тов. Рамзайцев (Губвоенком), тов. Blue (the editor of "the Soviet truth?), тов. Богданов (the manager. Губфинотделом), тов. Bushes (trustee Gubprofsoveta) ?, the elite on May, 5th 1923 in structure we say lies. Boards about-va. To окт. 1923 ЧОДВФ totaled in the numbers 1247 чл. In cash desk and into current accounts губерн. ОДВФ 1060 tchervonetses have arrived. Organizational registration ЧОДВФ has been finished to 1 янв. 1924 after division into districts of Ural Mountains. About-in has entered as district branch into structure ODVF Ural Mountains. Region In its sphere dejat-sti ? again created 16 areas of the People of district. During the деятсти ЧОДВФ has brought the powerful contribution to creation гражд. And воен. Fleet, actively participating in gathering will add. Means for aircraft development, successfully solving практич. Affairs propaganda questions for its creation. On account ЧОДВФ org-tsija sports. Circles, holidays, carrying out of competitions on the best model of the plane, a dirigible balloon etc. With its help the first glider has been constructed and the 1-seater plane of system "Шпад" used for propaganda flights (the Aircraft propaganda see) is repaired. ЧОДВФ was engaged in carrying out субботников, weeks of the help воздухофлоту, distribution of marks, badges ОДВФ. To окт. 1924 in the people district 121 cell ОДВФ, 2 libraries, 23 aviacorners operated. Числ. About-va 7 thousand on the People and settlement Cheljabkopi and 2,5 thousand people on areas has grown to 9,5 thousand people, from them. 2nd district congress ЧОДВФ has decided to strengthen work about-va in villages. For village have been got кинопередвижки and tapes авиационноагитационного maintenances. Жит. Villages. Areas began to be supplied with cheaper lighted-plenty. "Plane". Одноврем. ЧОДВФ has strengthened work on youth aviaeducation. Aviacorners and aviamugs were everywhere organised, at schools aviahours have been entered. Aviamodelling and glider kinds of sports developed. For 2 years of work ЧОДВФ it has been collected 4,5 thousand rbl. of Org-tsija has grown to 16 thousand people On these means plane "Челябинец", one of 15 as a part of 1st Ural Mountains have been ordered. возд. Squadrons it. тов. Свердлова, constructed under the initiative and on means ?Ural Mountains ОДВФ?. On March, 13th 1925 ОДВФ has united with defensive about-vom "Dobrohim" in uniform about-in friends of aviachemical defence and prom-sti of USSR (Авиахим), 23 янв. 1927 as a result of association of Aviahima and About-va assistance to defence of the USSR (ОСО) there was Osoaviahim. How funny. Not sure I know any more from the "English" than I got from the Russian.
    6. As I go through, sorting and cataloging my Hungarian items (thanks again, Charles ), I encounter some mysterious problem children. I think they belong here. Maybe they are somewhere, but they elude me. Help! Thanks in advance. 1-
    7. The more I look at it (being able to read scarcely a bleedin' word ) the more convinced I become that the way it is organized is incredibly important: Making us think HISTORICALLY as to how the system emerged over time and across Mongolia's history rather than as a narrow "version. 2.3 versus 2.4" way of thinking. Please try to get beyond the language hurdle and the (very) pretty pictures and strive to think about things that way.
    8. Based on Bob's recent (not-so-good) experiences, I wish you luck. Over to you, Bob, . . . . Choibalsan willing, I'd LOVE to see an image of that "5"!!!
    9. While, like any other "sacred text", imperfect, it is NECESSARY. Get a fork-lift to deal with it (actually, not as bad as the last edition).
    10. After 1947, many were worn that way. This one is probably Pakistani. A shame it is unnamed. But still nice.
    11. Ribbons like this have history. I like them. Others don't. Good. More for me.
    12. Well . . . I have it in hand. First impressions: -- Small. A4 size, just 92 pages. But full-color on coated paper. -- Nice images. Full page treatment of most items and LOTS of recipient photos. Usually no images of reverse of the awards. -- Organization is chronological, which is interesting and would probably work better if I could read the text. -- Language -- ALL in Mongolia except names of the awards. -- No need to retire Battushig's book. Much need to hope for a second edition. Am I glad I got it? Yes. Absolutely! But I am a fanatic.
    13. Obviously the original ribbon.
    14. Yes, Magor's book is an absolute "must-have". And the 2nd edition is much better than the 1st, though neither is easy to find these days, I fear.
    15. Can't say much about how things were done in the UK, but in India from the Second Sikh War until WWI all naming was done by a single sub-contractor in Calcutta. The distinctive running script is their hallmark (and even when the government sought alternate suppliers -- cheaper ones -- no one could match the quality -- and, alas, no one can do this quality of naming today -- a good friend tried to get his MacGregor Medal so named). The political pressure to issue Second Afghan War Medals before the mud was even dry on the troops' feet led to a wide range of alternate naming patterns. I think there are some underlying regimental patterns, but cannot prove that. Only a very few medals were centrally named. (And there is an interesting back-story as to why this war wasn't just three clasps on the IGS.) The naming machines that came into use during WWI were unpopular at the mint and led to massive error rates. Pity the poor sowar (cavalry private) whose rank was renedered as soowar (pig) on his Allied Victory Medal. And, then, there are the IGS08s named in Urdu. Why? How? Fascinating. Not to mention the massive application of individual craft and inventiveness that any good battalion blacksmith could improvise. (Well, Peter mentioned it .) Despite efforts by BB&M and others, things aren't ever as simple and straightforward as they wish to make it sound. And, unfortunately, some dealers take it upon themselves to de-name (erase) what they see as naughty medals. I know of one lovely group that was destroyed by such practices.
    16. No, actually, I DON'T. And you knew that.
    17. I'd not worry too much about a fake of these. But, in these sad, dying, days of Babylon, who knows.
    18. And the backside (back side?). The Verdienstkreuz f?r Kriegshilfe is obviously a late add-on.
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