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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. Major Josef von Radowitz Born: 29 Jul 1899 Died: 01 Jun 1956 Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant Adjutant III Armeekorps Stab 2. Panzerarmee Kdr Pz.Grenadier-Regiment 28 Kdr 23 Panzer-Division RK - 07 Sep 1944 / EL - 09 May 1945 DKiG - 2 Feb 1944
    2. A selection from a grouping to Stabshelferin Paula Schneider who served in Res.Laz. I Magdeburg.
    3. Here is a selection from a grouping to DRK-Schwesternhelferin Erna Marschalk who served in Res.Laz. Neumarkt and Kriegs-Laz.Abt (m) 561.
    4. I don't have anything on the Dr I'm afraid although there is someone with that name in a Google Search for that period but I believe he was an engineer. Unfortunately when it comes to the medical side of the Wehrmacht there is little information readily available. The Feldpost Nr of 29760 belonged to two Infantry units... (Mobilmachung-1.1.1940) Regimentsstab m.Nachrichten-Zug Infanterie-Regiment 289, (2.1.1940-27.4.1940) Regimentsstab Infanterie-Regiment 289, (10.2.1943-23.8.1943) Stab u. 1.-4. Kompanie Divisions-Bataillon 98, (10.11.1944-Kriegsende) 20.12.1944 Stab u. 1.-4. Kompanie Füsilier-Bataillon 98. It is sad that someone saw fit to throw all those out but some people just have no interest in historical items and what is 'gold' for us is literally trash for them, including everything from Feldpost to Prelim RK citations.
    5. The second one? That was on a dealer site for not very much money as I don't think he twigged who the signature belonged to. It certainly wasn't mentioned in the item description anyway.
    6. Hand signed Image: Promotion citation to LW Flak DKiG Major
    7. Autographen Des Nationalsozialismus 1919-1945 Band I. Nationalsozialistische Ideologen, Funktionäre und Politiker - Militärische Führung der Wehrmacht (ISBN:978-3-931533-54-0) by Andre Hüsken - A very good book showing hundreds and hundreds of signature examples ranging from Hindenburg & Hitler to Emil Maurice & Arthur Greiser and loads of Generals and Admirals from the W-SS & Wehrmacht. Can be ordered from his website. Autographen Des Nationalsozialismus 1919-1945 Band II. Luftwaffe by Andre Huesken - Second in the series with this new release covering Luftwaffe Leadership, Flying Personnel, Flak & Fallschirmjäger. Autographen Des Nationalsozialismus 1919-1945 Band III. Schutzstaffel - Allgemeine SS - Waffen-SS - SD - Geheime Staatspolizei - Ordnungspolizei by Andre Huesken - Third volume in the series with 456 pages and over 1,000 entries. Autographen Des Nationalsozialismus 1919-1945 Band IV. Kriegsmarine by Andre Huesken - The latest release (as of July 2022) with 506 pages and over 1,300 entries.
    8. Oberleutnant Karl-Heinz Krahl Born: 25 Sep 1914 Died: 14 Apr 1942 - KIA Malta Highest Rank Reached: Hauptmann K/88 JG 2 Stabsstaffel of I/JG 2 Staffelkapitän 1./JG 2 Staffelkapitän 3./JG 2 Kommandeur I/JG 2 Kommandeur II/JG 3 RK: 13 Nov 1940 Victories: 19 Image: Soldbuch
    9. Leutnant Josef 'Sepp' Wurmheller Born: 4 May 1917 Died: 22 Jun 1944 - KIA Highest rank reached: Major (Posthumous) 2./JG 334 2./JG 53 5./JG 53 Stabsstaffel II./JG 2 Instructor JFS Werneuchen 1./JG 2 Staffelkapitän 9./JG 2 Kommandeur of III./JG 2 RK: 04 Sep 1941 / EL: 13 Nov 1942 / Schw: 24 Oct 1944 (Posthumous) DKiG: 21 Aug 1942 Victories: 102 Image: Soldbuch
    10. Leutnant Helmut Wick Born: 05 Aug 1915 Died: 28 Nov 1940 - KIA Highest rank reached: Major II/JG 134 1./JG 53 3./JG 2 Staffelkapitän 3./JG 2 Staffelkapitän 6./JG 2 Kommandeur I/JG 2 Kommodore JG 2 RK: 27 Aug 1940 EL: 06 Oct 1940 Victories: 56 Image: Soldbuch
    11. The original post was a year ago. The medals, including the VC, of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Watson were withdrawn from sale at the request of the family... http://www.victoriacross.org.uk/bbwatsot.htm
    12. Here is the entry for Georg Rauwolf's crash in Battle Of Britain Then & Now which mentions that he was traced to Munich in 1979, and also shows some remains of his aircraft... And here is an image of PO Whitbread, from the same publication...
    13. Further to the Luftwaffe details - Uffz Georg Rauwolf had one confirmed kill: Hurricane on 18th August 1940 10km NW Selsey Bill at 5,000m This kill may well of been why he was awarded the EK II. This was the day of the low level raid on RAF Kenley by 9./KG-76, however this would seem to fit the mission for Rauwolf... It was around midday that 109 Junker Ju87 Stuka dive bombers from 2/StG77, 3/StG77, 5/StG77 and III/StG77, 65 Messerschmitt Bf109 fighter escorts and 55 Messerschmitt Bf109 fighters following up on a free hunting patrol left their bases in Normandy and Brittany to attack the aerodromes in Hampshire and Sussex and Poling Radar Station also in Sussex. The Messerschmitt Bf 109s were from 6/JG2, 1/JG27 and 6/JG27. Their flight path would take them across the English Channel and twelve miles to the east of the Isle of Wight. About ten miles south of the English coastline they would break up into three distinct groups. Twenty-Two Ju87s would attack Gosport, 27 would attack Thorney Island, 29 would attack Ford while 31 would attack Poling. (Source: http://www.battleofbritain1940.net/0028.html ) Looking in The Battle Of Britain Then & Now a lot of Hurricanes were damaged or shot down on that day so pinning it down to just one might not be possible.
    14. Could of been a victim of Hans 'Assi' Hahn of 4./JG-2 although on that day he claimed a Hurricane but the timing does match (taking into account German & UK times). If it was 'Assi' Hahn then it was his 19th kill from an eventual tally of 108 (of which 53 were Spitfires).
    15. Wonderful item. Bf109E-1 Werk Nr 6280 7 + - (in yellow) Pilot: Uffz Georg Rauwolf (EK II) - carried an Ausweis on the mission with Feldpost Nr 37472 (6./Jagdgeschwader 27) He had completed 18 missions since moving to 6./JG-27 in June 1940. Started at 1730 escorting about forty bombers attacking London. Flying at between 19,000 & 21,000ft the pilot got careless and dropped too far behind; suddenly he was peppered by a Spitfire, dived down to 10,000ft and baled out, his aircraft diving into the ground at speed at 1815. (Source: Luftwaffe Crash Archive Vol 3 by Nigel Parker)
    16. For me as well. Seeing just these varied examples gives some idea how difficult the Allies must of found it to insert agents into Occupied Europe with all the appropriate faked paperwork.
    17. Some great examples there. When it came to ID's & certificates the German's certainly covered all the bases!
    18. Nice images. Just a quick look on Volksbund shows that there are 26 'Passenheim's' listed as KIA in WW-2.
    19. Looks like your new scanner is working well. Nice examples.
    20. That is the stamped signature of Friedrich (Fritz) Heilingbrunner.
    21. Finally managed to break my duck and get an item to a serving female, in this case a DRK-Helferin. It is a late-war issue and she served in Kriegslazarett Flensburg and Res.Laz 3/609. A bonus was that along with the Verwendungsbuch was her award citation for the War Merit Medal. The citation is signed by Oberstleutnant d.R Horst who was in temporary command of OKH department P5, whereas he was usually in charge of P5 2.Staffel which dealt with the awarding of Wound Badges and War Merit Awards. OKH P5 was responsible for decorations and awards with different sub-departments dealing with different awards.
    22. I wonder how many of the cast (if any) had their careers ended by the Nazi regime, whether through seeing the way the wind was blowing and leaving Germany or staying and falling foul of the regime through whatever reason?
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