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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. Original order of rising sun with doctored suspension.
    2. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.XShowa+enthronement+medal.TRS0&_nkw=Showa+enthronement+medal&_sacat=0
    3. 3rd class from Sowa epoch. 1930s +
    4. Japanese admiral Naokuni Nomura (1885-1973) Best, Nick
    5. Probably. Nope. In the center 号外官報 - Official Gazette Around the perimeter 頁二一 - Page 21 + October 2nd, 1906 Best. Nick
    6. The card is undated. I`d say "1910s" sounds about right. Regards, Nick
    7. Case and doc were issued to two different persons. Case inscribed Meiji 37-8 Years [1904-5] War Service 勲功章 - Order of merit [family mon] 陸軍騎兵上等兵 - Army cavalry superior private 勲八等 - Order of merit 8th class 山口辛一 - Yamaguchi Shinichi The doc was issued on April 1. 1906 to 陸軍歩兵一等卒 - Army infantry soldier 1st class 藤井吉太郎 - Fujii Kichitarō He was awarded with 勲八等瑞宝章 - order of sacred treasure 8th class Mit besten Grüßen, Nick
    8. 勲八等 - Order of merit 8th class (most likely Order of the Rising Sun 8th class) Yes, it`s a monetary award that came with the medal. 金七拾圓 - 70 yen Very friendly and very respectfully, Nick
    9. Meiji 37-8 Years [1904-5] War Service 小里基一 - Ozato Kiichi. Most likely the father of this chap
    10. Fake of course and quite obvious one.
    11. Yes, both docs issued to the same person. 小里太郎 - Ozato Tarō 二等機關兵 - Soldier 2nd class machine gunner
    12. Unfortunately, no dates and no additional info about regulation for these devices. Author simply describes the pictures. First picture 天皇陛下が大勲位花章頸飾を下げる際に使 用した肩章の菊花紋章は、頸飾章がず落ちないため の特株な仕掛けがしてあつた。 Second 左2個が八ネ入りの菊花紋章。 中央のボタンのよぅなものが用途不明のもの The text under 玉肩章の下にり僭 込んでいるも のが見 ... ==== He is thinking that these were the special stock. Doesn`t know for what was the central button.
    13. It's impossible to say with certainty with existing photos
    14. This is of course just a hypothesis and I didn`t see half collars either. So it is quite possible that the photo was doctored.
    15. Take a good look at the epollet. Studio or no studio - there is only one link. So they doctored the epollet too? Now, regarding to what the book suggests. It suggests that there are several types of clips. Larger one for the whole chain (?) smaller for the half chain (?). Unfortunately the quality of image is too low (at least for me) to read the inscriptions.
    16. You better take a look at this photo. Only half of the collar. So they could start using clips becase of this
    17. Thanks! Nice book indeed. He wore it both ways
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