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    Mervyn Mitton

    Honorary Member
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    Everything posted by Mervyn Mitton

    1. This next pattern has replaced the old wooden truncheons. Based originally from the folding steel folding batons carried by German Commandoes, it is now used in most Countries. This is a South African made one. 8 inches when folded - it extends to 19 1/2 inches ( 20cm - 49.5cm). The weight is 11 ozs - 355 gms.
    2. This is an American Police pocket club - known as a 'ZAP'. 8 1/4 inches (21cm) it weighs 6 1/2 ozs.(205gms) and is filled with lead.
    3. Ed - some of the 'sticks' you show are old and very sought after. The Boston , New York and I believe, Philadelphia Police , all carried specially carved truncheons on ceremonial parades. The woven cotton wrist grips were always very fanciful. I think some of yours are of this pattern. Fish clubs are used all over the World , so I expect you are right in your ident. You must tell us the history of the strange Banana shaped one - good workmanship. I will show 4 from my collection which are not standard shapes. Mervyn
    4. Brian - this has been a well researched series - and one that I am sure will have helped many younger members to understand the complexities of WW2. With Historians, so often the views they push are written from their own perspective - I think that you have been careful to avoid this trap . GMIC has certainly gained from your hard work and I - for one - am most happy to offer you Congratulations on achieving the objectives you set out right at the start. Best wishes. Mervyn
    5. Bear in mind that this is a King's Crown - and therefore covers a long period up to 1952.
    6. Covering the Guard with leather was a means to stop reflections. With the blade in such good condition and the G V R Cypher clear, it would seem unlikely that it has been re-hilted. I would say that you have a nice example of the 1st WW Infantry sword.
    7. DRAZA - please note that all posts on this Forum are to be in English. Other posts will be deleted. Our attention has been drawn to your hostile posts. Please keep to the politeness of GMIC - further breaches will lead to suspension
    8. Robbo - jf42 makes some sensible points with regard to the badges - however, I feel that the Irish identification must be a pointer. The buckle appears to show an Irish Harp - although the detail is poor. I have a ref. book on British Regts. prior to 1900 and will have a look through to see which Regts. used the harp. Meanwhile, I hope someone else will be able to assist you. Best wishes on joining GMIC. Mervyn
    9. Mervyn Mitton

      Forum Upgrade

      A frustrating experience - particularly for Nick. No-one could have expected these problems and whilst there has been an annoyance factor , dedicated members to our Forum will have accepted them and shown patience whilst waiting for the problems to sort themselves. May I suggest that members send notes of encouragement to Nick - being on your own whilst waiting for the updates must be a lonely experience. Remember - he has regularly kept us up-to date on developments . Mervyn One final point - Chris Boonzaier has been seconded to the air crash site in the Alps. Again please send him a note of encouragement - it must be a soul shattering experience.
    10. Peter - do you have any further news for us ? What about a leaflet for casual distribution - do you think this is feasible ? The alternative would be a card - about the size of a business card - giving some details on GMIC and full contact info.. Nick should have a preview of any thing you think you can manage - when we hear from you, if the answer is Yes to either of these suggestions. I will draft something for his approval. What date will you be leaving Canada ? Best wishes Mervyn
    11. Stuka - well done. A great collection and well photographed - very useful reference for future collectors. Mervyn
    12. What do you expect from the French - suport the British Mint and buy our 5 pound coin to commemorate Waterloo. How would we order one ? Mervyn
    13. I suppose this is the way of things today - probably more wearable then previously. However, in my opinion, they are now on a dress level with sewerage workers. 200 years of tradition - the collar, the white inner shirt, the white trousers - all gone. Does no-one ever care about the past history that made our armed forces ? Mervyn
    14. Mickey - as for Ed - sincere apologies for this post not having an answer at an earlier date. From the sounds of it is is probably an early South African Police riot helmet. They would not have had the screen attachment. However, I hope an ex-SAP member will be able to help. Best wishes Mervyn
    15. Hi Ed. My apologies - I've just realised that we haven't replied to you since the beginning of last December. Nothing intentional I promise you. I have a number of items that I will get photographed and will add - however, at present it looks as if photos have not caught up with the new downloads. Meanwhile, I have been preparing a new series on Riot Police of the World and will try to get this on fairly soon. Best wishes, hope all is well and my regards to your Mother. Mervyn
    16. The red morroco leather is typical of British medal cases. However, it lacks the maker's name and the indentations are a strange shape for any British award that I recognise. Perhaps Ralph is right in thinking masonic - but then Paul is also likely to be correct with jewellery. Mervyn
    17. Looks to be a full size sword and of the Yataghan style with the curved blade. Names varied dependent on styles, decoration and Country. Does the blade have any decoration and any marks ? Mervyn
    18. Seems to be in fair condition - I would say about 1850, a double barreled percussion shotgun. Do you think it has been converted from flintlock , I can't see any marks of this ? Worth cleaning-up as a nice wall decoration. Mervyn
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