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    hagahr last won the day on November 19 2022

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      jeweler production off medals

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    1. wel there two core to be seen as A types . I separated them in two numbers ,( the 2 ABC ) and the 12 abc . the 2abc represent A buckshot crown as the crown looks like being shot with buckshot ammo . and the 12 abc represents a crown that actually is very simmilar to the 1870 A type crown . i post the pictures below . hope you like it . and sorry for reacting so late, i am not so active on forums so much as i was in the past . K
    2. I thank you fore the compliments. gladly shared . the picture comes from my attempt to make a foto data file with all 1914 core's available on the marked . based on the question ,? how many cores arte there ? in regular time frames i present new findings on a German forum in a pinnned section. so ,sure I would gladly share the info . glad youre happy with it . regards kay
    3. Sorry to bump in Here, especially as I am not very active here so much. But for your core : (I could not resist) I call it the BuckShot crown core. Every Version you buy from These cores it seems to be (buckshot) differently. I am making a file with all ek2 1914 core designs on the marked to be found and this core is listed with 2 variations. And can be found in ek1 as well The core ( to me ) is cast iron and you're cross is a typical WS. Core is also used in WE and A marked crosses's. And I suspect in combination with many more different markings in ek2 crosses's I like it very much hope my added picture are of any help. Regards Kay
    4. I looked the cross up ..its not the same but the only legit variation of a KO I have in my collection . someone polished it with rough scratching tools. I restored it to the old patina it originally would have. hope you like it
    5. at the moment a lot of work with my 1914 iron core files so but thanks for the welcome . and I shut down one web page yes . I am working on this face book thing these day's https://www.facebook.com/1914-german-Medal-restauration-and-preservation-101489365326848 restoring iron crosses and the stupid idea of photo listing all iron cores of the iron cross 1914 . so not much time sorry . but maybe yes i drop by some times. regards kay
    6. Vit67, ? I think you don't have to worry al too much about federal agents and citizen arrests ? The bottom line is,you presented the bar as it was. Your work in restoring /building.(if my interpretation of this topic is correct). So yea well done. So far the strange turn out of this topic created a little blush on the faces of the established order.(to say it carefully) So, yes they repay you. (drama expected) But the upright standing for your work and replies here made me think I should salute you. By this I do. Regards Kay
    7. Oh that is nice ,I have a EK1 maker KO with a system from KMST . found the cross wile looking for a restoration project.. this AWS system is also very nice. who ever get it ,, nice addition .
    8. just 1 look ...that's a beauty ..100% period . K
    9. whow ,,nice one .. A type yes ,,,congratulations. K
    10. ​well I was hoping it would give relevant info ,,,but ,strange it is posted at all , thanks regards kay
    11. what dos it say ,,can you translate ? regards kay ( alias Montgomery Burns )
    12. there's a German documentary about the last day's in the Hitler bunker .. on the end researcher found the Russian secret service show the items taken from the bunker ,,amongst his and eva's jaw bones 2 uniforms are shown . one of them surely his cote and hat ,,,the Iron cross still hangs on that uniform so ▶ Death Inside Hitler's Bunker (2004) - YouTube you may be interested .... regards kay ( alias Montgomery Burns )
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