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    The Prussian

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    Everything posted by The Prussian

    1. Hi Chip! This Litewka is a M1892. As far as I know, it was replaced in 1899. In 1900 the Litewka had pockets. This Litewka was worn between 1892 and 1899. BNecause of the both covades the photo was taken between 1897 and 1899
    2. Nothing special, but a nice pic of bavarian 2nd or 12th field-artillery regiment in Würzburg
    3. Well. Nice shot! Probably Staff/Res.Jg.Btl.7. Thanks for showing!
    4. It'll ne much rarer, Chris, of course. You wanna show us, please?
    5. Hi Chris! The reverse was written sept. 7, 1917, and stamped sept. 11, 1917. The Jäger and Reserve-Jäger units didn´t change their shoulder straps, when they became part of a regiment, only the bataillon-staff did! So if you´ve got a photo with a 29 upon the shoulders, it might be the staff of the regiment or the staff of their bataillons. Set-up august 6, 1916, the regiment only consisted of the staff and two bataillons (they had the 29) August 13, 1916: Forming of three bataillons with two MGK each. The bataillons wore their own shoulder straps. (I. = b.Res.Jg.Btl.1 ; II. = IV./b.Res.Inf.Rgt.4 ; III. = III./Res.Inf.Rgt.79) II. and III. left the regiment at october, 11, 1916 (II. > b.25.Inf.Rgt. ; III. > Res.Inf.Rgt.440) october, 26, 1916: Reorganization of the regiment in Cobadinu (Bulgaria), since now it was also called "Jäger-Regiment": I. = b.Res.Jg.Btl. 1 II. = Res.Jg,.Btl.7 III. = Res.Jg.Btl.9 The I.Btl. (b.Jg.Btl.1) left the regiment at august 3, 1918; it was replaced by the Sturm-Bataillon 10 The official name (by bavarian ministry of war) was: 29.Inf.Rgt. (Jg.Rgt.) The regiment served under several divisons in the eastern theatre. The most interesting campaign might be the action, called "Kaukasus-Expedition" (29.7.18-31.10.18)
    6. Here I have a nice Jäger photo. Res.Jg.Btl.7 The bataillon joined the 29.bavarian Inf.Rgt. (Jäger-Regiment) in 1916 and became it´s II.Bataillon. In Rumania they came to the 217.Inf.Div. (9th army); that´s why they wear the mountain trousers and shoes. Note the Schaumburg-Lippe cocades.
    7. Here I have a nice photo of an Unteroffizier of the Staff, I. or II.Btl./ Inf.Rgt.78 in Osnabrück. Note the Litewka for soldiers and NCO´s, with the Unteroffizier´s chevron, worn only upon Litewkas
    8. I don´t know Eric, but he might have a lot of pairs of socks...
    9. ... like in the german SDA and Feldgau Forum... It there a "Worldwide-Server-Update-Mania" this times?
    10. Hello! He owned at least those uniforms, from which units he used to be holder (Inhaber), chef or "Colonel of honour" (Ehrenoberst) Inhaber des k.u.k. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 34 (Österreich-Ungarn) k.u.k. Jazigier und Kumanier Husaren-Regiment „Wilhelm II. Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preußen“ Nr. 7 (Österreich-Ungarn) k.u.k. Feldhaubitzen-Regiment Nr. 23 Chef des Kaiserlich Russischen St. Petersburger Leib-Garde-Grenadier-Regiments „König Friedrich Wilhelm III.“ 85. Infanterie-Regiments „Wyborg“, (Russland) 13. Husaren-Regiments „Narva“ (Russland) 12. Balkan-Infanterie-Regiments „Balkanski“ (Bulgarien) 10. Kavallerie-Regiments (Bulgarien) Ehrenoberst des Königlich Großbritannischen 1. Dragoner-Regiments Königlich Portugiesischen 4. Reiter-Regiments Königlich Spanischen Dragoner-Regiments „Numancia“ Kaiserlich russischer Generalfeldmarschall Kaiserlich Osmanischer Feldmarschall Feldmarschall der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Armee Österreich-Ungarns Königlich Großbritannischer Feldmarschall Königlich Großbritannischer Ehrenadmiral der Flotte Königlich schwedischer Flaggenadmiral Königlich norwegischer Ehrenadmiral Königlich dänischer Ehrenadmiral Admiral der Kaiserlich russischen Flotte Ehrenadmiral der Kgl. griechischen Flotte
    11. This is a brilliant thread! I must say, I haven´t seen it before... Unfortunately I don´t have any rare uniforms or parts, just photos, and I want you to show some of my rarest photos. 1) Königs-Schießabzeichen for saxon MG-troops 2) Fahnenträger-Abzeichen Mecklenburg-Schwerin. I. or II./89 3) A member of an INA (Infanterie-Nachrichten-Abteilung) Have you ever seen a Fahnenträger-Abzeichen of this unit? Every bopok only shows paintings...
    12. I´m not sure... Me, I´d like to choose two campaigns. Italy and Gallipoli.
    13. Hi Don! Please have a look here: http://military-books.lima-city.de/test/099.html Look for 99 and you can order the history on CD for 5€+shipping
    14. Hi Chip! Because we see the colours of the Empire (Black-white-red), it must be a post 70/71 badge. In 1866 the bavarians fought against Prussia. It´s a nice piece of history!
    15. Please have a look at the helmet. It´s an older one. I assume, it´s the pre-war bav.Jg.Btl.4, that fought 70/71 too (that´s why you see black-white-red). The bataillon in 1890 became III.(b.19.IR) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/4._K%C3%B6niglich_Bayerisches_J%C3%A4gerbataillon
    16. Hi Chip! Bavaria didn´t had a 4th Jg.Btl., so it must be the IV./Jg.Rgt.3 The 4th bataillon was formed from the 4th company (I.Btl.) AND the Ersatz-Abteilung AND soldiers of different bavarian Ldw.Inf.Rgt. in the Vosges (Vogesen) The 4th company (I.Btl.) was bavarian too.
    17. Hello! I just recieved this phantastic bavarian minesweeper! Unfortunatley I don´t k now the unit. Any ideas? The MWA stands for Minen-Werfer-Abteilung. Probably there is a 4 upon the shoulder strap. That would indicate the bavarian 4th pioneer-bataillon, but I don´t know, which MWA was set-up by this bataillon Reverse: blank
    18. Hello friends! Please have a look at this MP! Not a special unit, just an Inf.Rgt. The guy was in France, Russia and Italy, was wounded three times, and drilled with the "Zielfernrohrgewehr" (Telescopic sight rifle)
    19. Hello! No. The 3 stands for III.Bataillon. I´ve read that somewhere, but I did forget where...
    20. Hello! Well, that book ist brilliant! Unfortunately I don´t have it. I only have a photocopied edition. The original belongs to a friend of mine. He´s got the only volume I´ve ever seen! But according to the tactical symbols, the "Chef des Gen.Stabes des Feldheeres" published an 28 paged booklet in 1917 about those symbols. Here is an example of the Kraftfahr and Medic troops
    21. Hello all! Thanks a lot for your help! I will check it out!
    22. Hi Chris! Didn´t you see the crossed grenades on the shoulder boards? Foot-artillery!
    23. Hello! I agree with Chip. Kürassiere did use only a "K". The sabre ist stamped with 1920. What about a changing of the regimental stamp? Please have a look at the K. There is a bow above it. If yes, it could be changed into an R. So we´d have: 3./R.R.3.119 In 1920 it would indicate the 3.Esk./Reiter-Regiment 3, weapon 119. The 3./RR3 was in Stendal.
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