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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Tang Si, Hey... don't tell my wife I said this but that's one North Korean 2nd Lt. who can conquer me anytime! Very attractive to say the least. I think if they all looked like that we'd be inviting them over... they wouldn't have to worry about invading! But I guess there would have to be some hunky guys for our women over here as well... gotta keep them happy too! Needless to say... I love those collar tabs! Thanks for sharing. Dan
    2. Hi all, Sorry Darrell, fraid I already beat you to them. They're finally on the way to me from across the pond. Can't wait to see them in person. Vic... didn't remember if I'd thanked you in PM's for posting these so wanted to here... many thanks my friend! Will let you know as soon as they hit my mailbox. Thanks again! Dan
    3. Hi Tony, Ya beat me to it my friend! Was just getting ready to post our thread on those when I saw this. You're just quicker on the draw tonight. Glad more of these are popping up. Can't wait to see the one Chris has. Thanks, Dan
    4. Hey, another great find! And if you consider shipping for that kind of thing I for one would much rather find it in person than have to pay the PO a small fortune. Seems you find things for cheap on Ebay but then have to pay through the nose on shipping. Dan
    5. Hi Coastie, Could you pop up a link as that would probably be of interest/use to some of the membership. I know I'd be intro'd in checking it out. Thanks, Dan
    6. Welcome to the forum. Terrific collection and well displayed. You've got a good overall focus and are capturing the period quite well I think. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see more. Dan
    7. A great display there! I think if I had that in my bunker my family would be scared to death to go down there. Besides it would be a great deterrent to burglars! Dan
    8. Oh, I nearly forgot to ask but could you do closeups of the collar tabs as well. Great tunic! Dan
    9. Hi. Any way you could post closer shots of these as many of the stars look alot alike. But WOW... terrific collection just on that one tunic! And talk about back pain! OUCH! The original owner must have had a full time chiropractor standing by at all times. That's alot of metal there. Dan
    10. Geez! Wish I could find those kinds of Goodwill stores! Seems like for years all the ones I've gone to have tried to be more "upscale". Used to be they'd take just about anything in the way of donations too... but they've gotten alot more picky and you just about have to have stuff that's in the original wrapping and brand new. Arrrrgh! Great find and looks to be in super shape! Congratulations! Dan
    11. Hi Richard, Terrific Ehrenpokel, great group shot and a very interesting and moving presention on this thread. Most enjoyable! I've kicked myself in my hindparts for twenty some odd years as I had the opportunity once upon a time to purchase an entire group consisting of the Honor Goblet, all the recipients awards, award documents, etc... a sizeable group and well documented for $1,400. Sadly too many other things tempted me away from it. I was still in the "kid in a candy store" phase which can be dangerous. And the worst thing is I had the funds in those days that I could have gotten it without any problem. I think of some of the things I did get and really regret not grabbing that group when I had the chance. It was from the vet's family as well so that was another definite plus. But hey, can't win them all I guess. Lord knows I've had a few really good finds and have been blessed by a few very nice pieces so I can't complain. And who knows... I may end up with one before all is said and done. Terrific piece! Congratulations! It's a beaut! Dan
    12. Hi Matt, Don't know if this helps but here's an earlier post from 2005 on one of these: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1328&hl= Dan
    13. Hi Greg, Outstanding collection! I've got to say I'm not generally much on Middle Eastern militaria but these are indeed quite nice. I too love that camo one, especially with the light colored helmet. Nice pairing there! One can really see this has been a labor of love for you and I hope the collection continues to grow. Thanks for sharing! Dan
    14. Hi Gordon, Many thanks for all this great info on these. I deeply appreciate the help. A few more questions. How much does the hat add to the value of this piece? As I only have torso's for display at this time, I take it it would look okay to display it with the black belt once I manage to get one... correct? As it's kind of up to the imagination what sort of pants would be worn in that situation. Out of the ribbons I currently have which would be the best for display on this tunic? [attachmentid=54631] Keep in mind that I have corrected the order and know that some were pictured upside down. Could a medal bar be worn (say this one) or did they have a dress uniform? [attachmentid=54630] Are there any other awards, badges, etc. that would be good to display on this? Here's what I currently have: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8727 As I'd stated before, is it best to avoid screwback badges and such due to having to put holes in the tunic? Again I'd not want to do anything that would adversely affect the value. On the thread loops that's what I'd meant. I could use those to put on pinback awards and then remove the threads if I ever sold the tunic or at the very least state that they were something I added and not original to it so the new owner can decide if they want to keep them on or remove them. And since many of the awards have such small pins I don't think it would hurt to just put those on as is. As far as the label if as you say it doesn't hurt to remove it then I could do that and keep it in one of the upper pockets so it stays with the tunic. I too prefer them without, or at least with it in the pocket as otherwise I agree that it just doesn't display as well. Were any kind of aguillettes used on these uniforms assuming they were also used on dress occassions? Again I don't have any refs that go into this on Polizei items so I'm kind of lost to a degree with such things. On the shirt and tie... would it be a white shirt and black tie? Roughly what would I be looking at price wise to get original Trapo issue on these? I really want to do justice to this one when I display it so again anything you can tell me would definitely help to do just that. Many thanks, Dan
    15. Hi Bob, "Very" nice!!!! Would love to have one... but have to wait until I'm through the land of winter heating bills first and back in the balmy spring... at the very least. Thanks for sharing. Dan
    16. Hi Gordon, Wow! Many thanks for that additional info. I've got to say... I think it's the "only" piece of DDR militaria I've ever obtained that's actually gone up signficantly in value. Oh, and I take it that's as I have it including the cap, correct? Are the pants for these just standard TRAPO pants or are they special in some way? And would it be a good idea to add a pair to the set should I ever come across any? Anything else it would be good to add? I'd love to make the most complete set I could. Shirt perhaps... tie... sidecap, etc? And would the belt and buckle be special or a standard black with the rectangular NVA buckle? At least I'm assuming a black belt with this color of uniform. So far I only have the brown double claw officers buckles and the web NVA. I have absolutely no references on DDR police formations so any guidance on this would be deeply appreciated. Methinks I need to get one of those reference discs with tons of books on a CD. Again I'd also love to dress it up for display but A) due to the original label would that look incorrect to do so? and B) would it in any way affect the value of the tunic to do so? I'd certainly not want to put any awards on it that are screwback... as far as the ribbons or anything pinback I could "carefully" sew in a few thread loops in order to hold such awards... whereby they could easily be removed at a later date and there would be no evidence that anything had been there. I'm thinking that would probably be the way to go with ribbons and such if that sounds good. Mucho thanks! Dan
    17. Hi Gordon, Many thanks for all your help so far. So... do I take it then that mine is indeed an enlisted albeit from that special unit? If so, do you know what rank? Would be curious to know the value since you say they've gone up. I got these in a large group of DDR uniforms... well, I think six or eight some odd... if that counts as a large group. From what I remember I probably only had like $35 in the entire bunch if that. If you'd be more comfortable PM'ing the info that would be fine too. I only wish I had the slacks for this one to make it more complete. Had no idea it was anything special... but definitely appreciate that info. My son likes this one more than just about all the ones I have so I'll have to let him know he has good taste. Will continue to stay in a holding pattern re: the ribbon bars. And of course if adding such would in any way effect the value of this one in a negative way then I'm happy to leave it as is. Thanks, Dan
    18. Hi Gordon, Okay, I'm a bit confused. Is mine an officers uniform then? And if so, are the shoulder boards incorrect? And on the following which ribbons do you think would be best to be displayed with this uniform? http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9177 Mucho thanks! Dan
    19. Hi Pat, While I'm no expert I think this looks good. Can't imagine anyone faking such a piece. But then again one never knows anymore. But this one seems to be old, etc. Will have to let some of the more expert members kick in for sure. I agree with your feeling of not trying to straighten the pin. It would be very tricky to say the least and not worth any potential damage. I mean, it's like with my Blockade stickpin... I merely took it out of it's place in the box and off the pin popped. Age and metal fatigue can do strange things at the most unexpected moments. And yes, it certainly appears to be the early style. I almost hate to use the term Condor Legion on these as they made bunches and continue to issue them from the start of the war till stocks ran out. There were no golds issued, only one silver and however many black (in too much of a rush right now to run down in the bunker to check the refs). But as we all know tons more are in collections, etc. and that's the reason. I'm still hoping to add a black and a gold to my FS set and would love all three SP's to go with them. I keep adding to my wound collection over time. Still need an original gold but not in any rush. Hoping to come across one as a sleeper in a junk shop or something someday. For now the copy I have fills the space. and at some point I want to finish off my 57 issues. Also need to get packets and cases at some point. I used to have on case and several packets... think I have one packet left and that's about it. Very nice addition there Pat. You ever get tired of it give me a shout! Dan
    20. Hi Darrell, Really love that one! Makes me wish I was active. But not a whole lotta water up here in North Dakota. Was different in the old days in Florida but those days are looooong gone I'm afraid. She's a beaut! Love that liner coming over the horizon superimposed over the ships wheel. Very nice design. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing. Dan
    21. Well, if it was indeed an SS one then perhaps it would show up on one of the Dienstalterlistes. Would be fascinating to find out who it belonged to and know more of it's history. Thanks so much for posting the pics. Looks great even after all that time in the ground. Dan
    22. Hi Pat, Missing them already. Glad they're with you as I know you'll give them a good home. Dan
    23. Hi Pat, Glad you like the old girl. She's been one of the highlights of my navy display case for a long time. Thought I'd mention... might just be the way my colors are set but wondered if perhaps you'd tried any color correction on that scan? The gold is coming across as more of a copper color. Try fiddling with it a bit and you can probably get more of a gold look to come out. Don't forget to send me some pics of everything in their new cases and displays. Can't wait to see it all. Enjoy! Dan
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