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    Kev in Deva

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Kev in Deva

    1. Hallo Gentlemen what is the second last medal on this, for the want of a better description: "abortion bar" Kevin in Deva
    2. Rear View, and once again thanks to Bob. Kevin in Deva
    3. Hallo Gentlemen I would like to take this opportunity to show off my very first ever Turkish Star, obtained from our very own G.M.I.C member Mr. Robert (Bob) Hunter. It arrived in the post this afternoon, all the way from the USA, nicely packaged. I have been after one of these for a long time, and when the chance occurred after reading the posts on the recent G.M.I.C. lottery, I grabbed it. Its a fine looking piece in my eyes (never mind the chip of the old block ) somebody has to give these battle scared relics a good home Please see attache pictures. Maker Marked to the rear "BB&Co" Kevin in Deva
    4. Hallo Gents, here is mine, unmarked but a very distinct "fish-scale" pattern reverse any idea to which type / year?? Kevin in Deva.
    5. Hallo Gentlemen, I purchased the above mentioned medal in the recent GMIC Auction and notice it has the word "REX" on the shield / Post?. Sorry I mis-read the word it being so small it actually reads "LEX" Kevin in Deva
    6. Hallo Dolf, Great model, you got the desert "Choclate chip*) camo pattern well done, I always felt though the cap was too small for the head on this figure * it was found to be a great pattern of camo for the Nevada Desert, USA, but totaly unsuitable for the sands of Kuwait & Iraq Kevin in Deva
    7. Great picture Bear. This tiger and crew are obviously resting up, indicated by the muzzle cover over the 88mm gun and the rear engine deck hatch being up, probably for maintance work on the engine. And she is also well camoflauged from enemy observation, either as protection agains "Jabos" enemy fighters, or observation by enemy troops, and yet the crew feel safe enough not to mount a watch. Interestingly the Balkan Cross seems to have been repainted a little forward of the original, as you can see a faint outline to the crosses left!! The blue stamp I think indicates its an official Press released photograph for public viewing. Kevin in Deva
    8. Hallo Rick, the letters on the badge actualy comprise a date: 1914 on the top, 16th of VIII or more simply 16th August 1914. Kevin in Deva
    9. Hallo Rick, Chip & Glen, many thanks with regards your replys to my tinnie question, would anybody care to take a stab at this one I saw at the local hobby club this evening, the back appears to have a period repair to the original pin. I believe its Hungarian, but exactly what for? Answers on the back of a 500 dollar bill and send to the following address . . . . . . Wishing you all a pleasent weekend from Transylvania. Kevin.
    10. Or if found stuck in a body "Reward offered to finder, 1 camel. and a loose goat" Kev in Deva
    11. Hallo Gentlemen Any thoughts on these bars currently on offer on Ebay Germany?? http://cgi.ebay.de/11er-Ordensspange-Obers...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.de/8er-Ordensspange-16mm-O...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.de/7er-Ordensspange-EK-OLT...1QQcmdZViewItem and the claim to being the only German soldier awarded the: "englische General Service Medal mit Spange 1908 Westafrika auf Befehl K?nig Eduard VII verliehen." Aus direktem Familienbesitz der Nachla? des Oberst Schultze und seines Sohnens Oberleutnant Schultze-Dewitz. Es kommen einige Orden etc. zum Verkauf. Hier von Oberst Willy Schultze eine 11er Ordenspange mit Eisernem Kreuz, Kriegsverdienstkreuz, Kolonial Denkm?nze f?r wei?e mit Gefechtsspangen Kamerun 1908/09 sowie Kamerun 1912, desweiteren diverse Orden auch italienischer Merito di Guerra, Valore Militare ( Band), sowie deutsch italienische Feldzugsmedaille (Band), siehe Fotos. Oben kleine Spange mit EK und 1939 aud der Spange, Wiederholungsspange. An langer Nadel komplett mit Gegenhaken. Dazu 2 Reprofoto mit Ordensspange. Oberst Schultze war laut den Aussagen aus seinem Wehrpass und Soldbuch sowie seiner Biographieseit 1902 Soldat und zwar im Garde F?silier Regiment.Von 1908- 1914 bei der Schutztruppe Kamerun D.O.A Deutsch-Ostafrika, u.A.Yola Crosschnellen Grenzexpedition. F?r seine verdieste um die Kolonien bekam er die Kolonialdenkm?nze, Preussisches Milit?rehrenzeichen 1 und 2 Klasse. Er bekam als einziger deutscher Soldat die englische General Service Medal mit Spange 1908 Westafrika auf Befehl K?nig Eduard VII verliehen, als er auf Ruf eines englischen Truppenkommandeurs, englischen Truppen mit seinem MG und Askaris im Grenzgebiet zu Nigeria gegen Aufst?ndische zur Hilfe kam. Im 1 WK bei der Garde Maschinengewehr Abtlg. Durch Granatsplitter verwundet, kam er 1915 in russische Gefangenschaft, aus der er nach mehreren erfolglosen Fluchtversuchen 1917/18 im Winter mit einem Marsch von ?ber 25.000km!!! ?ber Korea, Mandschurei und Zentralasien die deutsche Front in D?naburg erreichte. Bis 1921 bei der Reichswehr und 1935 Wiederanstellung im deutschen Heer. 1941 Deutscher Verbindungsoffizier beim ital. Oberkommando in Nordafrika, dann Kommando der Panzergruppe Afrika. Dann Kommandant des Hauptquartiers der Panzergruppe Afrika, Kommandeur des Lagers km 5 Tripolis unter Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel und auch f?r dessen pers. Schutz verantwortlich. Sp?ter Kommandant F?hrereserve Standort Athen, Leitkommandant Mailand sowie bis 30.11 1944 F?hrerreserve. Auf Wunsch bekommt der Gewinner der Auktion Kopien der Biografie, Eintragungen im Wehrpass, Fotos seines Sohnes mit Rommel etc. Seems to have been an all round guy Kevin in Deva.
    12. Hallo Gentlemen Another modified Romanian Award. This seller is: 2*baron( 2089) from the USA See: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=110034380047 The item was originaly a Romanian Order of the Crown, Officer, Military, however if we look closely at the Cross its been cropped to look like a civil model. The area between the inverted letter C's (For Carol) are filled in with the remains of the sword blade, the tips have been removed, and the handles removed, this area in original pieces is open. Description: WW1 ROMANIAN MEDAL ORDER CROWN OFFICER GRADE GERMAN* FROM AN ESTATE AUCTION THIS IS A VERY GOOD LOOKING MEDAL PRE WW1 RED AND WHITE ENAMEL WITH GILDING. HEAVY PIECE FOR ITS SIZE MULTIPIECE CONSTRUCTION OLD WORLD QUALITY THERE ARE A COUPLE OF SMALL CHIPS TO THE ENAMEL BUT MINOR. IT IS IN VERY GOOD CONDITION. *Obviously the seller dosent know Romania were fighting the Germans in WW1! I will post cropped pictures here, as soon they will be gone off the ebay page. Kevin in Deva. PS: Sorry about the small images but the system wont allow me to upload modified / cropped pictures for some reason!! MEGA
    13. [attachmentid=54866]Hallo Gentlemen I have decided to create this post to warn Club members of this Romanian seller on Ebay, recently he has put Items up for sale that are not as they seem. Thankfully not all sellers are so bad here, but this guy is not helping their reputation. The seller is: s-chicot( 241) out of Bucharest. And so far with a 100% sales record. Firstly: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=180029628868 The item was originaly a Romanian Order of the Star, Knight, Military, however if we look closely at the rays on the Cross, particularly at the mid position of the ray left and right upper you can see where the swords have been cut off the item, and on the lower area can be made out the motif which formed part of the hand guard of the swords (the handles having been cropped as well. I will post cropped pictures here, as soon they will be gone off the ebay page. His description is here, I have highlighted some of his words in blue: Welcome everybody to my all auctions! ***Artikelbezeichnung*** Orden vom Stern Rum?niens?Ritter?I. Modell (1877-1932)?Zivil-Abteilung Original Band!!! Selten!!! ***Beschreibung*** Der Orden wurde im Jahre 1864 ohne besondere nachweisbare Formalit?ten geschaffen. ***Item's Title*** Order of the Star of Romania?Knight?Peace , 1st. model. ***Item's Description*** Original Ribbon!! Rare!!!! Return policy: ~The authenticity of all my pieces is fully guaranteed; ~If any item purchased is not as described you may return it unaltered within 10 days* of purchase for a full refund ; ~If you have any doubts or questions, please contact me before you bid on item. Good luck bidding and, thank you for your time! * for a US buyer, he would have no chance to return it under this time limit as post to the US from Romania can take over 10 to 12 days!!!! Kevin in Deva.
    14. Hallo Gerd, nice to see the capbadge you obtained from me on the RECENT Gentlemens Military Interest Club Auction displayed so well, I hope it enjoys its new home. See Gentlemen nice things can be found if you use the GMIC auctions Kevin in Deva
    15. Hallo Ricky, Images of old FJ in his royal coveralls and gumboots with shirt sleeves rolled up and royal sweat beading on brow, busy applying chemically applied colour to war zink, and prince Karl busy pumping the royal bellows, springs to mind. Care to give a value? I havent seen many on Ebay in all the time I was looking for "stuff" Kev in Deva
    16. Ricky, many thanks for all the great pictures, it appears to be in its original Grey colour, but it dosent look like paint could it be classed as a rare variation?? Kevin in Deva.
    17. Hallo Glenn many thanks for the ultra-quick reply, nearly matching Ricky there so I take it the dragons are spitting fire (ie machine guns dealing out death and destruction?) any idea of how it was to be fixed to the uniform? Any collectable / monatary value? Kevin in Deva.
    18. Hallo Gentlemen, If posted in the wrong section, please feel fee to move, perhaps we could open a Austrian WW1 tinnie section Came across this a couple of days ago at the local Gypsy market in deva, looks like a tinne but appears never to have had a pin on the rear, there are no holes for sewing onto a jacket either. The item is a couple of cm across, has the Hungarian Crown and beneath this a strange looking 3 headed beast, devouring a bird ?? Sorry for the small size of the pictures, best I can do. Please see pictures. any opinions would be gratefuly received. Kevin in Deva
    19. Any chance of a close up of the main capbadge please?? Kev in Deva
    20. Hallo L.R. What! no cup on the waterbottle?? By the way, anychance to see some pictures of the way the straps on the rucksack are mounted? I thing on my Luft ruck they have been fixed in the wrong way round Please include some inside shots of your bread bag to Kevin in Deva
    21. Hallo saschaw, I think this seller Thor 1918 should be added to a Dodgy Dealer List, he is obviously altering bars to suit the wants of the customers, not fair at all. Do you think you could trust any of his bars after this expose? Kevin in Deva.
    22. Now that is just sweet nay dazzeling to the eyes Kevin in Deva
    23. saschaw We eagerly await the posting of your treasures Kevin in Deva
    24. Many thanks Humber, I presume the medal is in Gold, a friend say its Gold Plated, is there any way to tell from the stampings / Hallmarks?? or get an idea of value historically and monetary, I did send an email to the website connected with the RAOB addressed to the museum curator but sad to say they did not reply Kevin in Deva.
    25. Hallo beertje Is that a Romanian Order of the Crown I see in the middle bottom & bottom left of the display with award document?? any chance to see a close up?? of the Crosses and document's please. Very nice display too!!! Kevin in Deva (Transylvania).
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