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      joe campbell said:

    rote adler orden


    Oldenburg-Knights cross

    ?? Baden ??????????


    this is non-combatant officer? official?

    many thanks! a magnificent bar!



    Hi Joe!

    This are the medals:

    ? Preu?en, Roter Adler Orden 4. Klasse, letztes Modell, gek?rnte Arme (OEK 1704)

    ? Preu?en, Kronen Orden 3. Klasse, 2. Modell, Gold und Emaille, Hersteller FR (OEK 1757)

    ? Oldenburg, Haus- und Verdienstorden Herzog Peter Friedrich Ludwigs, Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse, Gold und Emaille (OEK 1516)

    ? Russland, St.-Anna-Orden 3. Klasse, Gold und Emaille

    ? Gro?britannien, K?niglicher Victoria Orden, Ritterkreuz (MVO) 4. Klasse, Silber vergoldet und emailliert mit Tr?gernummer 308

      joe campbell said:

    rote adler orden





    this is non-combatant officer? official?

    many thanks! a magnificent bar!



      Claudio said:
    Another quite Godet, this one with quite a uncommon combinations of medals. I guess this guy was Austrian...

    I guess he wasn't, too much German stuff while nothing "typical" Austrian. Still ;) , a great bar.

    Posted (edited)

    @ Sascha:

    ? Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 (OEK 1909)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer (OEK 3803)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen 2. Stufe, 1938 (OEK 3509), Hersteller Gebr. G & C (Gebr?der Godet und Co., Berlin)

    ? Kaiserreich ?sterreich-Ungarn, Ehrenzeichen vom Roten Kreuz 2. Klasse mit KD

    ? Kaiserreich ?sterreich-Ungarn, Verdienstordens des souver?nen Malteser (1916), goldenes Verdienstehrenzeichen

    Iron Cross; it was widely awarded also to Austrian soldiers and officers

    Ehrenkreuz f. Frontk?mpfer:it was also awarded to Austrians, since after 1938 they were citizens of the Great German Reich

    Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen: well, by that time ?sterreich was also part of the Great German Reich

    The Last two decorations, if the holder of this decoration didn't have a very strong connection with pre 1918 Austrian Empire, I don't know how he got them without being Austrian...



      saschaw said:
    I guess he wasn't, too much German stuff while nothing "typical" Austrian. Still ;) , a great bar.
    Edited by Claudio

    Thanks Claudio, I do know that awards. ;)

      Claudio said:
    Iron Cross; it was widely awarded also to Austrian soldiers and officers

    They were not given to Austrian EMs and NCOs but to officers ONLY. Does not matter here as this guy was officer's rank. Still, I rather assume a German as there are too few Austrian awards. I'm not sure about the Maltese cross but the Red Cross awards were widely spread to Germans. No Truppenkreuz, no 1908 medal? Great bar, please don't get me wrong. ;o)

    Posted (edited)

    He could have been an Austrian civilian, functionary or medic in a officer rank... How did this guy get the Austrian Red Cross (officer rank class) and not a Prussian Red Cross Medal or any other German state red cross equivalent decoration as German?

    Without any hard evidences you can argue my statement but you can't prove it... I am sorry. Not that my statement is 100% correct, but also it can be wrong.

    In this case I'd like to hear a comment from an Austrian collector and ask him what he thinks about it!



    Edited by Claudio


    I'am afraid i 'am with saschaw when it comes to your bar.

    -) as mentioned the IC2 was given ONLY (with very very very few exeptions) ONLY to officers belonging to the AH-Empire. This bar is missing any other AH-officers decoration as forinstens Military Merit Medal, Service cross or other austrian decorations as 1898 or 1908 medal

    -) there is no Karl-Truppenkreuz so he didnt qualify for that if he was Austrian

    -) the ehrenzeichen 2. Klasse vom Roen Kreuz with KD was a decoration that was also given for donations. a possibility often used by germans

    -) the goldenes Verdienstehrenzeichen (Malteser) was also given to germans (I once had one with typical 938 silver-content-mark on the cylindre)

    so thre is no proof that this bar belonged to an austrian. but there is no proof he belonged to a german either.

    it stays a glaubenssache (question of belief)

    PS: a real nice bar




    @ Josef: I am believer... ;)

    I didn't know that the Austrian Red Cross decoration could have been obtained with a donation... but it makes sense, since I know that nowadays red cross decoration of some countries like Japan or Thailand can be obtained after you donate a certain amount of money to their organisation.




    Not pristine, but in a very good condition, only dusty. Seems to be a colonial NCO, not active on the front in WW1. Accordingly to Naxos with "Gebr. Godet & Co" made in the 30ies.

    Best regards, Komtur.


      Komtur said:
    Not pristine, but in a very good condition, only dusty. Seems to be a colonial NCO, not active on the front in WW1. Accordingly to Naxos with "Gebr. Godet & Co" made in the 30ies.

    Best regards, Komtur.

    Hi Komtur!

    Thanks for posting your bar.

    Great bar! Definitely a pre-1934 bar but put together by Godet after 1930. Very nice... strange that this guy didn't get the IC... Very nice indeed! :beer::love:


    Very nice one, yes. Thanks for showing, Komtur. Though, it is not necessary pre-1934. Both WWI awards were given to civilians etc., so he may well have been no soldier and this bar may date in post 1934. Again, a "Glaubenssache".


    I have no Godet medal bar by now... :speechless:

    Posted (edited)

      Josef Rietveld said:

    I'am afraid i 'am with saschaw when it comes to your bar.

    -) as mentioned the IC2 was given ONLY (with very very very few exeptions) ONLY to officers belonging to the AH-Empire. This bar is missing any other AH-officers decoration as forinstens Military Merit Medal, Service cross or other austrian decorations as 1898 or 1908 medal

    -) there is no Karl-Truppenkreuz so he didnt qualify for that if he was Austrian

    -) the ehrenzeichen 2. Klasse vom Roen Kreuz with KD was a decoration that was also given for donations. a possibility often used by germans

    -) the goldenes Verdienstehrenzeichen (Malteser) was also given to Germans (I once had one with typical 938 silver-content-mark on the cylinder)

    so thre is no proof that this bar belonged to an austrian. but there is no proof he belonged to a german either.

    it stays a glaubenssache (question of belief)

    PS: a real nice bar



    I would suggest probably a Prussian attached to an Austrian medical unit on the eastern front for three reasons:

    1. No LS medal (war time commission as OberArzt) of any kind

    2. No Austrian military merit cross (handed out VERY commonly, even to Germans) and

    3. No Austrian WW1 medal-despite the Luftschutz medal, which was authorized for Austrians ONLY after mid 1939 and required a period of service for its award.

    We know for a fact that highly competent Germans were attached to support elements at the Army, Corps and Divisional levels as sometimes amalgamated troops. Specialists were also attached to Viennese hospitals-eye Doctors, x-ray specialists (!) surgeons etc.. I know this for example because of an article about Jewish Doctors in the German army during the war.

    The creator of "Curious George" (a kids' story book about a monkey), H.A. Rey, for example, served as a surgical Unterofficer/Feldwebel (rank is unclear, his wife put "senior NCO in his lit. bio.) nurse assisting an eye specialist on the Russian Front in 1916-1918.

    He received the Prussian EK2, the German Red Cross medal and 'an Austrian medal'.

    Edited by Ulsterman


    Wait until RR sees THAT bar! He once did an OMSA article about the German Chinese troops and who got what bar, when and how.

    • 2 weeks later...

    ? Preu?en, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 (OEK 1909)

    ? Preu?en, Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Kreuz der Ritter mit Schwertern (OEK 1789), Silber vergoldet,

    Hersteller Sy & Wagner Berlin (S&W 937)

    ? Sachsen K?nigreich, Albrechtsorden Ritterkreuz 1. Kl. mit Krone und Schwertern (OEK 2209), Silber vergoldet

    ? Oldenburg, Friedrich August-Kreuz 2. Klasse am K?mpferband (OEK 1563)

    ? Hamburg, Hanseatenkreuz (OEK 688)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer (OEK 3803)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1871-1918, China Denkm?nze f?r K?mpfer (OEK 3150)

    ? Preu?en, DA-Kreuz f?r 25 Jahre der Offz., 3.Mod., 1.Typ (OEK 1970)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen 1. Stufe f. 40 Jahre (OEK 3522)

    ? Preu?en, Roter Adler Orden 4. Kl. mit der Krone (OEK 1706), Herst. Wagner (W)

    ? Preu?en, Kronenorden 3. Klasse (OEK 1757), Gold

    ? Preu?en, Centenarmedaille, 1897 (OEK 1965/1), G Br

    Konteradmiral z.S. aD, Carl Friedrich Feldmann (* 12.08.1875 in Wilhelmshaven, ? 08.07.1963 in Oberlahnstein bei Koblenz)

    Verheiratet mit Elisabeth ?Ina? R?der (1880-1940)

    Aus den Marineverordnungsbl?ttern und Ranglisten ersichtlich :

    Feldmann, Karl 1892, 04.09. Pr. Centenarmedaille Unterleutnant zur See 1897, 03.22.S WEISSENBURG

    Feldmann, Karl 1892, 04.09. Russ. St.Annen-O. 3. Kl. Oberleutnant zur See 1901, 11.09. II. Matrosendivision

    Feldmann, Karl 1892, 04.09. Allerh?chste Belobigung Oberleutnant zur See 1902, 07.19. SLEIPNER, Stab

    Feldmann, Karl 1892, 04.09. Allerh?chste Belobigung Oberleutnant zur See 1902, 07.19. SLEIPNER

    Feldmann, Karl 1892, 04.09. Pr. RAO 4. Kl. Kapit?nleutnant 1906, 09.19. BRAUNSCHWEIG, Artillerieoffizier

    Feldmann, Karl 1892, 04.09. Pr. RAO 4. Kl., Krone z. Kapit?nleutnant 1909, 06.08. II. Geschwader, Admiralstabsoffizier

    Feldmann, Karl 1892, 04.09. Pr. Kronen-O. 3. Kl. Korvettenkapit?n 1914, 06.24. KAISER, I. Offizier

    Feldmann, Karl 1892, 04.09. Pr. HOH Kreuz der Ritter m. Schwertern Fregattenkapit?n 1918, 01.21. KOENIGSBERG (II), Kommandant

    Feldmann, Karl 1892, 04.09. Pr. Eisernes Kreuz 1914 I. Kl. Fregattenkapit?n 1918, 02.14.R KOENIGSBERG (II), Kommandant

    Milit?rische Laufbahn :

    09.04.1892 Eintritt in die Marine als Kadett

    10.04.1893 (U) Seekadett

    15.09.1895 (Z) Unterleutnant zur See

    14.06.1898 © Leutnant zur See, umermannt zum Oberleutnant zur See am 01.01.1899

    01.04.1904 (N) Kapit?nleutnant

    26.12.1909 (A) Korvettenkapit?n

    18.09.1915 (B) Fregattenkapit?n

    17.03.1918 Kapit?n zur See

    09.03.1920 verabschiedet zum 31.03.1920

    08.08.1940 Charakter als Konteradmiral verliehen

    09.04.1892 ? 19.09.1892 Grundausbildung u. Kreuzerfregatte ?Stosch?

    20.09.1892 ? 31.03.1893 Marineschule

    01.04.1893 ? 01.05.1893 Waffenlehrg?nge

    02.05.1893 ? 31.03.1894 Schulschiff ?Stosch?

    01.04.1894 ? 31.10.1894 Panzerschiff ?Deutschland?

    01.11.1894 ? 30.09.1895 Marineschule

    01.10.1895 ? 30.09.1897 Linienschiff ?Weissenburg?

    01.10.1897 ? 31.03.1898 II. Matrosen-Division, Kompanieoffizier

    01.04.1898 ? 30.09.1900 II. Torpedo-Abteilung, Kompanieoffizier u. Wachoffizier d. Torpedodivisionsbootes ?D 5?,

    anschl. Kreuzer ?Condor?, Wachoffizier u. Heimreise

    01.10.1900 ? 30.09.1902 II. Matrosen-Division, Adjudant

    20.05.1901 ? 30.09.1901 zugl. Depeschenboot ?Sleipner?, Wachoffizier

    01.04.1902 ? 30.09.1902 zugl. Depeschenboot ?Sleipner?, Wachoffizier

    01.04.1902 ? 30.09.1904 II. Torpedo-Abteilung, Kompanieoffizier; zugl. zeitw. Torpedo-Divisionsboot ?D 9?,

    Erster Offizier

    20.10.1902 ? 19.12.1902 zugl. Torpedoboot ?S 92?, Kommandant

    16.05.1903 ? 17.06.1903 zugl. Torpedoboot ?S 103?, Kommandant

    13.08.1903 ? 30.09.1903 zugl. Torpedoboot ?S 103?, Kommandant

    16.05.1904 ? 17.06.1904 zugl. Torpedoboot ?S 103?, Kommandant

    13.08.1904 ? 30.09.1904 zugl. Torpedoboot ?S 103?, Kommandant

    15.10.1904 ? 30.09.1905 Linienschiff ?Braunschweig?, Wachoffizier

    01.10.1904 ? 30.09.1907 Linienschiff ?Braunschweig?, Artillerieoffizier

    01.10.1907 ? 14.09.1910 Stab II. Geschwader, Admiralstabsoffizier

    15.09.1910 ? 31.03.1913 Stab Marinestation der Ostsee, Admiralstabsoffizier

    01.04.1913 ? 15.06.1915 Linienschiff ?Kaiser?, Erster Offizier

    16.06.1915 ? 30.06.1916 z. Vfg. D. Chefs d. Marinestation der Ostsee

    28.11.1915 ? 19.12.1915 zugl. Grosser Kreuzer ?Prinz Heinrich?, Kommandant i. V.

    01.01.1916 ? 04.02.1916 zugl. Linienschiff ?Wettin?, Kommandant i.V.

    27.04.1916 ? 18.06.1916 zugl. Linienschiff ?Wettin?, Kommandant i.V.

    01.07.1916 ? 21.05.1917 Admiralstab der Marine, Dezernent in der Operationsabteilung

    22.05.1917 ? 09.07.1918 Kleiner Kreuzer ?K?nigsberg?, Kommandant

    13.07.1918 ? 15.12.1918 Grosser Kreuzer ?von der Tann?, Kommandant

    15.08.1918 ? 04.12.1918 zugl. b. m. W. d. G. d. 2. Admirals der I. Aufkl?rungsgruppe

    16.12.1918 ? 31.03.1918 Leiter der Abwicklungsstelle des Verbandes der Aufkl?rungsschiffe

    01.04.1919 ? 30.06.1919 im Reichsmarineamt

    01.07.1919 ? 31.03.1920 Versorgungsamt Wilhelmshaven, Leiter

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