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    Got this interesting Photo recently, a Bavarian Officer with a Peace time BMVO ? , EK I, Wound Badge, EK II , Oldenburg ? , Hamburg ? and Austria

    maybe. His name seems to be something like von Gouchard ??? Any thoughts about him ?

    Thanks in advance from Sweden



    Hmm, could it be von Bomhard ? He was 28 years old 1919 and got the EK II + EK I + Wound Badge and he was in a Bavarian Rgt

    I post a pic of the WW II von Bomhard for comparing

    Thanks Glenn :cheers:



    Different v. Bomhard. The police general was Adolf, formerly of the Infanterie-Leib-Regiment. Oberleutnant Felix v. Bomhard served in 4. Chevauleger-Regiment.




    Aha :blush: Wrong guy ... new try then could this Felix von Bomhard be the same man who was Major Feb 1st 1938 and Colonel 1st Dec 1942 ?

    What awards did Felix von Bomhard get in WW I ?

    Thanks Glenn and Chris for yuor effort to id this mysterious Bavarian


    Posted (edited)

    Aha ! Again .... :rolleyes:

    After some research on the net I found Felix von Bomhards Kriegsrangliste entry , but what do it say ?

    Here is the Awards

    Edited by christerd
    Posted (edited)

    And the search for Felix Ferdinand von Bomhard goes on :cheeky:

    Internet is fantastic :jumping: I now know he was at Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munchen 1910.

    What I can found out he became Major 1938, Colonel in 1942 and was in 1944 Chef for Heeres Rohstoffabteilung H RO /

    Army Raw Materiels Branch. Charged with the procurement of raw materiels for OKH.

    Far away from the battlefields in World war one. I will see if can get something more, does anyone know if he was related

    at all to Adolf Bomhard and to GenLt d Art Theodor von Bomhard

    who died in 1945 105 years old !!!!


    Edited by christerd
    • 2 years later...

      On 18/09/2010 at 19:00, christerd said:

    What I can found out he became Major 1938, Colonel in 1942 and was in 1944 Chef for Heeres Rohstoffabteilung H RO /

    Army Raw Materiels Branch. Charged with the procurement of raw materiels for OKH.

    Far away from the battlefields in World war one. I will see if can get something more, does anyone know if he was related

    at all to Adolf Bomhard and to GenLt d Art Theodor von Bomhard

    who died in 1945 105 years old !!!!

    Hi there, I just stumbled upon this forum and this entry by accident.

    Felix von Bomhard is my great grandfather, we even share the same name. He was still alive when I was born and I can even vaguely remember him.

    Adolf von Bomhard is a related, the exact relation escapes my memory at the moment, but I can find out. From the age I guess either a brother or close cousin. They both lived in the same area in Bavaria. Theodor von Bomhard was his father, I guess old age lies in the family! I have the handwritten memoires of Theodor which are quite fascinating to read, as they cover his whole military and private life from the Austro-German wars over 1870/71 to the first and second WW. I was starting to compile that in Latin characters, but that will still take a while… Was written in Sütterlin…

    I guess it was a typo, when you wrote far from the battlefield of WWI, far from WWII, but in the frist he was in the middle of the campaign. I have a dozen photo albums in my posession, covering his deployments in WWI. Mostly Balkans and Romania. The Chevauleger where later transformed into Mountain troops, which he was part of then.

    Hope that helps! Any question on my family, I will do my best to answer.


    Felix and Adolf were brothers. Adolf Theodor Ernst, born 6 January 1891 in Augsburg, and Felix Ferdinand, born 4 May 1892 also in Augsburg.

    Theodor was their grandfather. Gen.d.Art.z.D. Theodor Karl Eduard von Bomhard, was born in Wunsiedel on 12 January 1841. His son Karl Eduard Christoph was born in Munich on 2 April 1866. Karl was a Generalmajor and artillery commander in World War I, and Adolf and Felix were his sons.

    Karl had a sister, Anna Charlotte, born in Munich on 21 July 1867. Karl also had a half-brother from Theodor's second marriage, Theodor Ernst, who was born in Munich on 20 February 1874. The younger Theodor was in 1.b.FAR and made Oberstleutnant.

    Regarding Felix's post-World War I service: he was released from the Bavarian Army on 9 March 1920 as a char.Rittm.a.D. He returned to the Wehrmacht in 1935 as an E-Offizier:

    1.3.35 Hauptmann (E)

    1.9.38 Major (E)

    1.9.41 Oberstleutnant

    1.12.42 Oberst

    In addition to the Imperial decorations above (EK1&2, BMV4XKr, BPRLM, MMV2, ÖM3K, VAs), he also received the Edelweiss-Abzeichen in World War I. In the Wehrmacht, he added the Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung 3.Klasse for 12 years' service, the KVK2X on 20 November 1940 and the KVK1X on 20 April 1942.



    Hallo Felix, and welcome to the forum. Fantastic to meet a relative to a Great War fighter, the internet makes amazing things sometime.

    It would be great to see some photos of Felix von Bomhard in WW 1 . Its so great to get a real person to a photo



    Yes, the internet is amazing sometimes!

    Regarding the previous questions:

    I have one picture of FvB with me, in uniform on his horse in 1915 (I will scan it once I find a moment).

    All the albums are back home in Germany, I will see if I can scan a few over christmas. There are also a few pre-war among them, with the old dark green and uniforms of that regiment.

    Regarding the biography, it is in german and I am not quite finished with it, but can post a pdf of it at a later stage.

    The mountain troops became sort of a family tradition, both his son and grandson (my father), served in the mountain troops at their time.



    • 7 years later...

    Hi all, this is quite an old thread but here goes, did General der Artillerie Theodor Karl Eduard von Bomhard receive either the Max Joseph order Hubertus order during his career, this image, attached seems to show a star which resembles one or the other, (Unless I'm wrong) my looking around has resulted in this list I've located, most tally with what he's wearing, but no mention of either

    • Armeedenkzeichen 1866 (Bayern)
    • Eisernes Kreuz (1870), II. Klasse
    • Jubiläums-Eichenlaub „25“, 1895
    • Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), Ritterkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern und der Kriegsdekoration am 1. November 1870 als Oberleutnant im Königlich Bayerischen 4. Feldartillerie-Regiment „König“
    • Kriegsdenkmünze für die Feldzüge 1870–71 (Deutsches Reich) mit 7 Gefechtsspangen (die Spangen gab es erst ab 1895)
    • Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), Ritterkreuz I. Klasse ohne Schwerter am 23. Dezember 1883 als Major im Königlich Bayerischen 4. Feldartillerie-Regiment „König“
    • Verdienstorden der Bayerischen Krone, Ritter
    • Militär-Dienstauszeichnung, II. Klasse für 24 Jahre
    • Verdienstorden vom Heiligen Michael, Komtur II. Klasse
    • Komtur des bayerischen Militärverdienstordens II. Klasse mit Stern
    • Komtur II. Klasse am 27. Dezember 1894 als Generalmajor
    • Stern zum Komtur am 23. Dezember 1898 als Generalleutnant
    • Centenarmedaille, 1897
    • Komtur des Ritterorden des hl. Mauritius und Lazarus
    • Königlicher Kronen-Orden (Preußen), II. Klasse
    • Schwertorden, Kommandeur II. Klasse
    • Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), I. Klasse am 24. Oktober 1901
    • Prinzregent-Luitpold-Medaille mit Krone
    • Verdienstorden vom Heiligen Michael, Komtur I. Klasse

    Franz-Joseph-Orden, Großkreuz

    attached image in his later years



    General der Artillerie 500.JPG

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