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    1. if you want to ask about Indonesian medal or military item, you cand send me a message,

    2. hey, if you need indonesian military item you can contact me, thanks..:)

    3. Greetings Mr Kitchen
      Lionel B Tedder was my great grandfather, I have a photo taken of him while on officers training. Would you like me to email you a copy, so that there is a face to your WW1 Victory and attestation papers of his?
      Juan Tedder

    4. My-My: How time flies. Leaving for the SECOND leg of our vacation. Going to Texas for another two weeks then 4 days to home. Son and I hit a few antique stores, but (sadly) nothing purchased. More opportunities ahead :-)

      1. kapten_windu


        you can search on veteran to get some military items, especially the antique ones

    5. Lorenzo, across the road from Speicher is the old Iraqi tank school, maybe you will get a chance to see it?

    6. is new to the forum. :)

    7. Busy writing on Korean War UN War Medal

    8. A true friend. Generous to a fault. Always there with to cheer me up and keep me going another day. May God rain blessings on you my friend!

    9. If only I won the lottery.....

    10. Hi Troy
      I do believe I just brought something off you on Trademe....
      Just thought I would say "Hello" or is it "Gidday Mate"

    11. Researching the 1914 Rebellion in South Africa

    12. God bless the Scotsman who realized that peat and whiskey should be mated

    13. has not set their status

    14. Hi, don't ever know what to say when asked for comments. Only, neat area.

    15. It's a rain day so a perfect opportunity to get caught up on some research and write ups.

    16. Just got to Arkansas after a 4-day car trip from Washington state. Here for 2 weeks then on to Austin, Texas to visit my Mom for 2 more weeks.

    17. Lorenzo, take care. I would say stay safe but the President told me the war was over.

    18. Have not been as frequent here as I used to be due to illness but hope to be back as a full-timer now!

    19. has not set their status

    20. Casino 100 out of bankruptcy. In City Council offers to re-locate to their former site. The petitioners are defenestrated. ~finis~ Godspeed Lorenzo

    21. has not set their status

    22. Ex Grenadier Guards 1962/71

    23. watchoo talking about willis??

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