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    nesredep last won the day on June 12

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      Intrested in Judo , have trained Judo about 35 Years . Member of Druide Lodge!

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    1. Hello, very good what you write and I agree with you. But I had hoped that the Forum could close the Forum so that if you want to enter you have to log in. Many collectors I know rather spend their time communing privately with other collectors who also I do. The forum has now become so well known that they should close it. I think that we who have contributed so much to this good forum should be heard about this. Marine.
    2. Hello JustinG, appreciate that you like my collection.I now have 15 pictures of Imperial Mützenbander in wear on order.I can show you some of these when they arrive.GMIC Forum has been for many years my favorite Forum but some time ago I discovered that the pictures I have posted on this forum are scattered on the internet. Many of my collector friends hardly post anything here anymore because we had hoped that they would close the forum. In fact, you can see everything without logging in. Best Morten Pedersen.
    3. Hello, Thanks for the reply🙂In the absence of finding good Mützenbander in wear photos WW2 so when I saw your great thread I started looking for photos of your tallies in wear at the weekend. Bestr Morten H Pedersen.
    4. Hello, Have you photos of these tallie in wear? Best Morten H Pedersen.
    5. Hi Larry, I'll show you a picture 🙂 Your new picture is ready with a lovely arm patch! Cheers Morten. Hello Larry, Here is My photo! Best Morten.
    6. Great picture with the skelden patch you share with us. Congratulations and thank you for keeping this thread alive. Thanks Larry! Cheers Morten HP. Larry, I have a picture with almost the same patch but the degree below that I can show
    7. Thanks for comment Larry! Thanks for posting Your new early patch photo! Best Morten.
    8. Hello, New photo arived today! 12.SCHIFFFSTAMMABTEILUNG 12. Best Morten H.
    9. Hello, I need help of tis Mutzenbander in wear! Thanks for help and Happy New Year from Norway. Cheers Morten H P.
    10. Supplementary Battalions= Marineergänzungsabteilung - Constitued in 1935/36- Renamed as Ship Cadre Batalions in 24/9-1937. 1.Marineergänzungsabteilung 1. Cheers Morten HP.
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