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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. On the advise of one of our forum members I posted the picture on the Great War Forum and got some interesting responses, here is the link: http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/i...ic=77095&hl= Regards, Hardy
    2. The Major must have both qualifications Reiterabzeichen and Rettungsschwimmer. Have a look here: http://home.clara.net/percy/personal.htm Hardy
    3. We need a scan to solve this. a comma between Retter, schwimmen would be right, but so would be Reiter, Schwimmer Are you sure it is Reiter and not Retter? Is it Schwimmer or schwimmen, have a close look if it is Schwimmer or Schwimmen, only these two words would be correct spelling Retter http://www.sitecenter.dk/corysan/duelighedstegnside2/ Reiter
    4. You say "followed by Schwimmeren" (Schwimmeren is not a German word) could the word be "Rettungs-Schwimmer" or "Retter schwimmen"? Hardy
    5. 12 Berufliche, technische oder sportliche Bef?higungsnachweise: Section 12: trade, technical qualification or an accomplishment in sports: To have the entry "Reiter" in section 12 an officer would have qualified as a Horseman by having accomplished one of the classes of the Reiterabzeichen. Hardy
    6. Am I understanding that this Wehrpass is to a Major - if so the remark "Reiter" in Qualifications would indeed be an abbreviation for Reiterabzeichen. Is there a roman numeral behind like: III, or letter b or s? Regards, Hardy
    7. Can someone ID this tank? http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19233&hl= Thanks, Hardy
    8. Hello Charles, sorry for my post, thought your question was general (must have missed the Lippe part) Regards, Hardy
    9. Hi Paul, not exactly what you looking for, but a Navy Medic nonetheless Hardy
    10. Thank you Ian - your measurements match my MVK All the Best, Hardy
    11. Just got this original photo, has anyone seen this particular image before, or can show a different picture of the same tank wreck Regards, Hardy
    12. It looks small compared to a regular size EK2 (is this like Prinzengr?sse?) Hardy
    13. All I can find: IR411 was part of the 202ID recruited from X Corps District; Hanover. 411 had some elements from the IX Corps District (Holstein) as well. Reuss was in the XI Corps District. Hardy
    14. Guns and nursing mothers? ....well, I guess you got to keep the cannon fodder coming Hardy
    15. What it looks like depends on the State (W?rttemberg, Hessen, Sachsen ....) It means "silver merit medal" I think it is the State equivalent to the Iron Cross Hardy this is the Baden one:
    16. Could Herr Gebert in August of 1937, when the Taylor Shop Mohr & Speyer made the Uniform for him, have been a Stabszahlmeister or ObStabszahlmeister, then during the war advanced to the rank of Generalleutnant id Heeresverwaltung? Hence, he or someone else removed the Stabszahlmeister or ObStabszahlmeister on the label since it no longer matched the actual rank of the tunic. Hardy
    17. I have Rittmeister Gebert in the 1928 Rangliste - can anyone check in the 1937/38 Ranglisten for Gebert? Hardy
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