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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. You need this book, I believe your man is mentioned in it. http://www.amazon.de...&condition=used
    2. That is a beautiful Militärpass! Orden und Ehrenzeichen: China Denkmünze aus Bronze, Eiserne Kreuz zweiter Klasse. Südwestafrikadenkmünze aus Bronze. Dienstauszeichnung erster Klasse. Feldzüge und Verwundungen: Aktion gegen China 1900/1901 Teilnahme and dem Unternehmen gegen die Hereros in Südwestafrika 1904 Kriegsjahre: 1900, 1901, 1904 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918. Kriegsdienstbeschädigung, chronische Liderrandentzündung anerkannt vom derzeitigen Kommandant "Habicht" am 25. April 1911, A1 R 241/11 Kriegsdienstbeschädigung, Neurasthénie, anerkannt vom derzeitigen Kommandant "Habicht" Fregattenkapitän (Hans) Gygas am 1. Januar 1914 - A1 R.B.N.R. 3/14 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kriegsbeschädigung (in this case) means: Illness due to war service Liderrandentzündung: chronic inflamation of the eye lids Neurasthenie: dépression, weak nerves. Hans Gygas: In 1904, as a Kapitänleutnant, Gygas was the First Officer of the sloop of war Habicht, which had been undergoing repairs in Cape Town. The German settlement of Okahandja was besieged by the native Herero tribe in nearby South-West Africa (present-day Namibia) and Habicht was ordered to steam to Swakopmund and relieve Okahandja. When the ship reached Swakopmund on 18 January, Gygas, with another officer, a physician and 52 men was detailed to protect the line of communication to Swakopmund and march inland and assist in putting down the anti-German rebellion. On 16 February Gygas and his men defeated the Otjimbingwe Ovaherero under the Herero leader Zeraua in the battle of Lievenberg. Eventually the revolt was put down though at horrendous cost to the native Herero. If you need anything else translated, please let me know. Again, very nice document! .
    3. Gustav Friedrich Bahr was a "Kutscher" (horse-coach driver) in civilian life. In the picture he is wearing the Litewka (uniform) of a civilian coach driver.
    4. Hi Spasm, I believe the abbreviation "gest." stands for gestrichen = crossed out. Note on the top the abbreviation "gestr. W" (another abbrev. for gestrichen) and on the Doppelfernrohr line the word is spelled out as gestrichen BTW, very nice Soldbuch to a man that fought in both WW's with distinction.
    5. Hi John; For award numbers see here: http://www.ordensmus...l14Nov07OZL.pdf Rick Research has several threads regarding the Baden Rolls. He worked on them to finish what Roth in his book missed. Search the forum and you will find them. Here is one: Baden Rolls 1914-1918 http://gmic.co.uk/in...__fromsearch__1
    6. Chris, have you seen this, excellent French site: http://humanbonb.free.fr/indexGranatenwerfer.html ... copies of the Bedienungsanleitung http://www.hood.de/a...atwerfer-16.htm http://leibstandart....ary/2854/48317/
    7. I agree and repeat: Maxim Vladimirovich, you are a hero in every sense of the word!
    8. Yes, I remember now! ... I'm going through some old threads ... if I find it I'll let you know
    9. Did you check this thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/41387-granatwerfer-16/page__hl__granatwerfer
    10. The Wehrpass is made out to: Hans Karl Heinrich Josef Lingens born: September 26, 1904 in Aachen He is catholic and a lawyer by profession. Can you post better (straight on) pictures of pages 22 and 23
    11. The photograph is very sharp and postcard size. There is no writing on the back to identify the individual. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_08_2011/post-1062-0-59603500-1313105002.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_08_2011/post-1062-0-14420300-1313105030.jpg
    12. As far as I remember, all reservits in uniform wear the Kordel - but I'm thinking back over twenty years - I admit, I could be wrong on that. Perhaps someone else can submit the correct answer. :cheers:
    13. Gordon, certainly it is! Sorry for not making mysef clear - you are next Cheers
    14. Great Gordon, to identify a Bundeswehr vehicle to other motorists on the street the license plate number is preceded always by a Y
    15. How is a Bundeswehr vehicle identified on its license plate?
    16. Thanks Dan, btw the beret insignia you discribed is no-longer worn by the unit. :(
    17. Long distance reconnaissance Fernspäher (not to confuse with Fernseher which means TV-set) motto: oculus exercitus "the eye of the Army" The only active unit left since restructure of the Bundeswehr in 1997 is Fernspählehrkompanie 200
    18. A quick search of DKiG holders turned up no Luftwaffe member by that name. Do you have a rank for him?
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