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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. If you are asking "if it's worth 118 euros" the answer is: NO. without solid provinance You can still have a pin like that made up for 30 euros
    2. Paul Debrueres tank was one of a few that made it that far but to no avail since the French Infantry accompanying the tanks could not keep up - they were bogged down in the first and second German trenches. All the tanks advancing further were taken out by German Artillery and Flamethrower-troops. Here is the tank and crew before that fatefull day
    3. Paul, this tank was knocked out by a 7.7cm gun (Feldkanone 96 n.A.) from the Nahkampfbatterie 218 (Close Combat Battery 218). After receiving six direct hits, in the front, the tank caught fire and exploded tearing the roof off. Lieutenant Debrueres' tank made it all the way to the third German line near Juvincourt. The gun fired from a hidden emplacement at point blanc distance, less then 300 meters. Here is a view of the front of Lt. Debrueres tank Hardy
    4. The French Schneider tank belonging to Group AS2 was knocked out near Juvincourt on April 16, 1917 The brave crew Around the tank are the bodies of S/Lt Pierre Debru?res (tank commander), Canonnier Henri Lardic, Canonnier Louis Berg?s and MdL Ren? Offrion. The two surviving crew members were Sergeant Guesdon (escaped unharmed) and Canonnier Louis Evrard (was evacuated wounded.) Regards, Hardy
    5. Scott, not lost at all! It's a beauty, full of genuine history, just as it is. :cheers:
    6. It's been a while (forgot about this thread) Oberstleutnant Otto von Ihlenfeld with the officers of his Regiment (Bad.IR170) Summer 1918 Fastnacht 1917
    7. Hi Scott, your ribbon bar is very nice but not in good shape - it will be expensive to get the pieces - however IMO medals look better on a bar then alone and naked. You have to be sure of the right awards for the ribbons - several people here can help you with that (they helped me). One important thing to consider is how the awards were originally afixed to the bar - if there are clips, no problem - if they are sewn in, I would not do it since it alters the bar. Here is my project: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20970&hl= Regards, Hardy
    8. Don't forget they were also showered by shells and bullets like it was candy
    9. I think I found him Major Wilhelm Konrad Karl Rodrigo (Wilko) von Doering Born: 17-Jul-1890 in Potsdam Baptism: 7-Aug-1890 Died: 14-May-1938 in Deutsch Krone Occupation: Offizier, Gutsbesitzer On May 2, 1921 in Schochwitz/Halle he married Mechthild Elisabeth Alice Anna von Alvensleben Born: 18-Jul-1898 in Ulm Died: 16-Jun-1979 in Westerland/Sylt The marriage produced five children. Regards, Hardy
    10. Nice image Chris; Karabiner Stahlhelm and Wickelgamaschen indicates Sturmtruppe - they wouldn't be coming directly from a raid since they are wearing full Marschgep?ck not the usual Sturmgep?ck. It also appears that there is a cypher or number on the shoulder strap of the trooper with his back turned (note that he is wearing part of his comrade's gear.) Perhaps a better scan of the strap would identify the unit.
    11. Unusual Passport for Leutnant der Reserve Michael Kohl of the second Machine Gun Company Landsturm Jnfanterie Bataillon Neustadt II B4 Valid until Oct. 12, 1919 Signed in the Field on October 12, 1918 by Major Friedmann commander of the above Battalion. The Passport is written on the back of this photograph of Michael Kohl on his mount. Leutnant d.R. Michael Kohl The 2.M.G.K. of the Bavarian Landsturm moving through Colmar on July 2, 1918 Hardy
    12. quote: "Any Burbanks in the Panzers or Panzerj?ger?" Don't know, Don - but there is an Oberleutnant Franz-Josef Burbank from M?nster that was killed when the evacuation plane carrying him was shot down on a flight from Ruma to Sarajevo on 21st of June 1943. He is your only candidate from the VDK - of course the is the possibility that the wearer of your pants survived the war. Hardy
    13. To save them - Yes. IMO it's like preserving historic ordnance - would you keep a 90 year old "scharfe Handgranate" in your collection for the sake of originality? Hardy
    14. Feldw. (Feldwebel) Burbank the date looks like: November 21st There are 9 men listed on the German War Grave site - six of them are from M?nster in Westfalen. Don if you tell us more about the tunic we could possibly narrow the suspects down. Regards, Hardy
    15. Thank you! I wasn't sure about H?cker having been awarded the Silesian Eagle - Hardy
    16. thought I share this interesting portrait Hardy
    17. He was in the hospital and is recovering. I talked to him on the phone not too long ago. Hardy
    18. A proud young Walter sent his portrait to his Grandfather (Grandmother) Very nice image
    19. Naxos

      Napoleonic Art

      Not quite on the topic but a very interesting article from The Times August 22, 2007 http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle2302967.ece Hardy
    20. Chris, this the the published entry of Gustav von Westernhagen's award of the EKI Stand: Dezember 1914 Hardy
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