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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Yes, but disagreeing is normal and accepted in politics - it does not mean One will start another world war over it.
    2. Perhaps accepting the more conciliatory view of the United States towards German reparations and listening to Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference would have resulted in a more realistic Peace treaty. It might have given the country a chance to stabilize and prevented the rise of the Nazis. Quote: ... Of the many provisions in the (Versailles) treaty, one of the most important and controversial required Germany to accept sole responsibility for causing the war and, under the terms of articles 231–248 (later known as the War Guilt clauses), to disarm, make substantial territorial concessions and pay reparations to certain countries that had formed the Entente powers. The total cost of these reparations was assessed at 132 billion Marks (then $31.4 billion, £6,600 million) in 1921 which is roughly equivalent to $400 Billion US Dollars as of 2010, a sum that many economists at the time deemed to be excessive ... it would have taken Germany until 1988 to pay
    3. Yes, as was French, British and any other Nationalism. German Nationalism does not equal Nazi-ism. Nationalism is an element and a symptom of National-Socialism but not it's cause. Intolerance, Hatred and Racism are the cause.
    4. As Chris said - also every Jäger/Gebirgsjäger was given several patches. I agree, more unused patches survived than used ones. I prefer a used tunic removed one.
    5. IMO, Most likley SWA combatant then after his military service during WWI well into TR era he was a police officer at home. nice bar, btw
    6. Jens, what a gem of re-discovered history - there must be something about their escape in the regimental history Die am 26.8.1918 der englischen Gefangenschaft zusammen entronnenen Leutnant Friedrich, Führer 1. Masch.-Gewehr-Komp. 94 Oberleutnant Bauermeister mein bester Freund, Masch.-Gew.Offz. beim Stab/94 K. Richter G.S.O. beim Stab/94 aufgenommen im Stabsquartier bei Valenciennes nach 6 schwerenWochen The IR94 was part of the 38.Division that fought hard since August 21, 1918 near Scarpe (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) about 20 km from Valenciennes Abwehrschlacht zwischen Scarpe und Somme 21.8.-2.9.1918 - got to get back to work. Cheers, Hardy :cheers:
    7. Orphan ribbon is looking for a home Brian pm me where to send it :cheers:
    8. Franz-Christoph Schroeder (1879-1925) was promoted to Kapitänleutnant on March 30, 1906 - so the card must be from before that date. His awards: Roter Adler Orden 4th class - Iron cross 2nd class - Rettungs Medaille (life saving medal) - Mecklenburg Militarverdienstkreuz 2nd class The Kanonenboot (Gunboat) Iltis built in 1898 was assingend to colonial service in Tsingtau (China). After leaving Kiel (Germany) in Feb. 1899 the ltis never returned to Germany again. The ship was scuttled by its crew on Sept 28, 1914 in the harbor of Tsingtau. Did you get the entire lot? The diaries are incredible. I would like to read them
    9. Very nice document. Free passage for the Oberleutnant zur See Franz Christoph Schroeder traveling to Konstantinopel - June 13 1905 We Wilhelm of God's grace - German Emperor and King of Prussia, etc. etc. etc. ... wish that all military and civilian authorities of foreign states will honor the promise, and I order all our own military and civilian authorities, to give free passage and if necessary protection to Oberleutnant zur See Franz Christoph Schroeder traveling to Konstantinopel on special assignment by the emperor's order. In 1909 we find Franz Christoph Schroeder as Kapitänleutnant on board the large cruiser Gneisenau.
    10. Classic KAG with muffin crown see here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8748&st=0
    11. Nice private purchase Baden silver merit medal in "Prinzengrösse" ? Looks a lot better then this ugly late war Zincer.
    12. This is the book: Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht by Norbert Kannapin 3 Volumes, a complete list of Feldpostnummern, Biblio-Verlag 1980, ISBN-10: 3764811838
    13. You are right - I did not register the year 1910! Kingdom of Siam, Order of the Crown 4th class
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