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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Pin is wrong, catch is wrong, detail is wrong. Check the above references for excellent images of original badges.
    2. I'll agree with Alex. I don't think these badges are authentic. I've never seen a Prinzen badge of this type before and the details on the badge do not look consistent with period originals that I have handled over the years, Also, I have never seen this type of badge (hollow-stamped) made as a Prinzen piece,
    3. A Saxon would have not had his medals mounted in this order. The St. Henry would have been first, followed by the Albert Order, The FAM and then the EK2, LSC
    4. Also, I held this back from Scott because I was unsure from the pix on eMedals site, as well as these. I believe this is what I call the Sharffenburg Long Case, as opposed to their smaller one. I'll dig through my archive photos to see if I can back this up. The bigger case is quite harder to find Here's what I mean, see attached image of two different St. Henry Cases from my archives
    5. A beautiful cross, a beautiful case. I recommended this to Scott, the price was right IMO. VERY hard to find this order, or a case. Now, Scott gets to search for a Sharffenburg Piece and a Roessner Case!! I still am the Evil Twin!
    6. First Images, Generalarzt Dr. Protz. Any details appreciated! Reverses of The General's CDVs
    7. I'll never understand the splitting of groups, the breaking of bars and the scattering of history. Cheers to those who strive to correct this travesty.
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