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    chuck last won the day on August 7 2021

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      Tampa, Florida

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    1. My Bavarian Military Merit Order 4th class with crown and swords.
    2. My only crown order 3rd class (which i no longer own) with swords that i had purchased at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul. slightly abused, but still a nice find on holiday.
    3. Hi Stogieman, Is the medal in Bronze (240,750 official minted), or Bronzed-Iron (11,500 official minted)? Friedrich August Medal in Bronze 1905 (ehrenzeichen-orden.de) Regards chuck
    4. Hi Saschaw, Thank you for your opinion, the dealer was less than honest and sent a WWII Luftwaffe badge and then refused to send the correct item. live and learn a bad e-bay dealer. regards, chuck
    5. Quoting Mr Ludvigsen awards were returned as late as 1941 by the German recipients. Less so by foreign recipients particularly Russians. Regards Chuck
    6. Herman, According to Mr Ludvigsens outline Paragraph 6.a, pg 9 the order was to be returned upon death or promotion to the next higher order. v/r, Chuck
    7. His Baden Order of the Zahinger Lion 2nd class with Oak leaves and Sword award was announced as part of the Reserve Infantry Regiment 109 in the Badische Landes-Zeitung, Mittagsblatt on Wednesday April 11, 1914. page 4 Regards Chuck
    8. a nice site for values. deutsche Orden und Ehrenzeichen (ehrenzeichen-orden.de) regards, Chuck
    9. Simius Rex, Thank you for the explanation. Chuck
    10. Very nice cases did the come from the medal manufacturer and are they marked? Regards, Chuck
    11. What metal did Rothe construct ArchDukes Eugen crosses? are they made of silver or silvered copper? regards, chuck
    12. If I may suggest a web site, you can use from your phone as a quick reference. deutsche Orden und Ehrenzeichen (ehrenzeichen-orden.de) v/r Chuck
    13. very nice, picture I've never seen the Hessen Clasp in wear, or at all. Neal O'Connor stated that only 29 were awarded within the Infantry Regiment Prince Carl. Regards, Chuck
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