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    Everything posted by spolei

    1. Hello Paul, the MVO has the ribbon for officials (Beamtenband). The class of the MVO depends on the service position not on the rank. The officer could be a prussian and does his war-duty in a bavarian unit, so he got the prussian awards before the war and the EK and MVO at the war. Later he joined the german Wehrmacht. Probably he was a purser or veterinary officer or similar position. cheers Andreas
    2. Hello Brian, if you have more problems with reading the old german fonts, ask me. My problem is the translation into english regards Andreas
    3. Hello, the soldier of the first deathcard died in Noyon / near Mont Renaud in 1917. https://www.google.de/maps/place/Mont+Renaud,+60400+Passel,+Frankreich/@49.5632004,2.973698,9z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x47e876afa4eaa565:0x4e08629724d228e6
    4. Hello, here is the german suskribtion of the fighting List. Sorry but I can't translate it into english Frankreich 1914 (France) 7.9. - 11.9.1914 Schlacht von Nancy-Epinal (Luneville) 2.10. - 4.10.1914 Schlacht bei Arras 31.3. - 18.5.1916 Schlacht bei Verdun 31.3. - 18.4.1916 Schlacht im Wald von Avoncourt (Verdun) Im Osten 1916 (Easternfront) Kämpfe am Styr und Stochod 16.7. - 27.7.1916 Kämpfe am oberen Styr und Stochod 28.7. - 10.10.1916 Schlacht von Kowel Im Feldzug gegen Rumänien 1916/1917 (Romania) Gebirgskämpfe am "Roten-Turm-Pass" 25.11. - 30.11.1916 Verfolgungskämpfe bei Curtea de Arges - Pitesty 1.12. - 3.12.1916 Schlacht am Arges 4.12. - 8.12.1916 Verfolgungskämpfe nach der Schlacht am Arges 9.12.1916 - 6.1.1917 Verfolgungskämpfe in der Ostwalachei Frankreich 1917 20.4.1917 - 25.4.1917 Stellungskämpfe im Oberelsaß 5.5. - 27.5.1917 Doppelschlacht an der Aisne und in der Champagne 9.7. - 13.9.1917 Stellungskämpfe am Chemin des Dames 11.10. - 15.11.1917 Schlacht in Flandern 25.11.1917 - 8.1.1918 Kämpfe in den Maashöhen - Spada - 13.1.1918 Stellungskämpfe auf den Maashöhen Lamasville ??? / Spada / St. Mihiel 11.2. - 24.3.1918 Stellungskämpfe vor Verdun
    5. Hello, my german account works only for the german dates. If I want get american dates I have to pay for a special update. I've download the site in its biggest size, but it isn't possible to show it in this size on this posting regards Andreas
    6. Hello Brian, I could found him at ancestry. He was born 23 August 1874 Gräfenberg/Forchheim Mittelfranken. Mindelheim is another region (Allgäu) You are right, he fougt in Verdun, later in the east Romain. He was awarded with Prinz-Regent-Luitpold-Medaillie 1911 Landwehr-Dienstauszeichnung 2. Klasse ( service award) EK II ( 9.10.1914) EK I (3.1.1917) bavarian MVO 4. class with swords (1916) austrian Kriegsverdienstkreuz 3. class with Kriegsdekoration regards Andreas
    7. Hello very nice bar. The Weiss looks like golden medaillons, Very nice patina.
    8. Hello, a very interesting bar. It would be possible, that the bar belongs to Solbrig. He awarded this decorations, the EK1 and the Flugzeugführerabzeichen. A long service officer would have more decorations, I don't think that this bar belongs to a doctor. The ribbon is also used for the Militär-Sanitäts-Orden. regards Andreas
    9. Hello, WC is the bavarian manufacturer Weiss & co. 900 is the marking for silver. At the agraffe you also will find WC and on the other side 950 or 980. The pre war MVO are marked with 980. Your cross has a silver gold plated medaillon, so it will be marked with 950. It is a late MVO since 1916, one of the most MVO 4b variations. Here some variations http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/63191-best-bavarian-mvo4/ regards Andreas
    10. Hello, thats my biggest knife.
    11. Hello Chris, a very nice Leiberring. Were you able to find the winner, based on the number ? The ring was awarded to soldiers of the Bavarian Infanterie Leib Regiment, for two years service at the front. cheers Andreas
    12. Hello, I have found him. Wild Eugen, born 30.9.1878 in Munich, salesman, married, 1 child. Einjährig Freiwilliger. He was Unteroffizier der Landwehr 2. Reserve-Fußartillerie Regiment (Metz), he moved to the 1. bay Reserve Fuß Artillerie on the 5th August 1914. He died on the 30. August 1914 in Frambois. Your date, the 16th september, is the date of the missinglist. Sorry, but I have no answer to your question about the higher comands. My knowledge about military formations is very modest. Look at the autograph, it's Hugo Meiler ! regards Andreas
    13. Hello, it is very difficult. In ancestry database I will find the 6th battery and the 8th, but not the 7th. I will take a look in my books at home. regards Andreas
    14. Hi, here are some helpful things, for bigger wounds. The pliers are for cutting up food instead of teeth I've visitet a exhibition in Bad Kissingen about their hospitals 1866 - 1945 http://www.badkissingen.de/de/stadt/kultur/museen/ausstellungen/index.html?_shc=0%2BjK0ePh0ZiapKWl
    15. Hello Lambert, this cross was given for 20 years of duty in the bavarian red cross. I have no numbers, bur this cross is not rare. @ Paul you are not a "Dickkopf", your suspicion was right. regards Andreas
    16. Hello, he was born 1.2.1854 and startet in the army 1870. He died 17.101916 in a hospital in Metz. Ancestry shows a bavarian MVK 2 with crown and swords. On your picture might be a earlier MVK without crown. Please, show us a bigger picture of the bar. He got the silver medal for the war 1870 (non combattant) regtards Andreas
    17. Hello, this cross belongs to the bavarian Red Cross between the two wars. The ribbon is blue with two white stripes. http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.richardajordan.com%2FRed_Cross%2FGraphics%2Fbavaria03a.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.richardajordan.com%2FRed_Cross%2FBavariaRedCross.html&h=300&w=157&tbnid=0gOPIHP7Ld8CBM%3A&zoom=1&docid=9JZWY_S9032ENM&ei=wdz9U9DHNuu_ygOIvYHYCQ&tbm=isch&client=firefox-a&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=1382&page=4&start=104&ndsp=37&ved=0CCEQrQMwCThk regards Andreas
    18. Hello, I couldn't find him at ancestry. Müller is a very widespread name, like Smith or Jones. There are several Karl ( Carl) Müller listed at the pages of 12. FAR and 12 Reserve FAR. He was member of a Ersatzbatterie. Possibly, after becomming officer, he go to another unit. sorry Andreas
    19. Hello, he send greetings to his wife. He became an officer on the 18.3.17 an he hope the officer's papers would be sent to his hometown.
    20. Hello, here are the dates of the book "Ruhmeshalle der Alten Armee". The 12. bavarian Field-Artillerie-Regiment was foundet on 1.10.1901, its base was Landau/Pfalz. This regiment belong to the 3. bayr. Infantry division during wartime. Here ist the list of fighting of the 3. ID, regards Andreas
    21. Hi, another difference was the ribbon. The 4th class without has a white ribbon with blue stripes (Friedensband /pre war) and the 4.th class with swords was a white ribbon with blue stripes and small black stripes outside (Kriegsband). Cheers Andreas
    22. Hello Lambert, I have no suspicions about this MVK. It is a Hemmerle second class with crown and swords. It was awarded to an official, because the ribbon is for "Kriegsverdienst". The bar looks like prussian, because the prussian service medal. Possibly a bavarian official in prussian army. Or a prussian official who was decorated by the bavarian Kingdom.
    23. Hello, I don't know the year of manufacturing, but the sign is the manufacturer Zwilling/Solingen. Zwilling=twins ( you will see two people in the sign). regards Andreas
    24. Hello Chris, it is a Hemmerle with golden medaillons from 1915/1916. Can you read the number on the agraffe 950 or 980. Cheers Andreas
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