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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Andreas, Are these items all you have from the paperwork side of this soldier? If there is more perhaps there may be other clues?
    2. Bernhard, I read the same but I am not all that clued up on the German equivilants, I thought it was something to do with Easter but I am a 'heathen' so pardon my error and thanks for the info, is that the one where the kids come round singing or am I way off again?
    3. Guys, As requested, this is the best I can do with the USB microsope. You can see the bit I mean I hope/ Jock
    4. Eric, Sorry got as far as Easter 1917 at Flanders then giberish, ... Me....sch?...e?...ite. Jock
    5. Thanks Guys, There is a die flaw that I have noticed on the 'g' of Osang and I have seen it on other pictures posted on other media where this is also present so this may be a good 'combat indicator' for the community at large, possibly already noted somewhere but I haven't seen it yet? Jock
    6. Andreas, Kev, Are you keen on the stamps, it is hard to tell with all the copyright stuff running through it, it is not a true copy of the doc but the top two the ring of the stamp is very clear and the center illegable where I would want to see . The VD aside I am not that keen on the stamping on the first two and if they are all linked by VD then what of the last one since they date from Jan - Mar with different locations and subunits, what is with the VD apart from not wanting to get it? Jock
    7. Mate, The picture is not the best, could it be other 'flower' war ribbons, going in reverse order I am not sure which ribbon you mean? Jock
    8. Chis, How much is a good deal if I am not being too rude? Cheers Jock
    9. Dave, Is that a likeness of the award at the top of the doc, can you get a better picture of that area up or is impossible due to the file? Cheers Jock
    10. John what i mean is if you look at the hole in the front wing it is perfectly round as if the rivet was added to the eagle as well as to the reverse of the wreath as a seperate part perhaps all at the same time? IE the eagle did not have the rivet fitted during the production of that part? I am not expressing myself very clearly sorry! Jock
    11. John, I thought so too despite the damage, it was with the Luftwaffe ground assault badge in the other thread. Both reported to be from the same guy, his old lady has just passed and the daughter sold them to a bloke in front of me at the flea market. Right place right time! What I thought was interesting is that the eagle obviously had the rivets added seperately to it and the wreath if you can see what I mean? It looks like there was the wreath, the eagle and the rivetes were seperate to both perhaps crimped all at once? Jock
    12. Guys, These were gathering dust at a local junk shop. Jock
    13. Guys, This was in the wood skip, there were two but one was 'Baggered' flat, I am going to try and fix it but this one is ok. Any ideas which ammo or weapon system it is for? I think the burned in markings inside the lid are from the original owners the coloured paint too? Judging from the German paper lables these were Polish? It has a bit of live worm so it is off to the walk in freezers at work, a bit of -27 for a few days should kill the little buggers! Jock
    14. It seems to be ok from the research I have done, injection moulded marked 1 and not marled L64 like some of them. There is also a 2 version. I can't post links on here but there are a few threads out there, you can try WRF or Germanmilitaria.com? Although the price on the later site is quite rediculous. Jock
    15. Robert, I will take your word for that, to me it is just another HJ badge, I don't get bogged down in the detail too much. If you have anything spare military paperwork wise that you would consider a fair trade then let me know if you want? Jock
    16. Guys, Also today, bit of a shame about the condition of this, someone has had a go at soldering zinc which does not work! At least we get to see how it goes together! Jock
    17. Guys, These today, not much out there except the Lufty bits. Jock
    18. Guys, Can't fit anymore into the title but it just about covers it I hope? It is a bit grubby and the finish is not that good anymore as tends to be the case with zincers. Had a bit of a luftwaffe day today! Jock
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