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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Kevin, Thanks for that, I will have a sort through it this week. Tony, I have seen some cracking antique furniture going through the 'Chipping Machine', it then gets burned over the winter months at the Kraftwerk. One mans rubbish is another mans treasure?! Jock
    2. kegan32, Nice collection, where did you get the display case, is it home made or bought? cheers Jock
    3. Kevin, When will I get time, they will go on to the 'to do list'? For me the fun is finding it, there must be a good few hundred there so i have no chance of that. You know I prefer the SB and WP etc, I hope they were not there too but it is possible they were at the bottom of a full container. Do you have anything on the Doctor that may merit a closer look, you are much better at the research side than I am? Cheers Jock
    4. I don't know why they do it but if what I capture in my small part of the world is anything to go by then can you imagine what is being skipped worldwide and across all areas of interest. just mad! Jock
    5. Guys, I still don't understand people that would skip stuff like this. There are a lot of letters here all to one man and woman, I would guess held by the woman as there are a few from other servicemen as well, she appears to have been a DRK sister at Charlottenburg Berlin. I would guess without reading any in detail as yet she was courting the Dr Heinz Hartung of Fallingbostel bei Hannover FP Nr 29760. Jock
    6. Is there nothing that cannot be acheived with a bit of WD40 and a hammer? It looks like it has been repaired at some point but then I think that was the point of the take down version? I will post more pics after work! Jock
    7. Steve, What do your lids normaly fetch or do you price them according to man hours? I think in 2000 years people will be collecting your art and there will be tons of good SS helmets that don't look as interesting and won't be collected. I will keep my eyes peeled for suitable 'casualties' if you want. Jock
    8. Signed, I can't believe they want to close it after the amount they took off mess members to fund it. These clowns at the moment should change their moto to 'Taking the Great out of Britain'! If they took a modest pay cut and binned their expenses racket they could fund it indefinately and some hospital and schools too! Cnuts. Jock
    9. I see it as you giving a tired old lid a new lease of life. I assume you only do this to repainted or otherwise already degraded items. They have already lost there way you are just helping them to be appreciated again. If it has already been stripped back or badly repainted it doesen't matter as your paint can always be stripped off too but the point is it will never be the original finish ever again so why not? As I am sure others believe, you are very talented and have a flare for what you do! Jock
    10. Again from the weekend, sorry about the rest but I have lumped the KM stuff together. Jock
    11. Kriss, Nothing for you, just civy buttons that the wife has confiscated! I did find some Stahlhelm buttons not long ago, if I can find them I post them up. Odulf, For sure things often get 'stored' as stores are for storing not issues. Jock
    12. I guess so, the wife was moaning at me for playing my 'dated 80s electronic music, you should have grown out of that by now!' she said, so I repleid in that case I should have grown out of you too by that logic! Didn't go down well! Jock
    13. Guys, Again from yesterday. A half decent compass. According to the book etl =Kreiger & Faudt, Hugo,Fabrik elctro apperate, Neuenburgerstr 15 Berlin SW68. Jock
    14. Uwe, That is very detailed unit history thankyou for the link. Quite funny Siegmun has one on ebay, he is the local dealer in Soltau! I may give that one to Mervin for his prize pot if he wants it. Thanks for the help Best Regards Jock
    15. Guys, I am stumped by this one. I believe it to be WW2 German due to the design and the poor metal quality although it is well struck for its size (about 1.7 by 2.2cm). Anyone any thoughts? Cheers Jock
    16. Guys, No idea what it is but has crossed cannons and cogwheel so I presume Arty Mechanic or Gunnfitter? Jock
    17. Bernhard, I will go with the flow on that as you guys seem very clued up on the finer detail. I only opted for that as it states that in the Schlicht/Angolia book (dark uniform colour unknown) p169-171. There are only two pictures but what I noted was the lads in the Landespolizei shot were much younger than the old boys in the Landwehr shot also they seemed to be wearing a normal field grey colour uniform. It does look like the old boys are getting a bit of drilling from the Army! I hope they were up to it! Cheers jock
    18. Guys, I keep finding these things. I believe you can use the counters to play another game using the reverse of the chess board? Jock
    19. Guys, I guess these were in the rations? Could be post war but I have some boiled sweets boxes 44/45 dated that have a similar colour scheme? We used to have them but not in tins, they were in a blisterpack affair and bloody awful taste if you used them. These are all missing the original contents but were full of old buttons. Jock
    20. Guys, This tickled me today, reminds me of the keyboard player in Sparks. I think he is trying too hard with that tash! Jock
    21. Guys, I think this is ok and of the period, at one time it has been badly corroded at the back end but scrubbed back down to bare brass leaving a horrible bumpy finish, I have seen this before on shell cases that have been scrubbed up. It has the usual dings and bumps, looks like it has been in a vice to try and remove the mothpeice but I guess they failed as it is still solid in there. No markings to be seen! Jock
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