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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Here are uniforms of the Field Artillery illustrated schematically by Ruhl in 1887. Notice anything unusual?? Regards Glenn
    2. You could not tell up to 1889. However an AKO dated 28 July 1889 introduced a somewhat narrower (16mm) lace cuff ring worn above the other to differentiate the two ranks. Also worn by the Stabshoboist/Stabshornist/Stabstrompeter from this date until 1908. Regards Glenn
    3. Not according to the "Adjustirungs- und Ausrüstungs-Vorschrift für das k. k. Heer 1878", page 473 (Militär-Intendanturs-Beamte) Regards Glenn
    4. Chaps, he is a Vizewachtmeister: One row of cuff lace and officers' sword knot. Regards Glenn
    5. Jock, just checked Zienerts "Unsere Marineuniform" and I quote from page 244 - introduced per MVBl Nr. 9 of 15 April 1929 "Geprüfte Unteroffizier-Anwärter bekommen einen kleinen Winkel aus silberner Litze vorn auf jede Seite des Kragens." Regards Glenn
    6. The abbreviated collar Tresse appears to be very similar to the pattern introduced into the Reichsheer in 1931 to denote a NCO candidate. Regards Glenn
    7. Marcin, Signed by the regimental commander, Oberst (later Generallieutenant) Leo Baron v. der Osten gen. Sacken. Regards Glenn
    8. Rick, The battle credit for this period for II. Bavarian Armeekorps is "Schlacht an der Somme" 23 Sep - 6 Oct 14. Regards Glenn
    9. Jock Oberstleutnant (W): 1.12.43. Not an administrative officer but effectively as we would understand in the British Army, an Ammunition Technical Officer. Best I can make out from page eight is that it pretty much all refers to his his ownership of privately held firearms. Miss the "pop star wages" as a civvie! Regards Glenn
    10. Nice one Jock, Wilhelm Greschkowski is listed as an Hauptmann (WE) (1.3.36(9) at Heeres-Feldzeugverwaltung I in Königsberg in 1937. Regards Glenn
    11. David, in peacetime his occupation was that of a teacher. In 1911, he was a Seminar-Direktor in Hadersleben. He had been awarded a Swedish Wasa Order Knight's Cross in 1898. Leutnant der Landwehr: 22.3.00 H4h. He retired from Landwehr service on 21 January 1913. Reactivated for service in WW1, he was promoted to Oberleutnant der Landwehr a.D. on 17.10.14 whilst serving the Ersatz-Batallion of Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 48. Regards Glenn
    12. Nick, I don't have the answer (yet). My first impression, is that it is likely a former officer of Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Kaiser Alexander Nr. 1. However, the bar has no long service decoration, so either an active officer who retired before completing a full career or even a reserve officer. There are not too many individuals in 1871 who had an EK2 and an RA3X and presumably the RAO4 and the Persian Sun and Lion came later. I am looking! Regards Glenn
    13. Matt, he appears to have still been serving in FAR 49 until the beginning of May 1915. He is shown in a Stellenbesetzubgsliste for that year as being wounded in FAR 49. At the time of his promotion, he was serving with Ersatz-Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 65. His promotion is gazetted as to the rank of Oberleutnant der Landwehr Feldartillerie 1. Aufgebots (1st Levy) although the 1916 entry Andy refers to, he is listed as an Oberleutnant der Reserve. He was awarded the WFbX on 12 May 1915. Regards Glenn
    14. Jock, Normal practice for Landsturm battalions to wear Corps and battalion numerals on the collar. Regards Glenn
    15. Tricky! There are three assorted Zalmeister in the 1918 kaiserliche Marine Rangliste with a BZ3bX plus one more in the Baden rolls. Of the three in the naval list, none have the EK1 and two have additional decorations whilst already holding the EK2. Marineoberzahlmeister Franz Schmitt seems to me, to be the best possibility with an EK2 and BZ3bX and retired as a char. Marinestabszahlmeister in 1921. He may have been awarded an EK1 late in the War. The other BZ3bX winner, Marinezahlmeister Lubbe retired in that rank in 1919. Regards Glenn
    16. Nick, Post #159. Was tricky because I was looking for a Stanislaus Commander, However, that sash is the Grand Cross of the Prussian Red Eagle Order! The breast star is that of the Oldenburg House Order. So.........Botschafter Anton Graf Monts, the ambassador in Rome. Regards Glenn
    17. In 1913: KD2 Jubiläum Medaille Bayr. MVKrz Gold. M. v. Fr.-O Württ. Silb. VM Preuß KVM RAOM Krz. d. AE DA1 Krz. d. Haus-O v. Hohenz. EM The Almanach uses different abbreviations for the orders but has no key. Regards Glenn
    18. Andreas, Obermusikmeister Mathias Kürmeyer of 4. Infanterie-Regiment König Wilhelm von Württemberg. Regards Glenn
    19. Does anyone have or know of a publication/history that has a decent map of the dispositions at Söll and Wörgl on 13 May 1809? I have visited both of these places many times on holiday and have never really been able to picture the scene of the fighting. There is a small memorial in the woods to the North of the town of Söll in the area of Sonnbichl but no real details. I know there was fighting at the Grattenbergl and Grattenbrücke to the east of Wörgl in the vicinity of the Brixentaler Ache and the road junction with the Wörgl - Brixen Valley road. Thanks Regards Glenn
    20. Matt, Rudolf Wilhelm Barth, born 24 July 1881. Fähnrich: 19.5.02 Leutnant: 14.2.03 (Patent 24.1.02 B) Oberleutnant: 24.1.11 F Hauptmann: 21.5.14 Char, Major: 20.4.20 Served throughout his peacetime career in FAR 32. October 1914 in Flieger-Abteilung Nr. 24. April 1916 on the staff of 123. Infanterie-Division and from April 1918 on staff of 53. Reserve-Division. Albrecht Knight with Swords 1st Class: 2 October 14 (FA 24) - Gazetted on 17 Nov 14. Crown to Albrecht Knight with Swords 1st Class: 1 April 1916 (123 I.D,) Saint Henry Knight: 18 April 18 Regards Glenn
    21. Nick, Robert Frhr. v. Kap-Herr was promoted to Generalleutnant with a Patent of 23.5.16. The photo above shows him as the commander of Husaren-Regiment Nr. 10, probably just after the award the Saint Anna in early 1909. Here is a wartime portrait showing him as the Military Governor of Skierniewice in the Government General of Warsaw. Regards Glenn
    22. Stefan, nice picture of the later Generalleutnant Richard Gadegast. I have only come across a handful of named Fricke cards. I get the impression that they were sold amongst other things, to place in soldiers' barrack rooms and Guard houses etc,, so that soldiers would recognise their commanders. Regards Glenn
    23. Charles, I think we are at cross purposes here. Bronsart was a Lieutenant, not a Lieutenant-Colonel (Oberstleutnant). A junior officer of this rank would typically have been employed as an aide de Camp (ADC) to the Divisional Commander or as an assistant in one of the staff branches. Regards Glenn
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