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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Charles, He was an Oberleutnant (Leutnant) in 1914. I would assume he was an ADC (Ordannanzoffizier) on the Divisional Staff. This was not a General Staff appointment and in any case, he retired as a cavalry captain. The Prussians never listed first names in the published Ranglisten unless two or more officers in the same regiment with the same rank had the same surname. Even this was a fairly recent innovation; before that you had the situation where numbers were appended after the name. e.g. Müller I Müller II Etc. Regards Glenn
    2. Charles, Chris, a tenuous link I have found.: An Oberleutnant Bronsart v. Schellendorff on the staff of 54. Infanterie-Division was awarded the Mecklenburg Militär Verdienst Kreuz First Class on 20 March 1917 Leutnant der Reserve Merck of Fußartillerie-Bataillon Nr. 54 (54. I.D.) was awarded the same decoration on 24 March 1917. I would hazard the guess that the Oberleutnant was the peacetime active DR 18 Leutnant (Walter), retired as a Rittmeister. Of course Merck could still be one of the two reserve officers of that name originally from DR 18: Karl and Theodor. Regards Glenn
    3. Matt, It is the symbol of a Kammerherr or Chamberlain, an honorary position at court. Regards Glenn
    4. Nick, Could be gold or silver depending on regiment or branch. Michael Vorner was a General Staff Oberst promoted to that rank on 1 May 1915. Regards Glenn
    5. Nick, amazingly, "just" a colonel: Oberst Michael v. Vorner. Regards Glenn
    6. Nick, I had narrowed the field of suspects to just four by 1840 and all these had died by 1849. Luckily I was able to get hold of a couple more editions of the Bavarian Military Handbook for the early forties and General v. Greis was the only RSt1 recipient of the four. He was only the second regimental commander of what became the Bavarian Infanterie-Leib-Regiment. Regards Glenn
    7. Nick, I think I have him: Generalmajor Friedrich Ritter von Greis (27 May 1879 - 6 February 1847): Saint Anna Order 2nd Class: 7 Mar 1814 Saint Stanislaus Order 1st Class: Mar 1840 His last appointment was as the Brigade Commander of 1. Infanterie-Brigade in 4. Infanterie-Division. This from the 1842 MHB, Regards Glenn
    8. Nick Post #138: Do you think that is the sash and breast star of the Stanislaus Order? The portrait must date from 1827 (introduction of the Bavarian Ludwig Order) and the introduction of the Waffenrock in 1848? Unfortunately I only have Bavarian Militair-Handbücher dated 1836, 1838, 1840 and 1849 so he might be a bit tricky. He is a Generalmajor in this portrait with a French Legion of Honour in last place. Regards Glenn
    9. Dave, I would hazard a guess that the general between Halder and v. Blomberg is General der Infanterie Wilhelm Adam. Regards Glenn
    10. Chris, Have had a copy for years; a great resource. Well done on acquiring a copy. Regards Glenn
    11. Andreas, Admiral Bachmann is shown only wearing his WW1 EK1 and EK2 in the Biblio "Admiral" series. Regards Glenn
    12. This plate by Paul Pietsch nicely illustrates the point: Two uniforms of Generaloberst (m. d. Range als Generalfeldmarschall) Bernhard Erbprinz von Sachsen-Meiningen, one, a normal Generals' uniform and the second that of the "Chef" of Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 10. Regards Glenn
    13. Here is General der Infanterie Alexander v. Kluck in the uniform of Grenadier-Regiment König Friedrich Wilhelm I. (2. Ostpreußisches) Nr. 3, appointed à la suite on 10 September 1910. Regards Glenn
    14. Charles, Remus v. Woyrsch in the uniform of 1. GRzF, of which he was appointed à la suite on 24 December 1908. Regards Glenn
    15. And more definitively stated in "Dienst-Vorschriften der Königlich Preußischen Armee" 1879 by Oberst Karl von Helldorff: "The Generals as Regimental Chiefs, Generals à la suite of Regiments, the War Minister, the Chief of the General Staff of the Army, Inspector-Generals of the Artillery and Engineer Corps etc, when appearing in their respective uniforms, wear the Waffenrock with only 8 buttons......." Regards Glenn
    16. Not according to the 1911 officers' dress regulation which state the General would wear the uniform of the respective unit with the following alterations: Generals' trousers Generals red lined Paletot Generals' sword belt Litewka lapels lined in the colour of the Litwka collar patches Generals' helmet plume And of course Generals' rank insignia with the insignia of the respective unit. Regards Glenn.
    17. Marcin, the unfortunate Hauptmann of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 27 was Albrecht v. Holtzendorff, company commander of 12./I.R. 27. Regards Glenn
    18. Marcin, Gustav v. Holtzendorff, born 30 December 1869 in Berlin. 22.3.89: Sekonde-Lieutenant in 2. GRzF 1.9.96: Premier-Lieutenant 17.11.96: transfered to Leibgarde-Infanterie-Regiment 115 11.9.03: Hauptmann and company commander 6./2.GRzF 19.11.08: Retired with regimental uniform. Died 1923 as Major a.D. Regards Glenn
    19. Marcin, Hauptmann v. Holtzendorff, company commander of 6./2. GRzF. More to follow. Regards Glenn
    20. Andreas, Rittmeister Hartmann Frhr. Ow auf Wachendorf à la suite 3. Chevaulegers- Regiment. Regards Glenn
    21. Enzo, The following reserve officers of IR 33 with a 1st Class Silver Medal are listed in 1916: Oberleutnant in der Reserve Béla Ernyei Leutnant in der Reserve Géza Olajos Leutnant in der Reserve Alexander Mateffy Leutnant in der Reserve Johann Léger Leutnant in der Reserve Julius Karácsony Leutnant in der Reserve Karl Kurtag Leutnant in der Reserve Josef Farkas Fähnrich in der Reserve Matthias Roth Fähnrich in der Reserve Andreas Sámson Fähnrich in der Reserve Anton Szuck Most of these guys and some others are also in the 1918 list?? Regards Glenn
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