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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Luke, I.R. 57 Leutnant d.R. Asche was killed in Wilna (Vilnius) whilst serving with R.I.R. 256 on 11 September 1915. Regards Glenn
    2. Ian, Oberst Georg v. Carlowitz. Presumably Hauptmann Carl-Wilhelm v. Scharfenort DOW on 17 March 1916. Regards Glenn
    3. Different v. Bomhard. The police general was Adolf, formerly of the Infanterie-Leib-Regiment. Oberleutnant Felix v. Bomhard served in 4. Chevauleger-Regiment. Regards Glenn
    4. Christer, von Bomhard? Looks like a Chevauleger shoulder board; 4. Chevauleger-Regiment Augsburg? Regards Glenn
    5. Hi Alex, He was an engineer by profession. He was at Dieburgerstraße 72 in Darmstadt in 1908 and at Albinistraße 12, Mainz in 1911. His parent regiment was Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 27. He was promoted to Oberleutnant d.R. on 22.3.15. Regards Glenn
    6. Hi Alex, Wilhelm Ludwig Erich Abt had originally entered Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 56 on 5 July 1896. Port.-Fähnrich: 27.1.97 Sek.-Lt.: 18.10.97 V3v Oberleutnant: 18.2.08W He was assigned to Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 25 on promotion to Hauptmann on 1 Oct 1913. Regards Glenn
    7. Captain Albert, Robert Ochel survived the war and is listed as an Oberleutnant d.R. a.D. in the Members' List of the Officers' Association of the Baden Leibgrenadier-Regiment in October 1936. He is shown as the proprietor of the Bankgeschäft Robert Otto Ochel of Essen, Heinickestraße 9 and with a date of birth of 13 July 1885. He was originally commissioned into 7. Bad. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 142 on 27.1.13. Regards Glenn
    8. Hi Albert, There is only the one Laurentz-Campbell listed in the 1870 Prussian Army List in KR. 7 (and indeed the whole Prussian Army) and just the one listed in the Regimental history. His service with the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is shown in the scan from that history. The same fornames are given in the Ordensliste entry for the award of the Iron Cross 2nd Class. It would certainly appear that it was Edmund who was present at Vionville and who won the EK2. Regards Glenn
    9. Some different details regarding first names and date of death here from the history of KR.7. He was severely wounded during at Vinville during the capture of the standard of the French 7zh Cuirassier Regiment. He retired from Prussian service as a Major. Regards Glenn
    10. Heiko Albert Frhr. von und zu Mannsbach: Born 25 October 1877. Fähnrich: 24.1.99 Leutnant: 24.10.99 Oberleutnant: 9.12.07 Rittmeister: 19.3.13 char. Major: 30.6.20 3 Feb 05 - 30 Nov 06: Schutztruppe für Südwestafrika 19 Mar 13 - 28 Oct 17: Squadron Commander in the Saxon Karabinier-Regiment Retired: 31 Mar 20 SH3: 4 Dec 1914 as a Squadron Commander in the Saxon Karabinier-Regiment for actions at Anczlawka, NOrth of the Romintern Forest, East Prussia on 13 Sep 14. Regards Glenn
    11. Stew , Generalmajormajor Vogt, a field artillery officer, was serving as a Major in the War Ministry in 1914. He commanded Feld-Artillerie-Regiment Nr. 25 from 25 February 1917 to 28 August 1918 and remained in the Reichsheer following the war where he commanded the 1. (Preußisches) Artillerie-Regiment in Königsberg from 1 October 1922 to 31 July 1925. He retired on promotion as a charakterisierter (brevet) Generalmajor on 31 July 1925. Regards Glenn
    12. Mike, they were the traditional pattern of epaulettes worn by the two Hessian Dragoon Regiments Numbers 23 and 24 with the "straps" of silver construction and an embossed half moon. The half moons were similar to the pattern worn by military officials. Regards Glenn
    13. Hi Komtur, some more details: 1.4.70: eingetreten im 5. Ulanen-Regiment. 12.10.70: Portepee-Fähnrich. 24.7.79: zum 14. Ulanen-Regiment versetzt. 15.10.88: zum 17. Dragoner-Regiment versetzt. 22.5.99: zum Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 8 versetzt. 17.2.03: unter versetzung zum Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 23 mit der Führung beauftragt. 18.4.03: zum Kommandeur des Dragoner-Regiments Nr. 23 ernannt. 21.4.08: mit der führung der 29. Kavallerie-Brigade beauftragt. 10.9.08: zum Kommandeur der 29. Kavallerie-Brigade ernannt. 20.4.10: mit Pension zur Disposition gestellt. Regards Glenn
    14. Hi Komtur, Sekonde-Lieutenant: 15.2.71 Premier-Lieutenant:12.3.81 Rittmeister: 15.10.88 Major: 1.9.96 Oberstleutnant: 22.3.03 Oberst: 13.2.06 Generalmajor: 22.3.10 Regards Glenn
    15. Chris, that is a great group to a military official. Unusually Herr Schulze, although only a "Subalternbeamte" level official was appointed to be the head of logistics in the 3rd Infantry Division. This type of appointment was usually held by higher level officials in the rank of either Intendanturrat or Intendanturassessor. Born in 1872, he was appointed as a Mil.Intend. Sekr. with a Bestallung (Patent) of 4.4.99 X. In 1914 he was on the Intendance Staff of IX. Armeekorps and served from mobilisation onwards with the Feldintendantur of 3. Kavallerie-Division until appointed Division Intendant of the 3. Infanterie-Division on 10 July 1916. From 26 March 1918 he was head of Intendance of M.E.D. 11 Awards: EK1 and 2 Officers' Long Service Cross Hessian Bravery Medal Hamburg Hanseatic Cross Schaumberg Lippe Cross for Faithful Service Rgards Glenn
    16. The EK2 winner Karl Andreas Rudolf Ottokar Pabst did rise to become an Hauptmann in Badisches Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 14. However, if it is the same guy, none of the other awards are listed in the 1879 Army List. He died on 1 October 1881. Regards Glenn
    17. Written by the later Inspector of Field Artillery, General der Artillerie Karl Eduard Ernst v. Hoffbauer (2 April 1836-10 December 1905). General v. Hoffbauer later commanded Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 20 and the 5. Feldartillerie-Brigade. He was raised to the nobility on 20 September 1890. The then Hauptmann Hoffbauer won the EK1 serving in Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 1 during the Franco-German War. Regards Glenn
    18. Hi Marshall, char. Generalmajor Carl v. Unruhe. He died on 2 January 1892 at Neu-Ruppin. Regards Glenn
    19. I have made some progress in identifying the first name(s) of the remaining Corps-Roßärzte/Korpsstabsveterinäre in my list. I have now identified 186 Prussian military officials and or officer who held either the substantive or brevet (character) rank of Corps-Roßarzt/Korpsstabsveterinär/Generaloberveterinär between 1973 and 1919 . Otto Gustav Pilz was the Korps-Roßarzt of I. Armeekorps and I have tentatively identified Generaloberveterinär a.K. von Müller as Otto. Below is part of the list showing the first fifteen appointments to Corps-Roßarzt in the Prussian Army and although the rank and appointment were created in 1872, it was some five years before all the corps headquarters had a senior veterinary official. Herr Lusensky is the sole remaining Corps-Roßarzt on my list to be attributed a first name. Given the horse drawn nature of the Prussian Army at this period it is strange to think that these officials who were the directors of veterinary services at corps level, in reality held the equivalent rank of a Lieutenant! Regards Glenn
    20. With much digging I have found three of the four: Korpsstabsveterinär a.D. Reinhard Körner 24.12.14 Korpsstabsveterinär d.L. Johannes Lübke 24.4.15 Generaloberveterinär d.L. Arthur Richter 26.8.17 The one which I thought would probably be the easiest, as he had a noble predicate, still eludes me! Korpsstabsveterinär a.K. v. Müller. Herr v. Müller died during the war but does not appear in the register of deceased nobles?? Incidentally I am also looking for the first name of Korpsstabsveterinär (G.) Pilz of Königsberg. The later Professor Pilz was formerly the Korpsstabsveterinär of I. Armeekorps in the 1890s. Regards Glenn
    21. Thanks Chris, I have Korpsstabsveterinär Max Kutzner: 17.2.14. Regards Glenn
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