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    Bob Hunter

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    Everything posted by Bob Hunter

    1. ...and in the not to distant future our Chairman will have another powerful pair to display...
    2. I don't think anyone has all the fake clasps available although Heiko may surprise us all. It would be useful to show a bar with a close up of a good clasp and another bar with a closeup of a fake. That would help illustrate the point Heiko is making.
    3. Gordon, congratulations on your new addition. It is a fine badge. John, thanks for showing yours too. It's a prize by itself.
    4. I love those old turnips! Any chance you can open the back so we can see the movement?
    5. It has a definite "navy" appearance. Very spiffy pommel.
    6. Some very remarkable pieces, gentlemen. Thank you for sharing them.
    7. Very attractive bar, Gordon. Perhaps you will join us on the slippery slope...
    8. Dan, thank you very much for the information. That raises a very tantilizing possibility.
    9. Darrell, you may have early onset of the dreaded Canadian disease, Cabin Fever!
    10. Anyone have an idea on what the intent of this dedication might be...?
    11. Nothing particularly fancy here. Just your basic cased S-W with an inscription...
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