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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. what are the badges in the middle row-the ones that look like cap badges?
    2. Oh- and see here for the ceremony! It is REALLY interesting. http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=arc...amp;ID=SP127806
    3. well- not common, but not unknown either. Interesting Tamara shot-he's wearing medals from the Turks-and "against" the turks. Rick, do you know who this (Bavarian) is?
    4. Thanks Lukassz- I am computer challenged. I took the easy route and emailed them to Ed yesterday!
    5. Actually, the Emperor was cruelly murdered by the leader of the Marxist coup- a pig of a human being who resides these days in sunny Zimbabwe. I have a friend working on obtaining some information regarding some common awards-like the Derg medal. If it comes through-you'll get a copy Ed.
    6. see here (but what i want is information on the communist medals): http://www.ethiopiancrown.org/decorations....dersDecorations
    7. I believe that is a cut down British pattern 1821 cavalry sabre-sans guard. Many were exported to the USA before and during the Civil War.
    8. Fenians were not terrorists-at least at this date, because they did not use a military strategy of targeting random/ average civilians to spread social chaos in order to implement their political aims. They were soldiers- and fought against other soldiers in open battles. The few civilian casualties incurred were not deliberate, but ancillary. The definition is important, as it says much as to the times as well as the men who wore the green. Kee's The Green Flag is very good on this subject (Fenians that is). But I digress.....the Fenians themselves (alone) also issued a number of commemorative/campaign medal (s)- the AOH issued a number of these, usually by state lodge sponsorship. AOH="America's Only Hope" or the Ancient order of the Hibernians.
    9. lets' try to upload this photo: Urrgh! The size is to big! Can anyone help me here?
    10. wow! Nice badge. Really low number-really, really really low. BUT LOOK AT THE NAME!!!! (see post #1)
    11. Fair use republication I think-though it depends upon what it is I suppose.
    12. I am working on obtaining Jordan's regulations. I should have them by April 1st. I will send you copies when i receive them.
    13. very cool. I note on ebay Pioneer flags have hand stitched unit names on the back. How big is that brigade flag? When you go to the museum (on Valentines day no less-brave men, I'd be shot unless it was a side trip for flowers etc.) would you mind seeing if there is a complete set of the Hungarian Military Gazette? It was published starting in @ 1920 monthly up until the middle of 1944 and has lists of promotions, awards etc. to officers. Also, there's an annual calender for the gendarmerie out there-published from @ 1922-1943 with the same in the back. Thanks
    14. Thanks. Interesting. Any idea as to numbers awarded? Were they given to allied troops? Any way to tell the difference between a wartime issue piece and a later made piece? Are the Russian made ones post war or before 1946? Thanks, I am full of questions-sorry.
    15. OK, I know zero about Yugoslavian awards. What were Partisan stars awarded for, being in Tito's forces in WW2 ?
    16. Dave- are these from Irana? if so, one can order reprints from them.
    17. Interesting medal. Did Daniel Ortega get one too? I note that there are numerous mentions of Chinese officers being given military merit medals on state visits.
    18. and tonight I will locate the cord and upload the pictures from the t.v.-but here's the document: oops-too big. Send me a pm and I'll email it to you Dave.
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