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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. ...and the anniversary awards continue........ I look about every six months or so on line to see what is out there and now the Argentine awards for the Falklands War are truly staggering in number. So far there are the basic federally issued campaign medals (at least 4 different issue dates now), then the navy's issued medals, then police force medals, then provincial commemorative medals, then municipal/ town medals, then Veterans Association medals AND now Red Cross medals! ALSO, the Argentine National telephone Company issued a Malvinas veterans' medal! ......AND... there are commemorative badges, flags, patches and baseball caps !!!! THEN there are federal bravery awards, the federal medal for those killed in combat, thefederal wound medal and a combat medal (as opposed to an 'I was there medal' ) as well as the same for the navy (which seems to duplicate many federal awards). And JUST TODAY...I have discovered....... (drum roll)..... REGIMENTAL MEDALS!!!!!! Interestingly the federal campaign medals may have been reissued as the classes of people awarded the medals (and the pensions) expanded. Originally the medals were for military personnel only, then noncombatants who had been in the war zone, then merchant marines and coast guards, then the police, then other civilians (notably journalists and film makers)....and now next of kin are regularly awarded the provincial awards and other non-federal medals. The Argentines may have lost the war, but they are certainly winning the national medal issue competition.
    2. ..and the awards continue: See here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvpGkZahA44 (Youtube video of veterans receiving awards on t.v.)
    3. Another Travesty. that a chap can earn a medal playing a deadly video game in the safety of his office and earn an ugly and poorly designed medal that counts for MORE than an actual combat award is sickening.
    4. I have no idea. It was 30 years ago, but I was medal mad even as a college kid and Howard was revising his book, so i asked him. I reckon there must be all sorts of letters, memorandum of criteria, clarifications, nominations etc. etc. still in the Bundesarchives.
    5. They were supposed to be made of iron, but rarer variants made of bronze have been found. The zinc ones were apparently made for private purchase after Jan. 1943 when iron was made a restricted war metal by Speer.
    6. Actually I think you might find the award procedures in the Bundesarchives. I spoke to Michael Howard at a RUSI conference in the 1980s and he said he had read stuff about the EK award procedures when he was researching his book.
    7. Actually a book I read last Fall about how typhus wiped out Napoleons army begins with this mass grave. it is worth a read, entitled, The Illustrious Dead.
    8. You are a skilled artist no doubt Alek! Almost all the photos you have been using are copyright released by the way. I reckon you could do a good side line business colorizing old WW 2 photos for people. I for one would be very happy to pay for colorized pictures of my ancestors in uniform! Does the computer program you have "read" the shade of grey to tell what the original color was ?
    9. Yup. Can you get hold of Martin Kitchens book, that he wrote with my old mentor, Hew Strachen, TheGerman Offensives of 1918? (2005). It has a reference to the number of EKs awarded by early Summer, 1918 that quotes from a newspaper article. It had some amazing statistics: @ 55,000 EK1s to officers and only 17,000 EK1 s to NCOs and Mannschaften! Note: I have contacted Kitchen about this and he has lost the original newspaper reference date that this figure was for. He thinks it was 1918....but it might be 1917!
    10. Honestly? I can not believe there were fewer EK2s awarded in 1918 than 1917. How many Militarpasses have we seen where medals were entered upon demobilization?
    11. Ulsterman

      Republic of Ghana

      Ouch! Hmmmmmmm.....I shall have to back up the HD. Have you ever seen Ghanan medal bars?
    12. There is an amazing group to a Bavarian in an old thread. The group was owned by Ed Haynes.
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