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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. No REO and almost certainly a north German sailor who was in in 1897 and served through 1919? I doubt it. Although it might be a war time bar to some mid-level hero type: Kapt zS or thereabouts I'd like to blacklight that red felt. I have doubts
    2. could #3 (or #1 depending upon which way you look) be Chinese? Thanks
    3. It does-thank you. the photo is fuzzy, but my money is on an eagle.
    4. really impressive awards- Tang si there is a world waiting for someone to translate and explain the awards of the PRC to us. I know i would love to own some bone fide Korean War era medals.
    5. The third ribbon seems to match the Manchukoan Red Cross commemorative medal in Peterson's Japan book (OMSA monograph #1-going into version #3 nowadays.) However, given the deafening silence from Paul, Jeff and Gordon I suspect this is a put together bar and not some minor officials (which is what I had supposed). Any ideas as to #1 is at all? Anyone ?
    6. Holy smokes! I have no idea as to some of those ribbons, but these are the ONLY ones I have ever seen aside from Ap photos. i suspect these are rare-very rare.
    7. Apparently there was/is a NSDAP golden badge list kept by the NSDAP HQ-similar to Rick R's medal rolls. There is a partial alpha list in the US national archives-without numbers, but it's a start. A JOMSA article in the early 1970s had a xerox of 374 along with all the data next to it.
    8. Great thread! p.s. i would sew a small card holder on that flag detailing whence and how it came into your possession. It's now history -and 60 years from now a museum will hold it more dear if it has rock solid provenance. Let the item speak ...
    9. nice 1969 -you NEVER see these. Ever seen any docs to any recipients?
    10. membership lapel tinnie of the Nazi Christian's association-yes there was one.
    11. Typical Japanese clip ins, nice patina, slightly stiffish -older. Got it for a song-
    12. heere's a little one I got off ebay-cheap too. The middle i believe is Taisho enthronement and the last a red cross membership commemorative (Manchuko?)...but what is the 1st one? Any thoughts on this little bar? Cheers, Ulster
    13. I got this recently-it's of a staff officer I think of Hauptmann or Majors' rank. My reference is only Davis i'm afriad. Can anyone tell me what rank this old WW1 vet (Ek2/Aust. medal/Hkx) was? Thanks.
    14. Wow!!! Brilliant album and rare as diamonds. I am filled with envy.
    15. Really good article! I have been deposing all my ex-Communist friends with questions about the socialist brigades. They don't seem to remember much except the weekly social get-togethers.
    16. Aren't there (post-Franco) official Spanish government republican awards?
    17. very cool- I like the fact that its basically the excellent workers' badge with a different bar. What a fertile collecting field.
    18. Hola! Welcome to the forum. Cheers! Ulster
    19. OK lads-I translate this as "business /trade/ master". So my Hungarian needs work: What is it- a special badge-or a joke one? p.s. it's on auction at the mo'in the UK.
    20. I've seen 2 to marine architects/engineers employed at Kiel, one to a Silesian Mayor, several to train officials and one to a postal official.
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